
May 24, 2006 15:34

I hate today. And for no good reason other than I'm exhausted and tonight is 2 hours of Lost and 2 hours of AI and I have to get up at the ass crack of dawn tomorrow for our golf tournament and my head is pounding and I can't really focus on anything and I just have a feeling I may be disappointed in Lost tonight. I don't know why but I just do ( Read more... )

tmi: the aparment, tv: alias, tv: ai, tmi: the boy, goodies: icons, tmi: life, goodies: screencaps

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Comments 12

tlace May 24 2006, 20:11:56 UTC
*pets sad exhausted heather*

I was wondering why I hadn't heard from you after I sent you the Dancin' Dick Casablancas link. Golf tourney. Explains it all. I think you were in a similar state last year, if I remember rightly. And apartment stuff is always stressful, but especially when moving in with the S.O. I'm sorry you're having troubles. But hey, 10 weeks from now you and I will be sippin' some fruity, girly drink at some bar that I haven't chosen yet and laughing about silly fangirl stuff. Just remember that :D

Do you mean THIS icon?!! muwahahaha!! And I love bright colors/icons, so long as the icons don't start looking to sharpened and actually have some artistic merit other than "hey, bright colors". I like the j/p icon you posted with over at my lj but ha, I guess you can see why ;D I don't care how many times that scene is used in an icon or how it's done because I want to have my OWN j/p icon, made by me and you can want one made by you. Nothing wrong with that ( ... )


heather13 May 24 2006, 20:30:13 UTC
I watched it! With the conversion of our membership software (which is, apparently, my ONLY job as of late and no one could possibly help even when it's not my department) and this tournament, I didn't get a chance to get back to you yet. It was hysterical! OMG. I forwarded it to my home address so I could hear it because it looks like it would be just as funny with the girls screaming and fainting (?!?!). Was he in a boy band? Too much ( ... )


lepapillon May 24 2006, 20:14:33 UTC
Kelly didn't start to rock it until she got away from that AI persona
I agree. I guess I shouldn't comment because I haven't seriously watched AI this season, none of the singers did much for me, but it seems like winning AI just isn't that great of anything anymore. As far as I can tell, most of the "winners" haven't done all taht much musically besides Kelly (and maybe Clay though he wasn't a winner.)


heather13 May 24 2006, 20:33:25 UTC
Kelly is pretty much the American Idol. Everyone else is second best and always will be. I never watched it before this year and I probably wouldn't have watched it this year if I hadn't fallen completely in love with Kelly over the last year or two.


sandy_s May 25 2006, 00:14:56 UTC
*HUGS you* I hope things get a little better soon, dear! And I feel the same way about Alias and the finale. :o)


heather13 May 26 2006, 14:46:42 UTC
thanks, sweetie! I'm feeling a lot better today.

Even when Buffy let me down, I still loved it, you know? Alias could made me have very violent reactions to it. It was really strange but I'll definitely miss it.


slayground May 25 2006, 00:36:51 UTC
I like your icon because it has blinds in it. Seriously, go look at the Jack icons and the Sam icons (Without a Trace) at my site and see how many have blinds in them. YUM.

Breathe, Heather, breathe.


heather13 May 26 2006, 14:47:06 UTC
Blinds are the best! haha.

I'm trying, LW, I'm trying.


slayground May 26 2006, 14:51:06 UTC
They are fun. This morning, I switched my WoaT icon for another one and resisted the urge to use a Danny With Blinds!


_jennilou May 25 2006, 23:28:20 UTC
Damn, Heather! That was a downer! Hopefully you are doing better now.

I hate making icons. I totally suck at them. Wallpapers are more of my thing. I'm much better at those. Maybe I'll cheat and make some icons from my walls. Ho-hum.

I still don't know who won AI. I don't watch and don't care. I just think it's weird that I haven't heard yet. I guess that what happens when I decide to listen to a podcast in the car today instead of talk radio.....strange I didn't hear about it on the news yet either. hmmm


heather13 May 26 2006, 14:50:11 UTC
First, I love the icon! Hahaha. It's so totally over. Who actually cares about Mere/Der anymore other than, maybe, Shonda?

I'm sorry to be a downer! But have you met me? I'm down a lot. :) I think it's the chronic PMS.

I love making icons...I'm just at a point where I'm like why bother? They all look the same right now. And I can see myself going with the trends and not just doing my own thing and that bugs me. At least with wallpapers, you were always able to make it your own, you know?

Um, Taylor won. :) I really didn't want to care at all and I never expected to get sucked into it and I curse the day we decided to watch it because that show totally owned me for 5 months.


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