Fandom Radio, Saturday April 28, 2006

Apr 30, 2006 01:34

JOHN: Hewwo! My name's John! Hi! I'm seven and three quarters! Hi again! Can you all hear me! Does anyone else wanna say hi? Say hi guys!

SAMMIE: I'm six and three-quarters. Oooh, what does that button do? *sounds of static*
VERONICA: I'm Veronica and I'm five and three-quarters and I know which buttons to push, unlike Sammie!
SAMMIE: I knew which button to push, 'ronica. Just didn't want to.
ANGEL: How do the tiny people get into the speakers?
JAYE: Magic. I'm Jaye. I'm this many.
CHLOE: I'm Chloe! I live in a dorm room!
ANGEL: What do they eat?
BARBOSSA: Me cookies!
JAYE: I want a cookie.
BARBOSSA: I'm four and ye be makin' a mess o' me room and not be bringin' me cookies and WAHHHHHHH!
JAYE: 'Bossa's loud.
SAMMIE: You're really grumpy for a pirate.
ANGEL: *pats Barbossa* It's okay. I can't have any cookies either. I'll turn evil.
VERONICA: Cookies don't make you evil, silly.
ANGEL: They do if I really really REALLY like them
CAM: I'm Cam Mitchell and no one ever calls me Cammie, but everyone says Camboy because that's cool and why are there crumbs all over the button thingie?
ANAKIN: And Cam's a total girl.
CAM: Anakin has girl cooties that grew him a braid!

*sounds of scuffling, drowning out Barbossa's wails*

ANGEL: How do the cookies get into the speakers so the weetiny people don't die?
SAMMIE: Boys are sooooooo dumb.
CAM: Girls smell except for princilady because she's too cool.
SAMMIE: You smell
VERONICA: Yeah, boys smell!
CAM: Do not, you got girl cooties stuck in your nose.
JAYE: I smell like glitter.
ANAKIN: That's only because Lettuce Head threw food at me.
SAMMIE: Lettuce head?
ANAKIN: Maureen, whatever.
JAYE: Reenie, hi! Hi, Reenie!
ANGEL: [solemnly] Maureen has deadly shoes.
VERONICA: Maureen has cookies? Maureen, bring us cookies!
ANGEL: I have a puppy.
SAMMIE: He's a really cute puppy. Hi, Sean!
SEAN: *barks*
ANGEL: He eats zombies and protects our fort!
VERONICA: Can I come play in your fort?
JOHN: No gurls allowed!
VERONICA: *sniffles*
ANGEL: Nobody with cooties allowed!
SAMMIE: We'll make our own fort, and it'll be way better than theirs, Veronica. Because they're boys.
VERONICA: Right, Sammie. We don't need any stupid boys.
AERYN: You're all weird.
ANAKIN: I'm not stupid! I'm the Chosen One!
CAM: Alanna's weird and scary and Anakin is cootified so he can't get into the fort!
ANGEL: Anakin is so not a Slayer! Slayers are GURLS. Everybody knows that!
BRIDGE: I'm not stupid! I'm gonna be a cop and a Power Ranger!
VERONICA: And girls are smarter than boys.
RORY: I'm smarter 'n all the boys in the WORLD. Gramma says I'm precooshious!
JAYE: Owwwwww, Aeryn pusheded me!
ANGEL: Rory's my l'il sister! She can come into the fort but SHE CAN'T GET COOTIES ON IT!
RORY: I WON'T, I PROMISE. Can I bring Vladdie?
SAMMIE: *pokes Angel* Girl germs, no backs!
ANGEL: *sticks tongue out at Sam* Nuh-uh! Bel gave me a cootie shot so I'm a mune.
AERYN: What's a mune?
ANGEL: Kind of demon.
XANDER: Is it my turn yet huh huh huh?
BRIDGE: He does NOT!
CAM: Xander's a girl?
VERONICA: All the boys have cooties!
RORY: NUH UH, just the icky ones.
AERYN: You ALL have cooties.
ANAKIN: What's a cootie?
XANDER: Am NOT a girl! Angel is a poopy fangyhead!
CAM: Your hair's full of it!
RORY: Like a li'l monster that eats your hair.
JAYE: Eeep!
SAMMIE: It's like shrimp
VERONICA: It's okay Jaye, only boys have cooties.
BRIDGE: No, cooties are from Liara. They're ALIENS.
JAYE: *whimpers* Someone check my hair. I don't want cooties.
ANAKIN: My hair is full of alien shrimp monsters? This planet is weird.
ANGEL: Some worlds don't have shrimp.
VERONICA: Logan's 'llergic to shrimp.
CAM: I hate seafood.
SAMMIE: He should go to one of those worlds, then
XANDER: Willow's dad says shrimp aren't koshie. But Willow eats em anyways.
RORY: Yeah! his face goes like this! *puffs out cheeks* Izz bad!
ANGEL: How do those worlds make scampi?
BRIDGE: I have seafood! See? Naaaah! Oh, oops. I forgot this is radio and people listening can't see.
JAYE: I can scampi. It's like a dance, right?
BRIDGE: I'm eating a cupcake.
RORY: Share!
BARBOSSA: I can scampi!
ANGEL: I think scampi's a demon too.
XANDER: No sharing cupcakes!
JAYE: Are cooties demons?
ANGEL: Oh yeah.
RORY: I wanna cupcake! *starts to wail*
ANGEL: Very small demons.
XANDER: Ok Rory can have a cupcake.
ANGEL: You kill them with very tiny Slayers.
BARBOSSA: Like the one that be in the radio?
RORY: Yay! Want some coffee? I have a sippy cup.
SAMMIE: Coffee?
VERONICA: Coffee is yucky. I want juice.
BRIDGE: I can make juice! And coffee!
ANGEL: My pig's blood came inna juice box so I don't spill.
XANDER: I like juice!
RORY: I like appley juice but not 'rangey juice and def'nitely not grapey. Eww.
ANAKIN: You're all such *younglings*. Do we have to do the news or something?
ANGELA: This is Angela and I have something VERY VERY important to tell all of you.
JOHN: What?
JAYE: What?
SAM: What?
CAM: Frak?
AERYN: Don't curse on the radio.
ANGELA: Don't take baths. They can give you the plague and then you get sick and die forever and ever.
XANDER: But... I LIKE baths. They have BUBBLES.
ANGEL: Vampires can't get plague. I can shampoo my hair ALL I WANT.
VERONICA: I bet a boy told you that. They lie and that's why they all stink!
AERYN: I've been innoculated.
BRIDGE: Me too.
RORY: Me free.
ANGEL: Where's Noc'ulated?
RORY: Near China.
SAM: *sniffs Xander* You smell like frog
ANAKIN: No. Near Alderaan.
ANGEL: Boxes rebell in China.
ANGELA: The guy at the grocery store told me. He never takes baths and he's never had the plague.
AERYN: I like China.
ANAKIN: You can't have China, Aeryn.
VERONICA: See, Angela. He's just a dumb boy. It's safe to take baths.
AERYN: I can too!
CAM: They eat raw seafood in China.
JAYE: Ow! She pushed me again!
ANGEL: All my food is raw. But not alive anymore because that's bad.
VERONICA: Aeryn, that's mean!
ANAKIN: Yeah, push Cam instead.
ANGELA: *is starting to cry* Don't be mean!
RORY: No! No pushy! I have cookies.
JAYE: *cries*
XANDER: Don't cry Jaye! Want me to kiss Bridge for you?
XANDER: *kissy sound*
JAYE: *sniffles*
CAM: Ewwww! See! Xander is a girl!
ANAKIN: Ewwww! But I'm not agreeing with Cam.
RORY: Boys are dumb, even when they're girls like Xander!
XANDER: I am not a GIRL!
ANGELA: I was a boy. It was icky.
CAM: Bridge is a girl too!
VERONICA: I'm sorry, Angela.
AERYN: You're still all weird.
ANGELA: *sniffles* Do you have a cookie?
BRIDGE: I am *not* a girl. My friend Syd is a girl and she'll HIT you if you keep saying that.
XANDER: An' Buffy will too!

