(no subject)

May 24, 2006 15:34

I hate today. And for no good reason other than I'm exhausted and tonight is 2 hours of Lost and 2 hours of AI and I have to get up at the ass crack of dawn tomorrow for our golf tournament and my head is pounding and I can't really focus on anything and I just have a feeling I may be disappointed in Lost tonight. I don't know why but I just do and of course, I'm going to be disappointed by AI so why do I even want to bother to stay up until 1 in the morning to see the lame assness of Idol when I know shortbus is going to take it? Whatever. I'm all kinds of bitter today and for no reason which makes me even angrier because I can't figure it.

The apartment, which has pretty much consumed my life for 2 weeks, is going...and going...going...We'll see. I think we've finally figured out the colors, carpeting, tiles, etc. He's being completely unreasonable about the refrigerator which is just too involved and I'll spare you all the most boring details. As much as I possibly can because I'm terribly boring as of late...or maybe always? Hmmm...

I'm tired of icons. Seriously. They're all the same and I'm turning into one of those people that are doing the bright icon thing and I hate myself for it, although I do like my Jim/Pam icon so whatever. But that one icon that I thought was great and I was really happy with...I've seen 5600 times and they're all the same. I don't think I'll make any more...maybe just for me to keep from pulling my hair out.

I'll talk about the Alias finale at another time. Or I guess I could just say it's Alias. I love it, I hate it, I'll miss the hell out of it because good or bad, it always entertained me because it was so good and it was so bad. That sentence may only make sense in my head.

I will pay everyone on my flist $100 if Kat wins tonight.** I just don't see it happening which makes me sad because I love her but also happy because she won't be tied to AI forever. Kelly didn't start to rock it until she got away from that AI persona and Kat won't have to deal with that crap. And it's not because she's pretty and whatever. I don't think she's solid all the time...I freely admit that the last few weeks I've cringed and said, "Oh, Kat, no" but I still adore her for reasons that started at her audition and continue on. It's beyond my control at this point. Taylor sold himself quite well. He was just far more subtle about it then say, the Pickler was. At least I will not have to watch him pump his fist in the air and yell, "Soul Patrol" three times anymore. If I wanted to listen to Michael McDonald with the stage antics of Joe Cocker in the late '70's, I'd do that. There's a reason why I don't.
**um, no.

Also, last week was the first time I ever voted and at 9:51, I got my first vote in. Last night, 9:51 again. Weird, right? I think I got about 25 votes in, give or take. I couldn't sleep so I figured I would try the numbers and that worked out. At this point, I'm just thinking a vote for Kat is a vote against Taylor. And that even makes me sad because I did like Taylor, I've just grown tired of him. I miss Elliott.

Does anyone want/need The Office season 1 caps? Say yes and kill my boredom with LIFE.

tmi: the aparment, tv: alias, tv: ai, tmi: the boy, goodies: icons, tmi: life, goodies: screencaps

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