Holiday Fic Request Meme 2011.

Oct 09, 2011 16:02

Stolen borrowed from abvj:

Comment with: a day, a fandom (can also be crossover), a character/pairing (can also be my OCs... but do try to take someone else than the farm kids, mackenziesmomma :P), and a prompt (can be everything from lyrics to pictures) and I will write at least 300 words for you, to be posted on the day you claimed. Any fandom/pairing that I am familiar with is fair game (just look up my interests in my profile and the comms I'm a member of), but I might ask you to choose another prompt if you leave something I feel uncomfortable writing, or if it is a fandom I haven't been into in a while. You can, of course, request more than one.

(and no, I haven't forgotten the other still open meme prompts, such as this one)

December 1 - abvj, Leverage, Parker, like a blister in the sun
December 2 - mackenziesmomma, EUReKA, Zane Donovan/Jo Lupo, a forever
December 3 - sgteam14283, The Lord of the Rings, Faramir/Eowyn, The Postal Service - Such Great Heights
December 4 - yappichick, Star Wars, Delvin Sandwalker, anything with him being a badass
December 5 - ancient_leah, Stargate, Laura Cadman/Carson Beckett, If the first kiss was a lie and the last kiss made you cry well then for god's sake get away tonight
December 6 - sgteam14283, Stargate/Army Wives, Evan Lorne and Chase Moran, Special Ops training
December 7 - mackenziesmomma, Star Wars/Stargate, Delvin Sandwalker and Evan Lorne, playing nice with others
December 8 - mackenziesmomma, Stargate, Joe Simmons and the boys, Tell me have you ever wanted/Someone so much it hurts?
December 9 - apinkpanthress, Stargate/Leverage, Evan Lorne and Eliot Spencer, beneath a comfortable blanket of ongoing death and destruction
December 10 - hanseatic_keks, Stargate/Army Wives, Rodney McKay and Katie Moran, those kids were going to be the death of him
December 11 - 02thedestiny1, Firefly, River Tam, Reamonn - Through the Eyes of a Child
December 12 - mackenziesmomma, Stargate, Anna Williamson, For passion tempts and troubles me/A wayward will misleads
December 13 - sgteam14283, Battlestar Galactica, Helo/Sharon, how the couch got into Sharon's cell
December 14 - mackenziesmomma, Stargate, Evan Lorne  (and Thomas Moore, Joe Simmons or John Sheppard), I am the great and powerful Oz, fear me!
December 15 - rodlox, Warehouse 13, the Bering family, a million thank-yous and bonus points if you can tie in Vitus Bering
December 16 - mackenziesmomma, Leverage/Stargate, Eliot Spencer and Laura Cadman, More alike than you know
December 17 - failegaidin, Stargate, Laura Cadman/Evan Lorne, I'd rather kiss you than yell at you.
December 18 - pingulotta, Warehouse 13, Pete Lattimer and Myka Bering, Katzenjammer - Play My Darling Play
December 19 - rareb, Harry Potter, OC (not Lavinia or any other EDeN character), Orgy - Blue Monday
December 20 - mackenziesmomma, Stargate, Thomas Moore and Laura Greenspan, Come on you're my best friend what was I supposed to do lock you away in the tallest room of the highest tower and beset you with a dragon?
December 21 - rodlox, Leverage/Warehouse 13, Parker and H.G. Wells, Parker and H.G. watching Stargate Universe
December 22 - keylafirefly, Mulan, Fa Mulan, I never want to see a naked man again.
December 23 - rareb, Harry Potter, Lavinia McNeil, Try me.
December 24 - mackenziesmomma, Stargate, PAS/MC cast, a time that Christmas wasn't quite what they imagined
December 25 - sgteam14283, Stargate, Evan Lorne/Laura Cadman and Kassandra Wilson/Joe Simmons, Are you serious? I'm your knight in shining armor!
December 26 - rareb, Harry Potter, OCs, A Gryffindor student and a Slytherin student falling in love with each other, No place for beginners or sentimental hearts
December 27 - sgteam14283, Stargate, Joe Simmons/Kassandra Wilson, best/worst day of their lives
December 28 - pingulotta, Warehouse 13/Iron Man, Claudia Donovan and Tony Stark (bonus points if H. G. Wells makes an appearance), The suit is not an artifact. -  Not yet...
December 29 - mackenziesmomma, Stargate, Charlie and Anna Williamson, the shower is big enough for six
December 30 - hanseatic_keks, Stargate/Army Wives, Katie Moran and Ronon Dex, my daddy is more bad ass than you
December 31 - apinkpanthress, Stargate, Evan Lorne and Laura Cadman, Rodney also knew that she was sorts of off-limit because Lorne would kill him if he tried anything stupid on her

fic index, fandom: iron man, fandom: disney, happy holidays, fandom: firefly, fandom: bsg, holiday fic hysteria, fandom: stargate, fandom: the lord of the rings, crossover: combined arms, fannish stuff, fandom: eureka, stargate: minor characters, fandom: warehouse 13, crossover: misc, fandom: harry potter, crossover: not in kansas anymore, fandom: army wives, we're all lemmings, fandom: leverage, stargate: protect and survive

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