*sounds of Barbossa eating all the cookies*

RORY: You don't have cooties, though. Boys have cooties.
ANGEL: Buffy doesn't like you, she likes me!
AERYN: I hit. See?
SAM: No hitting!
BRIDGE: Syd can punch holes in walls though. Can you do that?
ANAKIN: Maybe...
VERONICA: You can come sit by me, Jaye. I won't let her hit you.
RORY: Yes, I can!
BRIDGE: Her hand is made of metal.
JAYE: *sniffles, goes to sit with Veronica*
CAM: Bridge and Xander need girls to fight for them!
XANDER: *sound of Xander blowing a raspberry at Angel and Cam*
BRIDGE: We don't NEED them too. They are just doing what friends do.
JOHN: You all stink and are short! Time for news!
AERYN: *muttering* Am not.

What's A School?

JOHN: There was a playground today! Playground! Where Callisto teached Aeryn to play tag, and they played with Principal Washburn and Cam. The big people have tissues! I mean...issues! And Cam loooooves Molly.

AERYN: I made the principal It.
CAM: The princilady made me It, but she tricked me.

JOHN: Anakin talks to Molly and then gets into a fight.

ANAKIN: Cam totally started it.
CAM: You were being secretly and girl cootified!

JOHN: Alanna asks Molly is mach-mack-things can fly!

VERONICA: And Archie pushed me on the swing cause swings are hard and he is nice and not an icky boy like other boys.

SAM: Anders isn't icky, and he's a Sammie, too.
ANGEL: I am not icky!
ANAKIN: I am not icky! Or cootified!
CHLOE: Veronica looooves Archie!
BRIDGE: I am not icky either.
CAM: I am cool.
BARBOSSA: Cookies be gone.
RORY: Anakin's not icky! He gave me a piggyback ride! An' Xander's not icky 'cause he's not a boy.
ANGEL: Did the people in the speakers eat the cookies?
JAYE: I still want a cookie.
RORY: What's an oh em gee?
ANGEL: Kind of demon.
VERONICA: Not everything is a demon, Angel.
AERYN: Yes, it is.
BRIDGE: Sometimes things are aliens.
JOHN: Aeryn's a munchkin.
ANAKIN: Sometimes it's a Wookiee.
AERYN: Shut up.
JAYE: What's a Wookiee?
XANDER: Some things are witchesisms.
RORY: It's like a monkey.
SAM: Or a carpet.
BRIDGE: A monkey carpet? Ew.
CAM: Aeryn is a frog.
AERYN: Am not!
CAM: Are too!
AERYN: Am not!
AERYN: *pushes Cam*
CAM: Are too! Ow! Ribbit!
XANDER: JEREMIAH is a frog. Aeryn is a GIRL. CAM is confooosed.
ANGEL: Why do monkeys need carpets?
XANDER: And I am a BOY.
JAYE: In case they spill.
VERONICA: So their feet don't get cold!
RORY: So they don't scuff the floor, duh!
CAM: To fly frogs on!
ANGEL: Monkeys are funny.
XANDER: I agree.
AERYN: John is funny, yes.

