comedy's very much are homeless people

May 16, 2006 09:27

It's been raining for over a week. I'm very depressed.

TV doesn't help.

Veronica Mars
It's the first thing I watched when I got home Wednesday. And maybe, possibly, probably, I was in the worst mood ever and I was extra sensitive to everything but I bawled. Like a wee little baby as soon as Weevil was arrested and it really didn't stop until the damn thing was over. I haven't watched it again because I don't feel like crying anymore and since Kristen Bell could sell me spoiled milk, I'll cry when she starts to cry and I don't want to deal with that again.

That being said, I liked it but I didn't like it. It definitely had the feeling that this was a season finale but just in case, a series finale, as well. Which is fine on some level because if there's one thing I hate, it's a cliffhanger and no resolution (hello, Twin Peaks, how you doing?), but it's VM and it really picked up in the last few episodes and I think i got my hopes up. Here's the thing with soon as the episode is over, I'm like that was great! Whooo! And then there's one thing that bothers me and that one thing turns into about 50 things and I end up tearing apart episodes...even ones I like. It used to happen all the time with Buffy and now it happens with VM.

Here's some things that I loved:
  • The dream (maybe because it was pretty and Lilly!...and possibly the cuteness of V/L because it's totally NOT that way, the way Duncan was Logan and Dick's BFF...all good).
  • Keith...just in general because I have daddy issues and he's the best damn daddy ever there was and I wish he were mine.
  • Beaver's "My name is Cassidy" was totally sold by Kyle.
  • Dick slapping Veronica's ass. BEST EVER.
  • I'm going to miss Haaron sooooo much. That elevator scene was priceless! Who knew, Harry Hamlin? Who knew?
  • I'm against it as a whole, but the scene with V/L at the end made me smile...and after being put through the emotional ringer about Keith (I knew on some level he wouldn't be dead but I saw him get on the plane and I just couldn't stop being hysterical when Veronica was)...I needed to smile.
  • Weevil in a cap and gown and helping his grama and how broken hearted he looked when they arrested him. Oh, Francis Capra, you rock my tiny world.
  • Mac. Please be at Hearst next year. PLEASE. I will beg. It won't be pretty.
  • The end of Wallace/Jackie! Score!
  • Steve Guttenberg is seriously so creepy and I will never be able to watch any of his cheesy '80's movies ever again but he rocked the creep pretty awesomely, if you ask me. His whole speech trying to justify his behavior...EWWWWW but the 'Berg owned it. Good for him!
  • Everyone clapping for Veronica at graduation.
  • "A pony?!?" BESTEST.
  • "Don't keep all your passwords taped on the bottom of your stapler, and stay cool Mr. C." I'm going to miss Mr. C. so very much. I hate it when high school shows end and I grow far too attached to principals, good and bad (hi, Snyder!)

    Here's some things that I didn't:
  • I get the Beaver thing. I think a lot of people already figured it out but I kept hoping to be surprised that it wasn't going to be him. I think Kyle did a fantastic job with Beaver and that look on his face when he reads the most idiotic text message ever was so insanely creepy. I agree with a lot of people that it should have been more of a broken Cassidy than sociopath but I also think he IS, um, WAS a sociopath so how else could he act? I mean, he blew up a bus and had no emotions about it. He raped Veronica (I'll get to that) and nada. When he threatened Dick about Sally, it was very matter-of-fact. I think this sums it up best. "Sociopaths only care about fulfilling their own needs and desires - selfishness and egocentricity to the extreme." It's who Beaver was and you know, maybe if he wasn't molested, he may have been the same way because of Big Dick and Little Dick. He lived in constant torment from his family. Add molestation on top of that and yeah, broken. Maybe so broken he was just dead inside and didn't care. He tried to care with Mac...I think he really did like her...but he was just too far gone, it didn't matter.

    So I'm okay with Beaver being the killer. However, there's the rape thing. I get this, too, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. I really enjoyed most of ATttD and how it played out and how fucked up it was (if they had actually followed that, this year would have been totally different) and I get that the Hearst rapist will probably be a big feature next year and blah blah. But I just can't believe it. I can totally buy Beaver blowing up a bus, even running Curly over...but raping Veronica when she's out cold? I don't know...I just don't buy it. It was one more thing to make Beaver EVIL like the fru-its of the DEVIL but whatever. It was lame. I didn't need that. So boo to the rape retcon. Dumb ass shit.
  • The text message. SERIOUSLY!!! I will never be over the stupidity of it.
  • The whole Pieta thing. It's pretty, yes, and I like the mirror image from the premiere. However, that had to have been the most uncomfortable thing in the world for KB and it was just weird. It was there and then gone. It felt disjointed and just thrown in there because he wanted to bookend it. That kind of bugs me.
  • I feel cheated out of not getting to see Logan's reaction to the news that his dad was killed.
  • The non-"talk". Hmm...I would have liked to have gone out of the season with them going to do that but we got kissing. Okay, fine. I truly believe that he just wanted to kiss her. I don't think they've been making out all over the place and whatever. I think he felt the need to do so he did and she went along with it because they're alive and healthy and relatively happy for the next 4 minutes. No big, I guess, but I feel totally invested in them as a couple and RT constantly just has them smooching without any kind of explanation or anything. She was so broken when she went into the elevator 3 weeks ago and now nothing! It's all good! God, it sort of reminds me of what I didn't like about ATttD.

