Past-Part Fills Part 4--closed

Feb 27, 2011 12:28

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A Comic is Worth More Words than Pictures [8b/?] anonymous October 16 2010, 04:08:26 UTC
"Hmm...Nope! Nothing after the horror movie! ...Maybe we had wild sex and then we just forgot all about it? Were there any beer cans in the room? Maybe we had unsafe BDSM?"

At the last question, Kiku's face flushed again and he ran out of the room, leaving Alfred by himself. "Uh...Did my joke go too far?"


Gilbert dropped the hot dog he was eating. "Uh, you guys woke up naked and you're still coming to me for advice?"

Kiku nodded. "I-I don't remember anything happening, though!" Kiku was shaking as he drew. He had finished a bit and Gilbert had even sold some to make some money. Not a surprise, his artwork was popular since it matched the manga-style of a popular manga artist, which in reality was him.

Gilbert shrugged. "Eh. It happens. Drink some beir and you'd wake up in the morning not knowing where you are and then there's someone next to you in bed and you don't know who he/she even is."

"...I didn't need to know about your adventures in drunken land, Gilbert." Kiku mumbled as he tried to drain the images from his mind. "I'm about to ask the school janitor for bleach."

"Kesesesese!" Gilbert laughed. "You need bleach?! For knowing something like that? What about all those pictures you drew that were especially for girls! Like Eliza, didn't she like, buy ten of those?"

Kiku's face turned red as he tried to change the subject. "S-So, Gilbert, why do you have so many scrapes on your arms?"

"I got into a fight." He mumbled unhappily as he looked away, clearly not interested in the subject.

"A-Alright, so you have any suggestions?"

"For what?"

"Getting Alfred to like me! What, do you think I'm doing this for free?!" Kiku was starting to get irritated. The pencil point even broke under the pressure he was exerting on it and he quickly fished a sharpener out of his bag and re-sharpened it till it was pointy enough to be used by a serial killer.

"Oh, well, for starters... What do you think of him?"

"What does that matter?"

"Just answer it."

"...I...I really like him. S-Since we first met, practically..." Kiku mumbled. "After he helped me get over my crush on your--" Kiku cut himself off short, not saying anymore since by then he'd be digging his own grave if that ever got out.

"Mmhmm...Okay. And what do you think he thinks of you?"

"...A friend? Maybe. At times I wonder if its more like he's using me..." Kiku's grip on the pencil tightened again. Why was he confiding this in Gilbert.

"Using you?"

"L...Like he'd ask me to do his homework. And...he used me in a bet with you..."

Gilbert was silent for a moment before muttering, "I see." and left the table without another word.

Kiku wondered if it was a bad idea to tell Gilbert that. He's never mentioned it to anyone before, not even Yao. Nowhere in his manga did he ever say that Sakura had any insecurity of what John thinks of her.
He wondered if he's made the biggest mistake of his life telling Gilbert that.

Wow, *checks watch* this is so late that its not even funny. OTL


Re: A Comic is Worth More Words than Pictures [8b/?] anonymous October 16 2010, 08:21:50 UTC
YEAH! Been waiting for this WHOO

Excellent update; Kiku's reaction was spot on and Alfred's obliviousness was adorable!


Re: A Comic is Worth More Words than Pictures [8b/?] anonymous November 5 2010, 18:41:58 UTC
Author anon,this is awesome.I am dying to find out how Kiku and Alfred ended up naked in bed.Plus I love the conversation between Gilbert and Kiku.


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