JOHN: Alanna figures the swings out and argues with Camboy. Who didn't argue with Camboy? Cam teached Aeryn about the swingies too!

CAM: Alanna is silly! She thinks machines can't fly!
SAM: She doesn't know about Airplanes?
ANAKIN: Of course they can fly.
CAM: No, Alanna is a witch and she can turn people into toads.
ANGEL: She's not a witch, she's GIFTED.
ANAKIN: I'm gifted, too.
RORY: Me too!
ANGELA: Brian Krakow is gifted. He hasta go to special classes.
VERONICA: Witches don't turn people into toads, anyway, Cam. Piper just freezes people!
SAMMIE: We know, Anakin
CAM: Skeeter turns John into stuff!
BRIDGE: I'm gifted three! I can see stuff.
MARTY: I want a gift!
RORY: Me too. I have EYES.
XANDER: Willow's gifted!
MARTY: Everyone has eyes Rory.
BARBOSSA: I be wantin' more cookies! *Wails*
XANDER: She's in the smart people club!
VERONICA: I'll give you a gift, Marty.
JOHN: Aeryn's shortness is her gift!
ANGEL: Dru's pets don't, Marty.
BRIDGE: Yes but I can see sparkly energies!
SAM: Like glitter?
MARTY: I don't want any girl cooties V.
RORY: I can read this BIG GIGANTOR BOOK.
CAM: No, that's Jaye.
BRIDGE: Like glitter but on people. All the time.
JAYE: *wipes glittery hands on people*
CAM: Still Jaye.
XANDER: Do I have sparkly glitter on me?
RORY: Shiny?
JAYE: Glitter glitter glitter glitter glitter glitter glitter...
XANDER: Coooool!
CHLOE: Only silly boys think glitter isn't awesome.
CAM: Being a silly boy is still less silly than being a girl!

JAYE: I glittered Walter and he felt better. YAY GLITTER.

AERYN: And then I showed Piper. She thinks I'm nice. I'm not.

JOHN: No, you're just short.
CAM: Aeryn is quiet.

BRIDGE: Me n' Xander climbed on the jungle-gym and could see way way above everything ever!
XANDER: But not my house. *sadface voice*
BRIDGE: That's cause it was only pretend outside.
RORY: Could you see MY house? I bet it's closerer.

SAM: He's pretend like Denver. Xander, does your house live in the 'puter, too?
XANDER: Um. Maybe? I think it's in another mention.
ANGEL: Like your brain?
MARTY: Like you have one. All you got in your head is spiky hair.
ANGEL: I do not have Spike's hair! Spike's hair is stupid!
SAM: But yours goes straight up! Is that because you're a vampire?
ANGEL: It's 'cause I use product.
JAYE: Wha's product?
MARTY: It makes hair stupid.
RORY: It's licorice.
VERONICA: You must use it too then, Marty
CHLOE: But you're a boy. Only girls use hair stuff, to look pretty.
AERYN: Is it a kind of demon?
ANGEL: Nuh-huh.
MARTY: Shut up V!
VERONICA: Make me, Marty!
ANGELA: *loud wailing*
MARTY: Why are you crying?
VERONICA: Cause she has a stupid boyfriend like you!
ANGEL: 'cause she saw Xander's face.
XANDER: 'Cause she saw Angel's hair!
ANGELA: HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND. Boyfriends are icky.
MARTY: V has a boyfriend!
ANGELA: 'Crying 'cause you're being mean to each other.
BRIDGE: They aren't!
XANDER: Boyfriends are not icky. Bridge is my boyfriend!
MARTY: Do so!
BRIDGE: And Xander is *my* boyfriend, so hah!
XANDER: Bridge is not icky!
VERONICA: I do not!
MARTY: V and Archie! Sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
ANGEL: With monkeys?
VERONICA: There was NO kissing!
SAM: Were there monkeys?
MARTY: But he is your Boooooyfriend.
RORY: Archie has pretty hair. He's like a honoraryful girl!
MARTY: What's honoraryful?
ANGEL: Kind of demon.
RORY: Nuh uh.
BRIDGE: Nuh uh. Alien.
RORY: Nuh uh. BEAR.
SAM: Not an alien.
XANDER: Slayer.
MARTY: What's a slayer?
BRIDGE: Wait, isn't that a teacher's name here?
RORY: Slayers like what Santa comes in.
MARTY: Santa?
ANGEL: Demon.
MARTY: Santa's a demon?
AERYN: Makes sense.
SAM: Santa's a demon? *sniffles*
JAYE: *cries*
ANGELA: *also sniffles* Santa's not a demon. Santa's nice.
MARTY: Are you still crying?
ANGELA: He broughted me a doll house last year.
CHLOE: Demons don't give you presents and eat cookies and let you sit on their laps at the mall.
MARTY: Is cookie monster a demon? Because he eats cookies.

