Here we go!
When you post your story to the community, please put the title and fandom in the subject line. In the body of the post, before the cut tag or link, please include the following information:
- Title of the story
- Your name
- Your recipient's name
- Fandom
- Pairing
- Rating
Other header information, such as summaries, disclaimers, and warnings, are a good idea, but they're not required.
Here's the masterlist. I'll be updating as stories are posted to the community. Writers: it would be extra helpful to me if you left a comment to this entry after your story is posted to the community.
sangerin wrote
Between Scylla and Charybdis, Firefly/ST:VOY, Zoe/B'Elanna for
agent_alpochudley_cannon wrote
The Trees, Beyond, Shakespeare (As You Like It), Rosalind/Celia for
alixtiiforensicgater wrote
flirtation by night, SGA, Teyla/Elizabeth for
angelic_mandcallmesandy wrote
There's Nothing Here But The Ground, CSI, Sara/Catherine for
ariestessmrswoman wrote
Conviction, CSI, Catherine/Sofia for
ariestessgiantessmess wrote
Chronology of a Hopeless Scot, Bad Girls, Helen/Nikki for
cabensonparanoidkitten wrote
Curiosity, Veronica Mars, Veronica/Mac for
callmesandyangelic_mand wrote
Deception, BSG, Dualla/Boomer for
cdybedahlmarginalia wrote
September When It Comes, Sisterhood of Traveling Pants, Lena/Annick for
celeriasweetvalleyslut wrote
Three Times Three, South of Nowhere, Spencer/Ashley for
chudley_cannonariestess wrote
Acceptance, CSI, Sara/Sofia &
Just Might Find, West Wing, CJ/Ainsley for
ctorressarren wrote
New Horizons, SG1/SGA, Elizabeth/Sam for
dirty_dianacdybedahl wrote
After The End, BtVS, Tara/Faith for
escritoireazulsing1118 wrote
Pieces, BSG, Starbuck/everybody for
forensicgater the_girl_20 wrote
Hand of Fate, DH RPS, Marcia/Felicity &
Of Rowboats and Ladders, Dawson's Creek, Jen/Audrey &
I'd Like To Thank The Academy, DH RPS, Marcia/Felicity for
fox1013 celeria wrote
Forgetting, You, L&O:SVU, Olivia/Alex for
giantessmesskatjanka wrote
Coup De Tourchon, Felicity/The L Word, Alice/Felicity for
honeyminkmandysbitch wrote
My Freudian Nightmare, House/Scrubs, Jordan/Stacy for
iamsabqueenzulu wrote
The Forgotten, SGA, Sora/Teyla for
ideal_girlsheepfairy wrote
Never Let It Go, Grey's Anatomy, Izzie/Cristina for
ijemanjamosca wrote
Imprimatur, Gilmore Girls, Rory/Paris for
jae_wkethlenda wrote
Serpent In The Garden, HP, Bellatrix/Pansy for
jaspreetpinkliz_estrada wrote
Perquisites Negotiable, Alias/24, Irina/Nina &
Fine Weapons, Kill Bill, Beatrix/Elle for
jaybee65kangeiko wrote
numerology, Firefly/BSG, Inara/Laura for
jennyoshatterpath wrote
POW or Elephants, Dragons, & Ray Guns, oh my, Sky Captain & the World of Tomorrow, Polly/Franky for
joanne_cjennyo wrote
Chaux Pas, Bring It On, Courtney/Whitney for
kangeikohoneymink wrote
Scenes of a Set-up, Alias/Spooks MI-5, Irina/Ruth for
katjankanova25 wrote
Exit Seraphim, A Great and Terrible Beauty, Gemma/Felicity for
kethlendathrace_ wrote
Night Ride, BtVS, Willow/Faith for
leavetheskypene wrote
Today's The Day We Have Everything, Bring It On/Bend It Like Beckham, Jess/Missy for
leyennviciouswishes wrote
Absorption, SGA, Cadman/Teyla for
lilysaid jaybee65 wrote
Leverage, Alias/La Femme Nikita, Irina/Madeline for
liz_estradacabenson wrote
