Fic: Combined Arms: Grow And See (Stargate/Army Wives)

Dec 06, 2013 22:48

Title: Grow And See
Fandom: Stargate/Army Wives
Rating: K+
Genres: gen, het
Recipient: hanseatic_keks
Prompt: Stargate/Army Wives, Katie Moran and Ronon Dex, my daddy is more bad ass than you
Summary: Pamela Moran gets to watch something interesting.
A/N: Holiday Fic Request Meme. Okay, since it seems that messed up in prompts, I decided to finally fill that prompt from two years ago and give you Katie Moran and Ronon Dex in one story, hanseatic_keks, I hope that's okay for you!

( This Gun's For Hire )

( Been a Bad Day )

( Every Now and Then (We’re Actually Pretty Fine) )

Grow And See

“A naoidhean bhig, cluinn mo ghuth
Mise ri d' thaobh, O mhaighdean bhàn
Ar rìbhinn òg, fàs a's faic
Do thìr, dìleas féin
A ghrian a's a ghealach, stiùir sinn
Gu uair ar cliù 's ar glòir
Naoidhean bhig, ar rìbhinn òg
Maighdean uasal bhàn.”

Emma Thompson feat. Peigi Barker, “A Mhaighdean Bhan Uasal”
One of the advantages of raising kids in Atlantis is that they more or less stop hating just about every class they hated back on Earth. Of course it’s harder to get a formalized education for them with still not enough kids in the same age to form an actual high school class and you end up almost home schooling them but then again, there are enough scientists here of all kinds of disciplines that feel the need to bestow the less fortunate with their knowledge that you can always find someone to teach your kid about the political system of Uganda or the mating cycles of assorted bivalves or, you know, quantum physics.

But yeah, the most favorite subject among all the kids in Atlantis is PE, taught by a variety of military personnel. And Ronon Dex. When they’d first come to Atlantis one and a half year ago, the resident aliens were the one thing that had thrown her for a loop. Okay, yes, giant city that’s also a space ship in a different galaxy with space vampires and nineteenth century industrial age societies and stone age planets, that was some kind of a shock but yeah, dangerous aliens that look like aliens, that was kinda par for the course.

She has read her share of science fiction stuff in her youth and she’d expected aliens to be strange and different. She hadn’t expected them to look and talk like humans and live among the population of the city. She kept reminding herself that on this post she and her family were the newbies, the different ones but damn had it been weird to learn about Ronon’s and Teyla’s histories when they’d briefed her for her new job as head of law enforcement in the city.

Even after one and a half years and working together with both of them, she still can’t really wrap her head around this Wraith DNA thing and that Runner stuff… that was some strong meat. And here he is her kids’ self defense trainer and she still doesn’t really know how to feel about that.

Sure, he’s good, she could see that right from the beginning and he did alright with the kids but she’d felt a little better when she’d heard that Laura Lorne would be his co-trainer. Somehow, Ronon and Laura had complimented each other as coaches and she hadn’t hesitated with letting her kids take part in the self defense lessons.

But now Laura’s barred from anything remotely close to hand to hand combat training, just like every other newly pregnant Marine and who did they ask to take over her position for the duration?

That’s right, your friendly neighborhood head of law enforcement.

Alright then, it’s not like she hasn’t done her share of community outreach school visits and self-defense training classes for girls of varying ages but that’s been ages ago? And yeah, she works out regularly and keeps up with her mandatory skills reviews. And yes, she’s a mother and she knows how to handle her or anyone else’s kids. But damn, those kids are Atlantis kids. Atlantis kids are… different, especially those born here, that at least she learned very fast.

Anyway, she thinks, there’s no use in moping, so better buck up and soldier on, Moran. And so she straightens up and opens the door to the work-out room, expecting it to be empty so early before the last, only to be greeted with the sight of her daughter standing in front of Ronon, her arms akimbo, looking up to him with a fierceness she sometimes sees in the mirror when she’s particularly pissed off and saying, “My Daddy is way more bad ass than you.”

Uh. Okay.

A little taken aback, she looks at the big guy in front of her daughter to see him smirking into his beard, his arms crossed in front of his chest. “Tally’s still ten to six, Moran,” he says as if that answers everything and she thinks she remembers Chase telling her one evening that he could have been here for five years and still wouldn’t ever beat Ronon Dex more often that Dex beat him. It was quite an admission for a former Delta operator.

She wonders if he ever told Katie the same because her only answer is, “Yeah, but how do you know he didn’t let you win those four fights?”

Whoa, Katie, she thinks and wants to intervene when she hears a low voice next to her say, “I wouldn’t, if I were you.”

Jesus fucking Christ, that damn sneaking up on you thing that the old hands really love to do to anyone past second wave is still getting her. And Laura Lorne knows it very well from the way she grins at her. “Oh yeah, and why is that, Captain Know It All?”

Laura grins again while Ronon tells her daughter that he never figured “she thought her father didn’t know honor” and then Laura says, “It’s their warm up ritual.” Err, what? “Kinda like two boxers before a big fight. Katie likes to come in early and get a bit of extra training and this is how they get ready for it.”