JOHN: Anakin and Aeryn play on the slide. And Aeryn didn't fall off cuz she's short either!

AERYN: I'm not short, I'm five!
VERONICA: I'm five, too!

JOHN: Alanna pulls Piper's pigtails so Piper pulls the kitty's tail! Maureen and Anakin
play on the slide and then Anniekins takes Maureen, Angela, Rory, and Zero to Cafe Finger!

MARTY: *snorts* Annie has cooties.
RORY: Anakin and Maureen were dirty at Cafe Fingers. Angela an' me hided under a table!
ANGEL: I don't like eating fingers. They're chewy.
JAYE: Like gummy bears?
CAM: That's gross.
ANGELA: You mean chicken fingers?
MARTY: Chickens don't have fingers.
ANGELA: Yuh-huh, we have them for duinner sometimes.
SAM: Your chicken did, Marty. She even knit
MARTY: She had wings. Angela was probably eating human fingers.
BRIDGE: Angela is a cannonball?
ANGELA: *cries* "I'm not a cani- cannub- gross person.
MARTY: Jeez, do you ever stop crying?
ANGELA: *sniffles* You're mean.
RORY: Be nice to Angela or the monsters will get you!
XANDER: I don't like it when girls cry. *sadvoice*
MARTY: Fine. I'll be nice. *kissy sounds*
VERONICA: EW! No kissing!
RORY: *sound of a wee shoe hitting Marty*
ANGELA: *is stunned into .... not crying.*
MARTY: *cries*
RORY: I didn't do anyfing.
AERYN: I like Rory.

MARTY: I opened up the toy gun club. But only icky girls showed up.

SAM: You're icky.
ANGEL: You let girls touch your gun?
MARTY: I'm not icky. And no one touches my gun.
ANAKIN: You get to have a gun?
AERYN: I want a gun.
XANDER: I have a gun!
MARTY: Uh-huh. It' shoots water! See? (Sound of water being squirted)
BRIDGE: I have one. It came with my uniform!
JAYE: Eek!
XANDER: A marshmallow gun!
BRIDGE: It makes noises.
ANGEL: No Holy Water! Hurts!
VERONICA: Water doesn't have holes.
MARTY: You don't need a gun for that Bridge! (Makes armpit farting noises)
CHLOE: That was gross.
AERYN: *sighs* Why am I here again?
SAM: Gross.
RORY: See, boys are icky.
JAYE: Are too!
MARTY: Shut up stupid head!
CHLOE: You're a stupid head!
MARTY: No you are!
VERONICA: No, you are!

*More water squirting sounds*

MARTY: Take that!
JAYE: Stop iiiiiiiiiiiiit!
XANDER: Wet! Yay!
BARBOSSA: Not th' equipment! *wails*
MARTY: That'll get the cooties off you!
XANDER: I don't have cooties! I had a shot, I tolded you!

JOHN: Be quiet all of you! No more playground stuff! I is bored now! Or I'll be mean like Professor Blue Guy and give you all time out!

BRIDGE: I got time outs even though I didn't do anything!

MARTY: *sniffles* Neither did I!
JOHN: You guys were baaaaad!
VERONICA: I hid from Professor Tick and didn't have a time out!
XANDER: And I was gonna stand in the corner with Bridge and Mister Perfesser the Tick wouldn't let me!
MARTY: You're going to get in trouble!
RORY: I sidekickeded!
CAM: Ouch?
JAYE: Did it hurt?
BRIDGE: But I got candy for sitting in the corner and I shared it because that's what you're supposed to do.
RORY: No, no, I was a superduperhero, 'cause I catched peoples who were hiding!
MARTY: Where did you learn to talk?
JOHN: You were like Professor Tick's girlfriend?
RORY: *cries*
JAYE: Professor Mr. The Tick only dates Justice!
XANDER: I went onna date! Not with Justice though.
RORY: *wails*
VERONICA: I had a date today.
BRIDGE: *I* went on a date too! Not today.
JOHN: I slept in Aeryn's room!
RORY: *wails louder since no one is paying any attention*
XANDER: I don't like it when girls cry.
MARTY: Kiss her.
MARTY: Shuts 'em up every time.

VERONICA: I had a date today. I was beautiful. We went to the duck pond and played with Archie's sailboat. Then we got a picnic lunch from Luke.

MARTY: Told you she had a boyfriend.
CAM: I thought Archie was a girl.
JAYE: No, he's not! He has a boy's name and everything.
RORY: No, just honoraryful!
MARTY: He's just overdosed on cooties.
ANGEL: I played the name game with ducks and got punished.
RORY: What happened?
ANGEL: I don't wanna talk about it. There was soap.
RORY: NO! You're gonna get plague now!
CHLOE: Did they try to mess up your hair?
ANGEL: Vampires don't get plague!
VLADDIE: *barks*
CAM: Doggie!
BRIDGE: They might get plaque. If they don't brush their fangy teeths properly. Do you brush properly?
XANDER: I dunked his toothbrush inna toilet when he lived with me!
RORY: Ewww!
ANGEL: Sean, wee on Xander!
XANDER: You were EVIL!
JAYE: Eeeeww!
RORY: Are you SURE?
AERYN: Bet it was a demon.
ANGEL: It had toothpastey goodness!
RORY: Well, if you covered a demon in toofpaste, it'd have toofpastey goodness too but still would be scary an' ebil.
XANDER: It went in Angeluseses' mouth. It was EVIL.

