Past-Part Fills Part 3 -- CLOSED

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Wired Differently - Canada/America (+Sex Machine) anonymous April 25 2010, 06:02:47 UTC
Wired Differently

Request: Canada/America - Fucking Machine

Parts 1-3:

Parts 4-14:

Continued below.


Wired Differently (15/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 06:35:35 UTC
Most love confessions don’t end with the drone of a small motor ( ... )


Re: Wired Differently (15/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 07:09:23 UTC
Wow, I was just talking about this fill converting me to CanAm and how much I love the dynamic you've created between these guys. <3

I love the sense of mingled anticipation/apprehension you've created here; it seems really realistic to me, considering the kind of, uh, adventure these two are embarking on.

The idea of America needing titanium restraints is awesome, and America's denial about not wanting bondage is ... not the most convincing, yeah.

Canada kissing America's ankle was enough to make me kind of squee, but this exchange:

“I think that’ll do it, eh? Let’s lube you up.”

“You’re so romantic. Tell me more.”

“America, shut up.”

THAT'S why I love the dynamic here; it's warm and loving and hilarious and snarky at the same time. Not to mention ridiculously sexy. <3

“God, I hope your balls don’t get pinched by this thing." Oh Canada, you're such a sweet-talker. XD ( ... )


Re: Wired Differently (15/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 07:41:12 UTC
A new CanAme fan! I cheer. ♥ The boys could always use more love.

America's attempt to convince Canada that he's not interested in bondage was very... er, half-hearted. At best. >.>;;

Thank you so much for the lovely feedback. ♥ I so much appreciate it and it was enough to make me struggle to finish editing the next part to post before hitting the hay. XD

Thank you, thank you, thank you, awesome anon. ♥ ♥ ♥


Re: Wired Differently (15/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 07:54:26 UTC
Thank you so much for the lovely feedback. ♥ I so much appreciate it and it was enough to make me struggle to finish editing the next part to post before hitting the hay. XD Awesome. XD I saw there was another part on the fills list (insomnia has its rewards!) and wondered if I ambushed you mid-posting, lol.



Wired Differently (16/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 07:16:21 UTC
His entire being seems caught asunder, splintered on the thought. America closes his eyes as Canada bores into him with a third finger-assured, practiced, thoughtful. Canada knows I love him. He’s still here. He probably loves me, too.

That, or he’s deep enough I can convince him. “Easy,” says Canada quietly, fingering more lube into his brother with an audible squelch. “You’ve got to be real relaxed for this, okay? And I think… Prop your legs higher. Get your knees up in the air. Easier, that way ( ... )


Re: Wired Differently (16/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 07:32:19 UTC

I was just commenting/reading about this fill on another... discussion... place... yeah.

ALKSJDLKAJSD I never quite know how to respond to your chapters. So amazingly hot. And so deep at the same time with the details and the little quirks and the things included and -not- included.

“You’re so romantic. Tell me more.”

This killed me. I started giggling incoherently. But then it was quickly stopped by the end of chapter 15. But it is different, because today Canada knows that he loves him.

Uwaaah. UET. Unresolved Emotional Tension.

Because they've already managed the sex part quite well, haven't they?


Re: Wired Differently (16/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 07:47:40 UTC

Also. *blush* ♥

Thank you so much. I'm so glad you liked this chapter and that you're still enjoying the fill. And pfft, yes. XD UET. They are totally made of UET. UET, which will unravel due to a fucking machine. I was insane to ever take this fill what.

ReCAPTCHA says "splay agression" and... I am not impressed by your spelling skills, ReCAPTCHA. Though America is indeed splay agression.


Re: Wired Differently (16/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 08:11:43 UTC
Canada knows I love him. He’s still here. He probably loves me, too.

That, or he’s deep enough I can convince him.

Oh America, sweetheart. <3

You know, I think it's probably obvious to all (even America), but Canada's consideration for his lover is so amazingly loving and matter-of-fact. I'm not sure if it's more adorable or hot, really. Don't laugh at meeeeee, ladies, consideration for your partner is always hot. *_*

And America still thinking of it this way is amazing: America takes a deep breath, and on its end, Canada fills him completely. <3

You know, America's list of reasons for loving Canada is just -- I dunno, awesome and quirky and in-character all on its own, I guess? -- but that last reason just kills me. It's so damn funny, and part of it is that it just rings true. We love the ones we love because they're themselves and no other; he loves Canada because Canada is Canada. ♥

... I'm feeling too happy to worry about it right now or ever!, but technically I should probably feel more corrupt about reading this ( ... )


Re: Wired Differently (16/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 08:14:10 UTC
... Anon above me, are you the one you just rec'd me "General Relativity"? <3 And can I steal the term UET, pretty please? :D?

No, I'm the third wheel of that particular conversation. I seconded the recommendation. And yes, you may. xD


Re: Wired Differently (16/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 08:32:49 UTC
Ah, this anon business is so confusing. XD Why can't I just be an open pervert?

*steals your term~* <3


Re: Wired Differently (16/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 08:45:28 UTC
Oh I'm a very open pervert. It's just that others are usually shy of the open-pervertedness so I'll keep it to myself. ;D *doesn't suppose anyone saw that de-annon*


Re: Wired Differently (16/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 08:52:09 UTC
D-does that make you a stealth!pervert? (<3)

I didn't see the de-anon, but that was epic timing1


Re: Wired Differently (16/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 08:57:39 UTC
Stealth!pervert? Perhaps. o/

Oh come on, who am I kidding. I de-annoned my furry shota fic. I'm no stealth anything. But no one I actually know uses livejournal, so... PERVERT AWAY~!

I'm jealous of those people who make anon accounts so they don't have to log in and out and do the "moar options" thing all the time.


Re: Wired Differently (16/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 09:00:50 UTC
What, is this the fic showcasing "The Thing" by any chance? If so, I've heard about this fic recently. ;D

... I should have thought of an anon account myself. Assuming that's not against the rules. >_>


Re: Wired Differently (16/?) anonymous April 25 2010, 09:03:55 UTC
Okay. I'm laughing my ass off over here at the sudden realization that "the thing" is now so well-known that everyone knows what they're talking about when it's mentioned.



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