(no subject)

Apr 25, 2006 09:47

I'm pretty sure we're going to Fiona. He was actually very cool about it and didn't even make me barter with him. Later, when he remembered, he asked if we had a deal that every time we see Fiona, I have to go skiing and I said he was crazy but, really, if he wants me to go, I'll go. Loon was only $25 for the little bunny hill and my major reservation was spending all that money and hating it. $25 doesn't make me feel guilty.

We've run into a slight snag with moving in together. His mom has a new boyfriend and he's...well, he can cook, I'll give him that. Otherwise, no and she's so sweet and cute...I don't get it at all but whatever, I'm the last person who should be judgemental after some of the winners I've picked. So he's really making his move and it's been one month! He's severely allergic to their cat and so she's like, "We might have to get rid of Onyx" which I think is the worst possible thing in the world and so cruel. She locked the cat in the bathroom from 2 in the afternoon until like 4 in the morning on Saturday. I was so mad. But it's not my place. In any event, we're both sort of wondering if this guy is just going to move in and how awkward is that going to be for all of us to live there, even if we are in the garage? And as she is almost identical to my own mother in every single way, this guy is moving in REAL soon. My eye is still on the apartments down the street. They're so gorgeous...at least from the outside. It's a renovated mill building and I think it's about $950 for a one bedroom which I think we could swing but as I told him, I don't want our initial living together to be filled with dramarama and figuring how to make rent and getting second jobs and all that crap. Moving in together is a huge step for the both of us, I think it'll be stressful enough...I don't want to add all that other crap onto it, as well. And, really, I don't care where we live as long we're together. (Oh, shut it. I'm so mushy and happy, I make myself sick.)

I've made a bunch of icons using all kinds of different tutorials. I even opened Photoshop because I'm just so bored with everything lately and I'm trying to use shapes and make my own brushes and all that jazz. I really should start using PSP9...since I think X is out now...but I didn't really like 9 so I've stayed with 8 because that I know how to use. But I think that was a bad decision because making icons in it has become very perfunctory. There's no challenge. And I didn't want to use tutorials because I was like why do I want to rip off someone else's hard work but I think as long as yo make it as much yours as you can, you're good. So I've been trying to brighten things up since I killed dark icons on my own and using curves and levels to adjust coloring instead of using gradients and plug-ins. It's been an interesting process...at once annoying and fun. The only thing that hasn't changed? I still bite it when it comes to text. One day!

I also updated the Rory/Jess fic that I started last year. So I guess that's good and I feel good about it. I already started the next chapter. I really, really wish I could get into finishing MSS. Honestly, I do. I keep writing crap. And I get distracted and start writing some other Buffy/Spike stuff and, really, that's not good because I don't want to be the WIP queen who keeps starting fics and never, ever finishes. I personally hate that and I don't like that I do that all. Any advice on how to start writing something again when you haven't touched it in so long and you feel like everything you do is shit? I just feel like I have no grip on who they are in that story at all anymore. I've lost all ability to write them. Me sad.

In case you haven't seen it, tlace is the most awesome person EVA and is recapping VM's second season. You can find the first three eps here, here, and here. There are bunches of things that I've just either forgotten about or completely missed that is now making more sense and lending itself to the big mystery.

music: fiona, etc: pimp, tmi: the boy, goodies: icons, tmi: life, fic: mine

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