Okay, what? “Uh, you lost me there.”

Because she’s pretty sure that she’d know if her daughter went to any private self-defense or other sessions with anyone in this city. Apparently, she forgot that Katie’s a teenager now. Again. And to make matters worse, Laura seems to enjoy seeing the Grandmistress of Sass, her ladyship Pamela Moran, flustered. “Didn’t she tell you? She wants to be a Marine.”

Oh holy shit, she can’t believe they’re talking about this. And she can’t believe that Katie just told Ronon that “he doesn’t know anything about Delta operators, obviously”, as if that explained anything of that nonsense. She glares at Laura. “Yeah but… we didn’t think she’d be serious about it. She’s thirteen, for Heaven’s sake.”

Laura just shrugs. “Apparently, she’s being dead serious about it. And you know, I was ten when I knew that I all I ever wanted to be was a Marine.”

Crap. And here she thought there was no harm in that very obvious little hero worship thing her daughter had going on for her husband’s team leader but… oh, okay, that’s silly. There is no harm in that because honestly, Laura Lorne is one of the most bad-ass people she knows in this entire city, she’s honorable, responsible, dutiful and yeah, maybe she’s also prone to the occasional mischief involving things that go boom but she’d never once hesitate with trusting her with the lives of her children or anyone else in this city.

But knowing that Katie, that her precious little girl was serious about becoming one of the few, the proud… that’s quite another thing.

On the mat, Ronon tells her daughter that he’s pretty sure that she doesn’t know anything about being a Delta operator, either and that only challenges to Katie to start citing every little bit of Delta lore she knows from her father, from selection to training to actual deployments - which honestly, she shouldn’t know anything about - and she finds her heart doing a painful little squeeze that she can only identify as the knowledge setting in her that her little girl is starting to grow up in earnest. She smiles and it’s an effort not to make it look too sad. “You know… I was eleven when I knew that being a cop was my calling.”

It’s not even a lie or anything, it’s nothing but the truth and she shares a small grin of complete understanding with Laura. And then the other woman surprises her by saying in a fully serious and earnest voice, “She’d be good at it, I think. She’d be a compliment for that uniform.”

She tries not to but for a moment, just a very short one, she pictures a grown-up Katie wearing USMC Class A’s, with their midnight blue jacket and blood red stripes on the trousers and snow white cover and it fills her heart with stupid pride, stupid not because she knows that Chase always secretly wanted one of his kids to join the Army but because she never wanted her kids to join any of the services, not even the damn Coast Guard. But she can see Katie so clearly as a Marine, just for a moment, that it hurts.

As Ronon tells her to quit the chatter and start to do some real work, she swallows against the big lump in her throat and her voice is unexpectedly raw when she tells Laura, “This is the moment where I’d tell you never to have kids but I guess it’s too late for that now, huh?”

Also, it would be idiotic because she’s probably one of the very few people in this city who know that for the last two and a half years, Laura and Evan Lorne have been trying for a kid so badly that they were close to giving it up just out of pure exhaustion shortly before Laura started puking on a daily basis. She thinks she never saw anyone so - surreptitiously, granted, but very clear to see for everyone who knows her closer - happy about the onset of morning sickness.

Laura shrugs again. “Yeah, I wouldn’t have listened, anyway. Oh look, there comes the charge,” she says in the exact same moment as ten kids of ages varying between seven and fifteen suddenly storm the work-out room, right when Ronon is explaining how to break a choke hold to Katie, and Laura grins again, “enjoy it while it lasts. I miss it.”

Yeah, right. Enjoy it. Probably the best way to go about it. She gives Laura a pained expression. “You’ll have them back in about seven months. Enjoy the time without them.”

“Nah,” Laura says, “I think I’ll join you today.” At the evil look she gives her, Laura just rolls her eyes in a “Jeez, Mom” kind of way and adds, “Just to watch. And you know, help you through your first day and all that.”

That makes her roll her eyes and grumble something about overbearing Momma Bear Marines and Laura snorts and drags her into the room with a “Come on, let’s get to work, Moran” and she lets her, in the exactly right moment to walk past Katie murmuring, “And my dad will always be more bad ass than you,” defiantly under her breath and okay, maybe this is going to be fun, after all.

Maybe she can get Katie to tell Ronon Dex that her mom is more bad ass than both her dad and Ronon together. Maybe… she should make that her goal for today. Because, you know, everyone needs goals and that seems to be one worthy of being pursued. So when Laura mouths “Go get ‘em, Tiger” when she settles down in a corner of the room, she gives her friend a thumbs up and readies herself for a challenging lesson. She always liked challenges and she never backed down from one. She won’t do so now, either. Hell to the yeah.

“Little baby, hear my voice
I'm beside you, O maiden fair
Our young Lady, grow and see
Your land, your own faithful land
Sun and moon, guide us
To the hour of our glory and honour
Little baby, our young Lady
Noble maiden fair.”

Emma Thompson feat. Peigi Barker, “Noble Maiden Fair”

fandom: stargate, crossover: combined arms, fandom: army wives, fannish stuff, holiday fic hysteria

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