JOHN: Lots of people play ring around the rosey with Dean
Head in a Tube! Singing! Dancing! Dean Head in A Tube is a creepy person!

BRIDGE: Zordon is not creepy!
JAYE: Heads in tubes scare me.
VERONICA: He's a big meanie head!
BRIDGE: He's gonna give me superpowers when I grow up!
XANDER: You already have superpowers.
RORY: Mine are betterer
BRIDGE: Nuh-uh.
RORY: Yeah huh.
BRIDGE: I am the weapon of the FUTURE.
JAYE: Oooh.
JOHN: Boooooring.
RORY: I'm gonna go t'HARBARD!
AERYN: I just heard my eyes roll.
XANDER: Bridge's are betterer.
BRIDGE: Thank you Xander. You are a nice boyfriend.
RORY: You're too young to date.
BRIDGE: You're too young to be the boss of me.
RORY: I'm smarterer, so I can be the boss if I hafta!
JOHN: You two are making my ears hurt!
BRIDGE: No! Only Commander Doggie is my boss!
VLADDIE: *yips*
XANDER: I like doggies!
VERONICA: Vladdie is your boss?
BRIDGE: NOT VLADDIE. Commander Doggie is tall and blue and speaks ENGLISH.
VLADDIE: *sad yips*
BRIDGE: I still like you, Vladdie. You're just not boss of me.
JOHN: Booooooring.
JAYE: Can I hug Vladdie?
ANGEL: You can hug Sean.
JAYE: Yay! *hugs Sean*
RORY: Yes, Jaye, you can. YOU ALL CAN. 'CEPT BRIDGEY.
SEAN: *Barks and tries to lick Jaye's face*
XANDER: Rory do not be mean to Bridge!
BRIDGE: Rory I was gonna make you coffees...
RORY: He was mean first *wibbly voice*

Wake Up Time Yay!

Marty: This morning? Janet and Lizardbreath were mean. So I moved out.

JOHN: Who is Lizardbreath?
MARTY: Lizzie Weir. She's got cooties.
JOHN: A girl. Yes, cooties.

AERYN: All girls don't have cooties. And they don't need protection from boys, either.

JOHN: Boys protect girls!
AERYN: *loud sigh*
JOHN: Back me up here, boys.
MARTY: Girls can't do anything.
ANGEL: Girls kick boy's butts. That's why they're Slayers.
MARTY: Girls are Santa Claus?
RORY: I'm a big girl!
XANDER: Angel's right
VERONICA: I have a taser. Can I be a slayer?
BRIDGE: Syd can punch holes in things.
CHLOE: My dad says girls can be anything they want to be. So there!
JOHN: Go and marry Syd then, Bridgey!
MARTY: That's just to make you feel better because you're dumb.
BRIDGE: I don't wanna marry Syd. She's like my SISTER. You can't marry your SISTER.
CHLOE: I bet I'm smarter than you are!
MARTY: Nuh-uh. I'm the smartest. I'm Smarty Marty!
ANGEL: Actually you can if she's - um, never mind.
RORY: Marty, you're a poo-doo head. That's a word I learned today!
MARTY: That's not a word.
ANGELA: Poo-doo, poo-doo, poo-doo!
MARTY: Shut up!
RORY: Yeah huh!

ANGEL: My room was the BESTEST ROOM EVER. I woke up and drank my blood
from a juice box and fingerpainted
. Then Marty came over 'cause his room had icky girls in it and my room's got a puppy! Say hi,Sean!

SEAN: *barks*

ANGEL: YAY! Then Logan came over and helped me and Marty make an anti-zombie fort and Logan I could SO BEAT UP YOUR DADDY because I'm a big, strong vampire and you're Logan and that's what I'd do for you.

ANGEL: Then there was a weetiny kitty who just appeared but it's Alanna's kitty and she's a girl but she's okay 'cause she wants to beat people up and I like girls that do that but NOT TOO MUCH 'cause if I like 'em too much I go bad and have to be punished.

ANGEL: Bel came over and we played in the fort and saved each other from EVIL ZOMBIES and he's my best friend 'cause he's a demon and I'm a vampire
and we're special.

ANGEL: Then Callisto
came over
but I did not like that AT ALL because she's a girl and girls have cooties.

MARTY: My new room is cooler because it has a vampire and a puppy. And a Fort.
RORY: I have a vampire puppy, which is betterer.
BRIDGE: I have a robot puppy!
XANDER: I have a froggie!
ANGEL: Cal's going to be my girlfriend now, though. 'cause she's okay even if she is a girl.
RORY: You're too li'l for a girlfriend!
ANGEL: Am not!
RORY: Are too!
ANGEL: Am not!
RORY: Are too times infin'ty.
XANDER: You're too stupid for a girlfriend.

