annoyance of the day

Jun 02, 2005 15:35

If I see one more icon with the X on it, I'm going to freak out. I see Xs in my sleep. Now, I'm far from being an expert when it comes to icon making but there is such a thing as overkill.

goodies: icons, the suck

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Comments 16

tiggz June 2 2005, 19:51:47 UTC
ha! i felt a compulsive need to go through my icons to see just how many of them have the X. five. maybe six.


heather13 June 6 2005, 18:28:00 UTC
I think having the x on some would be fine but I opened a link and every single icon had an x on it and there were like 20 of them. And there's a way to use them and there's a way not to. Brushes are problematic for some, which is why I try not to use them that much because they make me feel like it's overdone. But that could just be me.


jenah June 2 2005, 20:00:20 UTC
Yes - there is ;)


heather13 June 6 2005, 18:28:41 UTC
Look at us STILL agreeing! ;)


jenah June 6 2005, 18:37:28 UTC
I KNOW! [/Monica]


jainaj June 2 2005, 21:16:00 UTC
i'm guilty of making one icon with an x on it.

please don't beat me with a stick!


heather13 June 6 2005, 18:30:16 UTC
Never! I would never, ever beat you with a stick! And one icon, sure...hell, you could have a dozen or two but when you post a batch of icons, don't have every single one of them have an x. That was my gripe. 20 icons all with the same brush. It made me cross-eyed.


jainaj June 6 2005, 20:18:10 UTC
it'd do that to me too. i cant do a whole batch of icons with the same brushes. makes me go all woozy.


aphroditesflesh June 2 2005, 21:26:35 UTC
trendy = annoying.


heather13 June 6 2005, 18:32:39 UTC
Less is more. That's my motto and I'm sticking to it!

It's so trendy, isn't it? And lights...little dotty lights. Those are everywhere and if these things were used sparingly, it wouldn't be so bad but everything is done the same way and I don't see the point in trying to icon anything anymore.


queensark June 2 2005, 23:07:56 UTC
AHA! I have NEVER made an icon with an x on it. I win at life.


heather13 June 6 2005, 18:33:39 UTC
You do win at life! Congrats! We'll be the only two in the LJ universe who have never used the dreaded X.


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