Intoxicant, Bad Girls, Helen/Nikki for
mandysbitchvoleuse wrote
Burst The Insulation, BtVS/Roswell, Liz/Faith for
marenficmrswoman wrote
To Imagine, A Handmaid's Tale, Offred/OFC for
marenficescritoireazul wrote
In The Memory (Life and Death), Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Tibby/Carmen for
marginalia netgirl_y2k wrote
Degrees of Separation, ST:VOY, Janeway/Seven for
minerva_fanthelionforreal wrote
recent attempts at social mores, ANTM c1, Adrianne/Elyse for
moscatellitslant wrote
Gotham Outcasts, Birds of Prey, Helena/Barbara for
mrswoman ariestess wrote
Loyalty, The West Wing, CJ/Carol for
netgirl_y2ksettiai wrote
Little Girl Grown Up, BtVS, Dawn/Faith for
niuserrejaspreetpink wrote
Reunion, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Utena/Anthy for
nova25sexonastick wrote
Northern Stars and Air Pressure, Veronica Mars, Veronica/Mac for
paranoidkittentaskir wrote
True Enough, I Guess, BtVS, Dawn/Faith for
penerosewilliams wrote
Presense, Firefly, Kaylee/River for
proteinscollidetremblingmoon wrote
Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, Firefly, River/Kaylee for
puppetoflovewildrosesings wrote
Just Friends, Grey's Anatomy, Addison/Meredith for
quasiradiantlilysaid wrote
the trouble you're in, SGA, Teyla/Sora for
queenzuluwisdomeagle wrote
Gather Paradise, Angel, Fred/Lilah for
rosewilliamsvoleuse wrote
I Wouldn't Ask, JLU, Huntress/Black Canary for
ryslerquasiradiant wrote
and on the seventh day, West Wing, CJ/Kate for
sangerintrixiesfic wrote
Venn Diagram, SGA, Weir/Cadman for
sarrenproteinscollide wrote
According to Light and Gravity, Babysitters Club, Dawn/MaryAnne for
settiaiwisdomeagle wrote
Senseless, Veronica Mars, Veronica/Lilly for
sexonastickleavethesky wrote
Yes And No, L&O:SVU, Alex/Olivia for
shatterpathfox1013 wrote
...With Benefits, BSG/DH, Edie/Ellen for
sheepfairyfox1013 wrote
Set To Explode, BSG, Kat/Kara for
sing1118joran wrote
Lessons Learned From American Television, Navy:NCIS, Abby/Ziva for
skripka sathinks wrote
Serendipity, SGA, Kate/Teyla for
sweetvalleyslut rysler wrote
Kinds of Blood, BtVS, Willow/Faith for taskir
vandonovan wrote Shelter From The Storm, BSG, Roslin/Dualla for
tellitslantjae_w wrote
crowned with harvest, Cold Mountain, Ada/Ruby for
the_girl_20wizened_cynic wrote
win-win, Bring It On, Big Red/Torrance for
thelionforrealskripka wrote
Three and a Half Dates, Two Bottles Of Wine, And A Lucky Cat T-shirt, NCIS, Kate/Abby for
thenewhopecallmesandy wrote
The Finest Movies of Gina Gershon, Veronica Mars, Veronica/Meg for
thrace_joanne_c wrote
Help Me Make It Through The Night, HP, Cho/Fleur for
tl__drdirty_diana wrote
Pretty Things, The OC, Marissa/Summer for
trakkieagent_alpo wrote
Do or Die, BtVS, Buffy/Faith for
tremblingmoonmosca wrote
You May Be Offended, And You May Be Afraid, Weeds, Celia/Nancy for
trixiesficmarenfic wrote
Driving Lessons, BSG RPS, Gina Torres/Katee Sackhoff for
vandonovanalixtii wrote
Ghost of a Touch, Veronica Mars, Veronica/Mac/Lilly for
viciouswishes leyenn wrote
Second Sin, BSG, Starbuck/Dualla for
voleusetellitslant wrote
One-Upmanship, Alias, Sydney/Anna for
wildrosesingsijemanja wrote
Things She's Not, House, Cuddy/Cameron for
wisdomeaglepuppetoflove wrote
Six Easy Steps, Joan Of Arcadia/The O.C., Joan/Summer for