XANDER: My room is betterer than Angel's 'cause mine has a froggie and the Best. Roomie. Ever. and Twinkies and stuffs! *pause* Oh, and A SCARY BEAR! So bad peoples should stay away.

ANGEL: Why does your room have a French person in it?
XANDER: Pip doesn't live in my room!
RORY: French peoples are SCARY!
XANDER: Pip's not scary. But he doesn't live in my room.
JOHN: Does Krychex live in there?
XANDER: ...Noooooo. Why would he live in my room?
JOHN: Dunno. He needs a place to live?
XANDER: He lives with Jakey. Kinda.
RORY: All French peoples are scary. My mommy's friend Michel is French an' he likes Sleen Deeon and she's like a banshee-ghostie thing.
ANGEL: Demon.
XANDER: John likes Sleen Deeon!
JOHN: Your mom!
VERONICA: Rory's mom isn't Sleen Deeon!
JAYE: My mom likes Sleen Deeon.
XANDER: No, my mom likes Michael Bolton.
RORY: No, my mommy likes Banglies. They don't sound like Sleen Deeon, but they're girls, too. I fink Michael Bolton might be a girl.

VERONICA: We had juice and muffins in our room this morning, right Chloe? But then stupid Bel and stupid Lindsey came in and stole our muffins. But Piper tried to blow them up so they went away and we decided to go to the playground and I went and got Archie to come with us!

CHLOE: Piper and I gave Bel lots and lots of cooties. It was great!

BRIDGE: This morning I went to the Common Room and I saw Anders who was nice and let me sit on his shoulders and I was tall! And I made cereals ALL BY MYSELF for Callisto and for Lion-Girl so they had balanced breakfasts because that is important!

XANDER: I have a nice boyfriend!
JOHN: He's kinda cute, I guess.
ANGEL: He better not kiss my girlfriend!
AERYN: ...
RORY: I don't have a boyfriend 'cause I'm too little. WE ALL ARE.
XANDER: He's MY boyfriend! You keep your girliefriend away from him.
JOHN: Anniekin likes Professor Scooter who was in her office today!
BRIDGE: Callisto is like my big sister! She guards my cereals and stuff!
ANGEL: You could kiss your sister!
VERONICA: That's gross.
ANAKIN: Totally gross.
RORY: I'm not kissing YOU, Angel.
ANGEL: Not kissing you either, Rory!
JOHN: I kissed Angel once!
ANAKIN: I don't wanna kiss Angel!
ANGELA: I was a boy and I kissed Cam who looks like John so I kind of kissed John.
AERYN: *hits Angela*
CAM: Be nice, Aeryn!
AERYN: ...That was a reflex.
RORY: Be nice t'Angela!
ANGEL: Sometimes kissing is for daddies and daddies.
ANAKIN: Yeah. Hit Cam instead.
ANGEL: And sometimes it's for mommies, daddies, and a good friend of daddy's who you don't talk about much.
CAM: Your braid is ugly.
XANDER: Marty kissed me once!
MARTY: We were trapped!
VERONICA: You people kiss a lot.
BRIDGE: I saved us!
MARTY: I won't kiss you.
VERONICA: Good cause I don't wanna kiss you!
RORY: I'm not kissing ANYONE HERE.
JOHN: Veronica wants to kiss Archie!
CHLOE: And no one needs your cooties, Marty.
XANDER: I saved us too!
MARTY: I don't have cooties! I've been decootie-fied.
BRIDGE: Yep you did!

AERYN: You're all weird. And obsessive. I think everyone wanted breakfast and and cartoons today.

MARTY: I had ice cream for breakfast!
BRIDGE: I had cereals with chocolate syrup and milk!
XANDER: I didn't get breakfasts 'cause it took too long to get down the stairs. *sadvoice*
ANGELA: I wanted fruity pebbles but there weren't any so Molly gave me ice cream! Which was betetr.
BRIDGE: I can make you breakfasts!
XANDER: At night? Cooooool!
MARTY: It's not breakfasts if it's at night!
BRIDGE: It's breakfasts if it's cereals!
MARTY: Nuh-uh!
BRIDGE: Can *you* make breakfasts?
MARTY: *pauses* Shut up!
XANDER: My boyfriend is betterer than Angela's!
BRIDGE: So's mine!
ANAKIN: I'm gonna marry Padme!

RORY: I DON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND. Anakin an' me went to get breffast an' I got a piggyback ride 'cause I fell down. *pause* And he's a meaniehead.

ANAKIN: I am not.
RORY: You are now.
JOHN: No, he's got a tail on his head.
ANAKIN: It's not a tail!
ANGEL: Is it a snake?
RORY: It's where the meaninness comes from!
JAYE: Is it a demon?
ANAKIN: It's not a snake! It's not a demon! It's just hair. *sounds of overdramatic stomping to a corner*
XANDER: *in small voice* He's scary.
JOHN: Eat some of Barbossa's cookies.

RORY: ANYWAY, *sniffle*I fell down and it was ALL ANAKIN'S FAULT. Jaye's room, I wented to the clinic for op'rations! But I didn't need one, 'cause my tongue's not that long.

