goodies: cooking, tv whore, etc: websites, tv: ai, goodies: icons, tmi: life

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  • help

    heather13 Nov 29, 2005 18:21

    <-- Does this icon have "negative space"? I think so but now I'm confused...

    Also, I'm - this close to finishing the "Intervention" freeze frame but I ran into a snag on creating the thumbnails for the gallery. Apparently everything else worked and then that doesn't work. Why do I try this PHP nonsense? It NEVER works out for me in the end. ( Read more... )

    goodies: icons

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  • (Untitled)

    heather13 Nov 19, 2005 14:46

    When you are sick and they send you home from work to rest for two days, you should probably do just that. However, I am me and once I started working on Restless, I just couldn't stop. The site has been a disaster since I stopped updating it with wallpapers and then losing domains and transferring other ones...big mess. But now it is done. ( Read more... )

    tv: btvs, tv: felicity, etc: websites, goodies: icons, goodies: screencaps

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  • annoyance of the day

    heather13 Jun 02, 2005 15:35

    If I see one more icon with the X on it, I'm going to freak out. I see Xs in my sleep. Now, I'm far from being an expert when it comes to icon making but there is such a thing as overkill.

    goodies: icons, the suck

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  • losing my mind

    heather13 Jun 01, 2005 18:33

    So, yesterday, I'm all no more icons! Then today, the purely evil but absolutely delicious lavellebelle pointed out a new(?) icon community, icons100, and so now I'm hoping that I get approved for Lorelai. Yay! I wish they did 'ships but apparently they don't. I was all about R/J but it's one subject and that's it. It's a challenge that will hopefully make me do ( Read more... )

    tv whore, goodies: icons, the suck

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