Past-Part Fills Part 4--closed

Feb 27, 2011 12:28

This Past-Part Fills post is now closed to new fills.
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Anatomy of the Infinite - Placeholder anonymous August 17 2010, 14:09:47 UTC
Back from China, anons! :D And whoah, we're on a new part already? /very out of the loop

This is a placeholder for Anatomy of the Infinite, the Canada/England fill with England gradually losing his memory and snarky subtitles. Request and parts 1a to 6a can be found here:

Thank you for sticking with me ♥!


message from authornon anonymous September 10 2010, 21:33:26 UTC
to the anon(s) that commented and my OP and anyone else watching this holder:


first of all, i want to thank the anon(s) that commented on this placeholder- it was a super warm fuzzy surprise :D which has me extremely guilty saying the following:

this fill will be on an indefinite hiatus. it may be a week, it may be a month, it may (god forbid) be several months. i've just begun at a boarding school and totally underestimated the things i've got to take care of and organize and LEARN, basically- think of a 15 year old thrust onto a 600+ acre college campus. >_< AHHHH.

so yes- this fill is not being abandoned. i have the rest of it outlined already ( ... )


Re: message from authornon anonymous September 10 2010, 21:47:55 UTC
Best of luck at your new school author anon! That sounds hectic!

Just don't forget about us lonely anons here at the kink!meme. We'll be waiting for you. :)


Re: message from authornon anonymous September 11 2010, 03:33:46 UTC
Aww I know how that feels... Best of luck to you, author-anon! Will be waiting patiently for your return~ ♥ ♥ ♥


A Comic is Worth More Words than Pictures - Placeholder anonymous August 17 2010, 15:16:26 UTC
Place holder for A Comic is Worth More Words than Pictures. It is a America/Japan school AU fic.


Parts 1-7:


A Comic is Worth More Words than Pictures [8a/?] anonymous October 16 2010, 04:07:15 UTC
Kiku blinked and opened his eyes to see the sun high in the sky and sending rays of sunlight into his room. Kiku sat up and stretched. Mid-yawn, he paused. Wait. Sun high in the sky...? He immediately reached out for his alarm clock. "9 AM?!" He's already missed first period! And how on earth did he forget to set his alarm?

Jumping out of bed, he shivered as the air felt cold against his bare skin. Kiku furrowed his eyebrows and looked at himself. Why am I naked...? He wondered as he walked over to the closet to get his clothes ( ... )


A Comic is Worth More Words than Pictures [8b/?] anonymous October 16 2010, 04:08:26 UTC
"Hmm...Nope! Nothing after the horror movie! ...Maybe we had wild sex and then we just forgot all about it? Were there any beer cans in the room? Maybe we had unsafe BDSM ( ... )


Re: A Comic is Worth More Words than Pictures [8b/?] anonymous October 16 2010, 08:21:50 UTC
YEAH! Been waiting for this WHOO

Excellent update; Kiku's reaction was spot on and Alfred's obliviousness was adorable!


Caged - fanart fill anonymous August 18 2010, 01:43:27 UTC
Original request: (part 4)

erm.. new anon here so umm i'd like someone to do a fill about Sealand and England stuck in an enclosed place.

Bonus Point: Sealand at some point murmured 'nii-san'

Fanart here:


Re: Caged - fanart fill anonymous August 18 2010, 13:32:45 UTC
Very nice and intriguing, anon! I love the aura of mystery to it.


Re: Caged - fanart fill anonymous August 18 2010, 15:12:35 UTC
I'd love to know the events leading image, it has sense of a real story behind it. Very well done, anon, and a lovely style.


artist!anon adds... anonymous August 18 2010, 15:17:38 UTC
the most I can offer is a 243 words drabble for the actual situation :P


They refused to look at each other ( ... )


America/Germany, hogtie bondage 1/4 anonymous August 18 2010, 02:16:39 UTC
America/Germany, hogtie bondage 2/4 anonymous August 18 2010, 02:17:38 UTC
Germany nods - not the usual crisp jerk of his head but slower, languid, and when America moves to look him in the face, his eyes are hazy and all the creases in his forehead from when he worries are smoothed out. He's away somewhere, somewhere he can only go when he can lay everything on America's shoulders and fall.

The trust is staggering. America leans down to kiss the rise of Germany's cheekbone and promises himself for the millionth time to deserve it, to never, ever touch him with anything but the bright-hot love that's so strong it hurts when it flares in his chest.

America reaches around to unbuckle the gag, careful not to hook any of Germany's hair when he pulls it off. Underneath, Germany's lips are stretched and chafed at the corners of his mouth, and America kneels down to catch his mouth in deep, gentle kisses, stroking his tongue across the chapped skin. When America stands to set the gag down on the nightstand, Germany nuzzles into his crotch wordlessly, dragging his open mouth over the fly of America's pants. Oh. ( ... )


America/Germany, hogtie bondage 3/4 anonymous August 18 2010, 02:18:41 UTC
Pulling back is almost painful - Germany whines in disappointment but he still has to breathe, so America lets his cock slip free of Germany's lips and shivers at the sight. Germany's head falls down, taking weight off his straining muscles, and he's breathing harsh and irregular, air flooding back into his lungs ( ... )


America/Germany, hogtie bondage 4/4 anonymous August 18 2010, 02:23:18 UTC
America runs his hands down Germany's arms, and he can feel them cooler at the tips, especially his fingers. "Mmmkay, I'm gonna take your ropes off, okay?" He strokes over Germany's skin as he works: soothing him, settling him, and rubs at his arms to restore any circulation he might have lost ( ... )


Undertow (England, Sealand) (1/1) anonymous August 18 2010, 07:33:47 UTC
Anything goes Request:

Characters: England, Sealand(implied)

Summary: Wander out deep enough and you realise the ocean only looks calm on the surface.

Undertow-o ( ... )


Re: Undertow (England, Sealand) (1/1) anonymous August 19 2010, 00:48:24 UTC
This is really cool and just-- intriguing, I guess? The whole thing is beautiful, but I especially like the deceptive simplicity of that last line. <3


Re: Undertow (England, Sealand) (1/1) anonymous August 20 2010, 00:01:50 UTC
Very beautifully written.


Re: Undertow (England, Sealand) (1/1) anonymous August 21 2010, 09:49:38 UTC
this is so lovely! such a beautiful take on their relationship!


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