"flirtation by night" - Stargate Atlantis - Teyla/Elizabeth

Apr 03, 2006 22:10

title: flirtation by night
author: forensicgater
written for: angelic-mand
fandom: Stargate Atlantis
pairing: Teyla/Elizabeth
rating: eh, pg-15 or thereabouts
word count: 1045
notes: yay, I made the deadline! didn't think I was, earlier today. many thanks to neverbelonged for catching my mistakes. any remaining are my fault.

The sleeping pills had stopped working months ago. Sometimes Elizabeth would go back to her office, reading through mission logs until the words blurred together. Other times she just laid in bed, staring at the ceiling while lists of things to do and people to meet with ran through her head.

But lately she had taken to wandering the halls. Some nights she'd find herself in the infirmary after a mission had gone wrong and people had gotten hurt. She'd spend the night in the uncomfortable
chairs customary to hospitals, holding a silent vigil by the bedside of the wounded. She always made sure to be gone before Carson arrived in the morning.

Tonight was different. There had been no teams returning from off world, so there weren't any mission logs to read or wounded to watch over, leaving her free to walk aimlessly. She turned down the hall toward the gym. Lights shone from the open doorway.

Leaning against the doorframe, Elizabeth watched as Teyla fought off unseen enemies. She had never had the opportunity to watch Teyla spar with the sticks. Each movement was perfect, graceful. She stared, hypnotized, until Teyla laid down her sticks before starting her stretches. Elizabeth walked back to her room, feeling calmer than she had in weeks.


Elizabeth went back every night, standing in the shadows of the doorframe. She'd watch until Teyla would start her stretches then leave, not wanting Teyla to see her.

On the sixth night, Teyla spoke before starting her stretches.

"You don't have to hide, Elizabeth. I do not mind you watching me."

Elizabeth laughed softly. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to intrude or bother you."

"Your watching is anything but a bother. It is quite... flattering, really."

Elizabeth smiled.


After that night, Teyla would be waiting when Elizabeth came.

Teyla would ask Elizabeth if she'd like to learn, and every time she would decline and sit down to watch. Teyla would nod and start sparring.


Two nights after being held hostage by Kolya, Elizabeth walked into the gym and put a water bottle and towel down where she normally sat. "I want you to teach me how to spar."

Teyla paused in mid-stretch, looking at Elizabeth pensively before nodding.


One week of late-night spars and training later, Teyla said that Elizabeth was ready for an actual fight.

They stood in position across from each other, sticks held in front of them. Elizabeth moved to block the stick coming from the left, quickly attacking Teyla on the right.

They moved around the room, the sticks hitting and echoing like thunder.

Teyla quickly disarmed Elizabeth. "Concentrate. Try it again," she instructed as she handed Elizabeth her sticks.

Rolling her shoulders, Elizabeth closed her mind off to everything but fighting and Teyla. She watched as Teyla spun a stick and smirked before attacking.

Moments later, Elizabeth was again stick-less, this time on the floor. "Damnit."

Teyla smiled. "The more you practice, the better you will get. It takes time and you are still learning. Do you want to try again?"

"No. I think I'm done getting my ass beat for the night."

"Very well." Teyla offered Elizabeth a hand up. "We will practice again tomorrow night?"

"If we have to," Elizabeth teased, taking Teyla's hand and being pulled up.

"You know it is the only way to get better." Teyla's thumb stroked the inside of Elizabeth's wrist.

Elizabeth felt herself begin to blush. "I should... um, get going. Goodnight."

As she fled the gym, Teyla's gentle laughter followed her.


The next night, Elizabeth went to the gym prepared to finally beat Teyla. They stretched in silence, Elizabeth blushing when Teyla caught her staring. "Sorry."

"It's ok." Teyla smiled. "Are you ready to begin?"

"Yep. Let's go."

They stood in position and began sparring. Elizabeth countered Teyla's moves as she slowly backed her into a corner. Teyla sidestepped Elizabeth's next hit and sent the stick flying.

"And here I thought I was doing better," Elizabeth commented wryly.

Teyla smiled and continued fighting.

Elizabeth swung the stick, hoping her talking had momentarily distracted Teyla enough to be able to disarm her. Her plan backfired as Teyla whacked her wrist with one stick and used the other to sweep her knees out from under her.

"Ow. You didn't really have to hit me that hard."

Teyla pulled Elizabeth to her feet. "In a real fight, --"

"'The enemy will not hold back.' I know." Elizabeth grinned at Teyla's amused expression. As Teyla moved past her to where the other stick had fallen, she felt Teyla's fingers brush against the exposed skin at her back. She closed her eyes as the warmth of Teyla's fingers faded away.

Positioning themselves again, Elizabeth didn't give Teyla a chance to ask if she was ready before beginning. She quickly backed Teyla into the corner again, this time not giving her the chance to sidestep her way out.

Their bodies pressed close together, Teyla had no choice but to let her sticks drop, surrendering to Elizabeth. After a moment, Elizabeth dropped hers as well. "You've been flirting with me." She rested a hand on Teyla's hip, stroking gently at the spot where soft skin met even softer velvet.

"Yes." Teyla's breath hitched at the predatory look in Elizabeth's eyes.

"You beat my ass with sticks, and then flirt with me. That is one hell of a teaching method you have." Elizabeth leaned in and kissed Teyla. She felt Teyla's hand snaking up her side and around her neck, pulling her closer.

They broke apart; foreheads pressed together, breathing labored. Teyla grinned wickedly. "We could go back to my quarters if you would like to see more of my ‘teaching methods’."

Elizabeth smirked. "As appealing as that sounds, right now? I want to whip your ass at your own game."

"As you wish." Teyla ducked under Elizabeth’s arm braced against the wall and grabbed her sticks. "However, if I win... we go back to my quarters."

"Sounds good to me." Elizabeth stood in ready position.

Their sticks cracked against each other as they fought, both putting everything they had into the match. Elizabeth found herself lying dazed on the ground after a particularly dirty move. Teyla straddled her thighs and held herself above Elizabeth’s prone body. "I win."

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