BRIDGE: I had to get a cooties shot!
XANDER: I met a fireman! He's neato!
JOHN: Tail!
CAM: Someone should hit Anakin.
AERYN: I could, but he pushed me down the slide good.
XANDER: Someone should hit Angel.
RORY: Don't hit Anakin! Not his fault he has dumb hair and is a meanie.
ANGEL: It's the snake's fault?
XANDER: Yeah, hit Angel! He has dumb hair and is a meanie!
ANAKIN: *far away* Me!
VERONICA: Angel is not mean!
ANGEL: I'm a good vampire! I don't hurt people anymore! 'cept Anakin 'cause he's a poo-head.
JOHN: Angel is the awesomest roommmate.
ANGEL: John's the bestest roommate!
VERONICA: Nuh-uh! Chloe and Piper are the bestest roommates!
XANDER: I mean the scary bear is.
BRIDGE: *sadvoice* I don't have a roomie...
XANDER: You could come and stay in our room!
RORY: You do too have a roomie, Bridgey!
RORY: Puppy, duh.
BRIDGE: But not a person roomie.
XANDER: I could come stay with you sometimes maybe!
BRIDGE: That works too!
RORY: Vladdie counts as MY rooomie!
SEAN: *barks*
BRIDGE: Okay, I don't have a two-legs roomie that speaks people language. RIC only speaks aminal. And robot.
VLADDIE: *yips*
RORY: *sounds of quiet padding over to a corner of the room, and then two pairs of wee feet coming back* I got meaniehead to come back.
XANDER: Angel never left.
JOHN: What the hell!
BRIDGE: *giggling*
JAYE: What the hell! *giggles*
ANGEL: Look out, Xander! Clowns!
XANDER: I hate you! Buffy hates you too, she tolded me.
BRIDGE: Angel, stop being mean.
ANGEL: She DOES NOT!!! She wants to marry me! 'cept that makes me turn evil.
XANDER: She said you have evil cooties and if she spends the night in your room she'll catch 'em so she can't ever.

RORY: I can read! An' these noteses say that...what's that name? Pee-ho-eebee...P-H-O-E-B-E broke her arm? RORY: An' then she went to the clinic?

ANAKIN: Because everyone knows you can't fly like that. Duh.

JAYE: Zero got hurted too but I didn't see her at the clinic. She should go. They have lollies.

RORY: I had a purple-flavored one!
AERYN: It tastes like purple?
RORY: Uh huh.
JOHN: Red is best. Green is ugly.
BRIDGE: Green is best!
XANDER: I like colors!
VERONICA: I like pink!
JAYE: I learned sil-ver today!

BARBOSSA: I be wakin' up 'n playin' me favoritest song ever, Little Bunny Foo Foo before goin' fer pancakes. And I ate pancakes wit' Pippi 'n Walter 'n Lana 'n Phoebe 'n saw Hammie 'n Duo 'n Mister Canute Mimirmirmir Fluffyheadpants and Duo promised me cookies and I never got any. And then Hamlet went 'n saw Lyta after she'd watched cartoons and they both went t' see Annie and I still never got any cookies. Which be meanin' Duo's gonna die. He said so!

JOHN: I have some crackers you can have.
ANGEL: I got blood in a juice box.
XANDER: I have twinkies! I share!
BARBOSSA: *sniffles* Thank ye.
XANDER: But don't put Basco sauce on em cause ewwwww.
BRIDGE: That doesn't mean you win, Barbossa. Just so you know.
VERONICA: I'll bake you cookies, 'bossa!
RORY: I had cookies but the speaker demons eated them!
ANGEL: *makes loud slurping noises with his straw*
RORY: I had coffee earlier. In a SIPPY CUP.
ANGEL: *blows bubbles*
JAYE: Coffee stunts your growth.
XANDER: I like coffee sometimes.
RORY: I'm a big girl. I'm gonna be as tall as my mommy!
XANDER: When it gots chocolate and whipped cream and stuffs.
CHLOE: Everything's good with chocolate and whipped cream!
XANDER: Especially cupcakes!
BARBOSSA: I be likin' cupcakes!
BRIDGE: I can make cupcakes!
JAYE: *stomach growls*
RORY: I want cuppycakes!
XANDER: You can share Bridge's cupcakes. But only 'cause you're little and cute. But it doesn't mean you win.

JAYE: Cam and K wanted ice cream and Callisto was a rabbit and Maureen has a rabbit and Blair talked to Broots who is an older person, and Ed looked for Al and they have a kitty and Sammie is sleeping in a corner, shhhhh! and Jakey has no coffee, oh noes!


JOHN: The school nurse is in the clinic. Allie
readed during her shift at the medicine place! Tomboy helps out Pho-Phe-a girl who Archie brings in!

JAYE: And other stuff! Nadia E-maileded and Lana got ready and Sharon who's not my sister and D'Anna had a food fight and Professorer Cregg and the Mountie yay were on the first floor and Jakey made art and I bet it was good. Can I eat now?