    Grey's Anatomy
    Kill me dead. I haven't cried that hard watching a show since Buffy died in "The Gift". I mean, I was hyperventilating and there were tissues everywhere and it just sucks. It's totally manipulative and I knew the minute he came to that hospital that a) Izzie and Denny would fall in love, b) he would get a new heart and c) he would die afterwards. So I wasn't surprised, I thought I was prepared and I really think if Denny was played by someone other than the fantastic and beautiful JDM (and I don't even watch Supernatural so he's really just Denny to me...and that asshole guy from one bad Angel episode), I wouldn't have cared nearly enough. He made me love him, just like he made Izzie love him and I will miss him and the happy Izzie. Not so much the annoying, I'm going to kill Izzie Izzie that he brought out as well, but the happy Izzie. KH owned the season finale. She was pretty fucking amazing in a way that I didn't think she could be. Kudos to them both. I'm still far too sad about this.

    Cristina/Burke is my OTP. They're the best. Burke just breaks me. And Cristina can piss me off like no one else but I know that she's just scared because she loves him and she doesn't communicate well and she's not used to seeing Burke needy and asking for advice and I was going to kill her if she didn't go into the room at the end. Sandra Oh is awesome. The scene with the Chief? So freaking good.

    George/Callie...I still just don't even know about her. It's all very strange. I want to like her but I can't get past the fact that something about her really, really bugs me and I don't know what it is. But I do like the way George is handling it. Being honest with her and the love thing because he's totally right about that. But I see her side of it and how humiliating it is to tell someone that and get nothing. I'll have to work on liking her more.

    Addison needs to leave McMeany now. She's way too good for him. Not leave the show because Kate Walsh is sooo pretty and awesome and I adore her and I wish the show revolved around her instead because Mere sucks.

    Mere/Derek/Finn. Like I care. Why did CO shave off his beard of seduction? Now he's completely useless to me yet again. Now he looks like the old Chris O'Donnell and I just can't have that. Blech. If Ellen Pompeo doesn't eat something over the break, she will die. I'm just saying. I was watching season 1 and she's skinny but she's still weirdly attractive and now, nothing. Gross and the hair? It's so bad, I don't even know where to start. And are dead to me. DEAD.

    The great elevator scene from part 1 was just ruined completely. And I knew they were going to screw like bunnies when they went into that room and I was so disgusted by it. Now she really is a dirty mistress. Way to go, Mere! You are your mother! Yippeeee! Do I get to call her a whore?

    I was really mad at Izzie for dragging George into the whole mess but once everyone was involved, it made sense. And it was really nice to have them all working together again and being "All for one and one for all". Alex rocked and my old love of Alex/Izzie flared up a bit when he talked her down and picked her up from the bed. That was awesome. Alex can be an asshole all he wants as long as he does some good.

    Gilmore Girls
    I'm having issues. I liked it. And I think I liked it because Lorelai was finally Lorelai. And Rory seemed like Rory and Logan was actually, gasp!, enjoyable. The only person I'm still beyond pissed off at is Luke. And I plan on being completely pissed off a Luke for the rest of my life.

    Lauren Graham killed me and she was wonderful when she was talking to Jan Livingston and later when she confronted Luke. I'm not surprised that she ended up at Chris's and I can't say I'm incredibly surprised that she was in his bed. I was a bit surprised that he took off his rob and got into bed and wrapped his arm around her. That was not good. I loved the bookending of the teaser and the end with her pretending to be asleep and all the chaos and hearing people talk about you (the worst and who hasn't been there?). I'm a little tired of her always running back to Chris but I'm just as tired of her relationship with Luke...or I guess Luke's attitude toward her. When she was like "I love you, Luke! I love you", I died.

    Now if they could have made Rory and Logan this likable from the beginning, I may actually not want to gauge my eyes out every time they're on screen together. Whatever.

    The Office
    BEST EVER. Seriously. I can't even tell you how many times I have watched it and have watched just the "I'm in love with you" and kiss scenes. It's sad. And he said "in love" which is like OMG the best! And the "I think I am" which you totally know means she's in love with him too because it wasn't like she said "I'm not in love with you" to Jim she just said, "I can't" which YES! You can, Pam! Roy's such an idiot. Jim is such a not idiot and I'm like crazy in love with these two! So they didn't really explain why they were friends again after last week, but who cares?!?!? KISSING!!!!

    Everything else was great, too. Dwight kills me. The bobble head is the best and I have to buy it for D. And I love Angela so much. "We are giving money that has been gambled. Why don't we just deal drugs, or prostitute ourselves, and donate that money to charity?" She's great.

    I think it's been capped to death but whatev. Caps! And one day, I'll figure out how to set up that Coppermine thing and in "figure out", I mean "read direction". Until then, zip. It's about 22 and 671 caps.

    So other than TV sucking me dry, life's been okay. Rain depression but otherwise, fine. Our trip was very nice. I got very drunk, ate free cake that the hotel gave us and lost about $40 gambling (but I did win about $60 between Casino WAR and Black Jack). It was nice but I'm not a big gambler and I thought I lost all my money and I was very cranky the next day due to my hangover. No more wine. I know this and yet, I drink it. Stupid me.

    And I'm late but I hope the mothers on my flist had a lovely Mother's Day. :)

    It's Tuesday. There's no Veronica or Gilmore. There's Idol but I'm not even caring anymore. I'm so fickle. Or extremely cranky. One of the two. Or both.

    I need a new mood theme. In the form of The Office, I believe. Yay, project!
  • otp: jim/pam, goodies: screencaps, tv: the office, tv: grey's anatomy, tv: vm, tv: gilmore girls

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