Fic: Not in Kansas Anymore (4/23)

Oct 10, 2011 00:08

Title: Not in Kansas Anymore (4/23)
Fandom: Stargate/Star Wars
Rating: M
Genres: crossover, romance
Summary: When Laura Cadman and Evan Lorne woke up in a storage room, they never thought it would be in a galaxy far, far away. And now they need to find a way back home, past Special Operations agents and stormtroopers, between the fronts in a war they thought they knew (from television, mind you). But no one ever said it would be easy.
A/N: So, weekend's over and I decided I really want to get this story posted completely as soon as I can. Which is why you get yet another chapter today. Also, am still promoting yappichick's fanart! And please don't forget to claim a day in my Holiday Fic Request meme!

( Not in Kansas Anymore 1/23 )

( Not in Kansas Anymore 2/23 )

( Not in Kansas Anymore 3/23 )

“Jesus fucking Christ, let me go, you stupid asshole bastard. I swear, I’m gonna make you pay for that and you’ll be sorry you ever laid a hand on me, you… you… motherfucking excuse for a Special Forces soldier, I’m gonna show you what it means to manhandle Laura Cadman and then you’ll… you’ll regret… you’ll…”

She takes a deep breath to keep on ranting while the Wookiee - she’s pretty sure it… he… she… whatever is one because well, big, furry, bow cast and all that - keeps carrying her over his shoulder but suddenly… she seems to have run out of expletives to use and quite honestly, she isn't even sure if she means the Wookiee or her stupid idiot of a commanding officer who had to decide to do the stupid hero act in a galaxy that’s big enough that they’ll most likely never see each other again and… holy crap is it cold all of a sudden.

Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, cold! Cold! Cold enough that it actually feels as if her brain froze, like for real and could someone please put on the heat again? Or at least switch on the light? Because it’s not only cold, it’s also dark and for a tiny moment, she feels the despair and the fear that had threatened to overwhelm her when Lorne had told her he’d play diversion and leave her alone in this is a fucking nightmare of a mission gone wrong, creeping up on her again, even through her frozen brain and…

“This is Krayt team demanding extraction. Lost four, one wounded, one BUG prisoner. Will be waiting at LZ coordinates.” What? Extraction? Who the hell is gonna extract them from here? And what’s that worth to her anyway since she’ll be frozen to death in another couple of minutes… or maybe not.

Someone just put a flimsy piece of something around her shoulders and over her head and suddenly it’s not that cold anymore. And then there’s something shoved into her hands… night-vision goggles. Okay, she knows those… whoa, no, she doesn’t. At least not those. Instead of blurry green shapes in the dark, she can see perfectly rendered figures standing around her. Still green but definitely not blurry. She blinks.

But she doesn’t get any time for asking because she’s being yanked up again and pushed forward, through almost knee deep snow. Hoping her boots won’t be soaked by the time they get wherever it’s warm again, she pulls the cloak or whatever they gave her tighter around herself and fights hard to keep up the pace sat be her keepers or captors or whatever.

She’s also wondering why there’s no retaliation because the evil Empire she knows should be able to have enough fire power to wipe them out three times over before they reached the first base parameter. And from the looks of it, the assault team thinks the same because they all keep scanning their surroundings while keeping up a pace as brisk as the snow and the freezing wind allow.

Could it be, she wonders, that whatever Lorne thought he needed to do, had actually some effect on their escape? It would be too easy, though, she thinks, too convenient… something isn't right here. She’s about to mention it but suddenly the ground beneath her feet starts rising and she needs all her breath for following the team up a slope… and from the shapes her night-vision goggles show her, it’s not just a little hit but a giant massif. Oh just great.

Further and further up the mountain they walk… and further and further away from the base and more than once she’s tempted just to turn around and walk back to that base, and if it’s just to tell her stupid idiot of a commanding officer just how stupid she thinks walking away from her like that was… but yeah, she’s pretty sure they’d shoot her in the back faster than she could spell Ewok and she intends to get back home in one piece and most of all alive.

So she keeps trudging after them, higher and higher up… until they suddenly stop and she hears a beeping sound and then a click… and then she’s pushed forward and suddenly… there’s no snow around her legs anymore, just solid stone and… the goggles are ripped away from her again and she’s about to place a kick in the direction she assumes her keeper in… until there’s a warm glowing illuminating her immediate surroundings and she has to blink a couple of times to get used to light again.

She’s about to make a quick assessment of her situation - stony walls, rough surface, probably a cave, one light source in the middle, five people in the room, two human, three non-human - when one of the humans - male, young, maybe in his 20s - roughly pushes her over to the wall. He looks towards the wolf - she thinks she remembers her race was called something like Shistavanen or something - and she gives him a miniscule nod.

That seems to have been the signal for the human to turn her around, make her part her legs and start patting her down methodically and taking away everything that looks even remotely like a weapon. In a matter of minutes, he relieved her of her P90, her Beretta, the four grenades she’d been carrying and her knife. He also takes away all her packets of C4 but puts them on the same stack as everything he seems to have deemed harmless - first aid kit, glow sticks, ration bars, stuff like that - and like hell she’ll correct him.

When he’s finally done, she hears him say, “She’s clean, Boss.” Then she’s turned around again and forced to sit down and… Jesus Christ, why are her feet suddenly hurting like that? Oh God, she thinks, as she sees her boots for the first time, they must be soaked through and they’ve been walking around in temperatures way below freezing for at least an hour and God does it hurt.

She’s determined to keep silent, observe them, try to bear all their not so friendly looks and the downright disgust in the eyes of the man who patted her down… but there’s a point where the pain intensifies enough that she can’t help closing her eyes and damn, there’s a little sound of discomfort - okay, more like a low groan of pain but whatever - and when she opens her eyes, the wolf is staring at her.

Okay, actually, they’re all staring at her but the wolf’s stare is the most… intimidating one and she does her best to return it steadfastly. But the thing is, the pain from her feet is starting to creep up her legs and she’s feeling cold sweat starting to form on her forehead and it’s kind of hard to keep her breathing regular all of a sudden. What…

“She’s collapsing. Tam, see what you can do.” Okay, someone’s supposed to give her some medical treatment, right? Oh… and that someone is the… Wookiee?

Yeah, must be the Wookiee since… he just crouched down and… why is all that fur suddenly in her face? Oh, right… probably because he just put a big hand to her forehead and… she doesn’t… she… “M fine.”

There’s a low growl, probably the Wookiee equivalent of “the hell you are” but seriously, there’s nothing… it’ll be over in a couple of minutes… “Stop that Sithspit, Tam. No use wasting precious medical supplies on a karking Imp.”

Aw, not that again. “Told you I ain’t no… no…” Crap. Why is breathing suddenly so exhausting? And why does it feel like her head is filling up with cotton balls?

“Enough, Tar. Because I damn well say so. Now cut the crap and let Tam do her work.” Okay, so maybe it’s a girl Wookiee after all but quite frankly, she doesn’t care about that. She doesn’t care about much at all currently, actually. She just… she just wants to… sleep…


TBC in Chapter Five.

fandom: stargate, fandom: star wars, crossover: not in kansas anymore, big bang big frenzy, fannish stuff

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