XANDER: I MISSED THE MOUNTIE? *sad, sad voice*
CHLOE: The Mountie let me wear his hat once. *smug voice*
CAM: Mountie's hat is cool. Cooler than Anakin's tail.
XANDER: Me too!
RORY: Me free!
JAYE: I wanna wear his hat. *pouts*
ANAKIN: It is not And he can't drive a golf cart like I can.
XANDER: He has a red coat! With shiny buttons!
AERYN: Uniforms are good.
BRIDGE: *kicks ground* I don't have shiny buttons or red coat or hat...
ANGEL: Hats make your hair look stupid.
ANAKIN: I don't wear hats.
VERONICA: Archie said its hard work keeping the buttons shiny.
RORY: 'Cause you have stupid hair, Anakin.
XANDER: You don't need a hat or a coat or nothing, Bridge. I like you even without 'em.

Townie Banownie!

JAYE: In the place with the nice green guy, Pippi and Nadia mess with Weevil and so does Piper and then in the place with the thing with the food, Walter and Pippi set lobsters free! I want a lobster! And Anakin and Zero and Maureen and Angela and Rory had a food fight and got dirty!

CAM: Sugar high, whee! Angela
visits All And Sunday! Ball guy tells her washing is bad! Pippi
comes in to play with Lizzy! Jenny goes to get sweets! Daniel is in the Park Perky Park. Janet is there too!

JOHN: Wonka's
gives pony rides! Artie and Walter make up a game. Angela
plays with Artie too! Jarod finds Mo!

JOHN: And it's time to go now! Go now! Go now! Say bye everyone!

AERYN: Are we done yet? Can we leave?
XANDER: Do we haveta?
ANGEL: I gotta take care of Callisto. We're married now.

JAYE: You can kiss when you're mommies and daddies!
XANDER: What the hell?
CHLOE: Ooooh! You'd better be careful, or you'll end up with babies!
ANGEL: She kissed me! So now we're married and we're gonna raise Cam-Mollusc and Sean like our kids even if they're adopted.
AERYN: ...So weird.
ANAKIN: Totally.
VERONICA: You don't have to be married to kiss!
MARTY: V and Archie, sitting in a.... ow.
RORY: No, that's how you GET married
VERONICA: I told you to shut up, Marty.
XANDER: Does that mean I'm married to Marty cause sorry but NO!
ANGEL: Could mean you're pregnant.
BRIDGE: Yeah, no being married to Marty!
RORY: Xander, are you pregnant?
JAYE: Is Xander a doctor? Because doctors bring babies.
MARTY: No! I don't wanna be married to Xander!
XANDER: Boys can't get pregnant!
RORY: What's pregnant?
VERONICA: That's what your mommy is, Rory!
JAYE: It's the place where the doctors get the babies.
XANDER: I'm not a doctor. I'm a kid!
RORY: Mommy's going give me a baby brother an' we're getting him from Pregnant?
BRIDGE: I'm a cop! Well, cop in training.
AERYN: ...What the hell. I'm leaving.
BARBOSSA: cookie cookie cookie Cookie COOKIE COOKIE COOKIE!!
XANDER: Rory's mommy is a teacher. Is that another word for pregnant?
VERONICA: Hey, Sammie! Wake up! It's time to go back to our rooms.
XANDER: Is Professor Lyman pregnant too?
ANAKIN: Bet Angel got him pregnant.
RORY: He gave me coffee! I'm not sleepy. Anyone wanna go jump on my bed with me?
VERONICA: Did Angel kiss him?
XANDER: Bridge has handcuffs!
CAM: I'm going to go get tucked in!
ANGEL: I DO NOT HAVE A CRUSH ON PROF. LYMAN! I HAVE A CRUSH ON - [quickly slaps hand over his mouth]
AERYN: *is so out the door now*
JOHN: I have to follow Aeryn! She needs protection!
BRIDGE: errr
ANGEL: [mumbles something behind his hand, grabs Sean, flees the room]
BARBOSSA: Everyone out, aye!
VERONICA: Night, 'bossa! I'll bake you cookies tomorrow! C'mon, Sammie.
BRIDGE: 'm going, 'm going, I'm not even tired, I'm *not* going to bed, though!
CAM: Anakin has a tail on his head! Yay tuck in time!
CHLOE: And we'll make sure Bel doesn't steal any of the cookies either!
ANGELA: Bye-bye! I'm gonna go too! Not to bed 'cause not sleepy AT ALL.
MARTY: Me either!
XANDER: C'mon Bridge! We'll go play in the Common Room and we can stay up ALLLLL NIGHT!
BRIDGE: Good plan, Xander!
RORY: I'm gonna go jump on my bed wiv' Vladdie an' eat ALL THE CANDY I HAVE IN MY CLOSET BY MYSELF.
JAYE: *stomach growls*
ANAKIN: Candy? Rory, wait up!
RORY: *SIGH* Fine, you can come too. But you can't have ANY Kisses. They're mine.
BARBOSSA: *sings Little Bunny Foo Foo into the microphone for fifteen solid minutes before mike finally cuts out*

[Thank you to Angel, Bridge, Cam, Sam, Anakin, Barbossa, Xander, Angela, Marty, Aeryn, Jaye, Rory, Sean, Vladdie, Chloe, and Veronica for helping with all this. If a link got missed, please forgive me. This day was absolutely HUGE and I couldn't get it all.]

sam carter, cameron mitchell, anakin skywalker, barbossa, john crichton, jaye tyler, xander harris, rory gilmore, marty blank, bridge carson, veronica mars, chloe sullivan, aeryn sun, angel, angela chase, weetiny weekend

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