East Attic - Wee!Tiny Saturday Morning

Apr 29, 2006 09:49

Veronica woke up very early on Saturday and bounced out of bed.

After all, she had a very big day planned. Plus morning cartoons!

She rushed into the kitchen, carefully poured herself a big glass of juice and grabbed a muffin from the counter before settling in front of the TV.

wee!tiny, east attic, lindsey, piper, bel, chloe

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wannabelawyer April 29 2006, 15:59:48 UTC
Wee!Lindsey wandered upstairs to the attic to see if there was anybody fun there. Not that girls were fun, especially not Veronica cos Veronica was ICKY. Girls were icky! But they might have brownies and brownies would be good for breakfast.

"Helloooooooo," he called out, knocking on the door and trying to open it at the same time. "Lemme in!"


marsheadtilt April 29 2006, 16:06:14 UTC
"Yay, more friends!" Veronica exclaimed, running full speed for the door. She opened it to find Lindsey standing there.

"Ew, go 'way," she said, sticking her tongue out and slamming the door shut.


wannabelawyer April 29 2006, 16:08:11 UTC
"HEY," came the very wee-ly indignant response from outside the door.
"Lemme IN!"

Lindsey knocked again. "Somebody who is not icky lemme in!"


cookinggeek April 29 2006, 16:13:04 UTC
"I'm not icky!" Piper said, so she opened the door.


marsheadtilt April 29 2006, 16:14:41 UTC
"I'm not icky either," Veronica insisted. "He's icky," she said, pointing at Lindsey and sticking her tongue out at him again.


wannabelawyer April 29 2006, 16:17:22 UTC
Lindsey tried to run into the room past the girls before they could shut the door again.

"You're not icky?" he asked Piper, confused. "Why? Do you got brownies?"

Then he turned to Veronica and gave her a wee glare. "You are too icky! And you slammed the door on me!"


cookinggeek April 29 2006, 16:20:59 UTC
"No brownies," Piper said. "But I have muffins!"


marsheadtilt April 29 2006, 16:27:08 UTC
"We don't want no boys," Veronica said, glaring at Lindsey. "Go 'way."


demonbelthazor April 29 2006, 16:29:08 UTC
Bel finally unfroze and started flailing. "Lindsey!" he wailed. "I need a cootie shot!"


wannabelawyer April 29 2006, 16:34:30 UTC
Lindsey looked horrified. "They gave you COOTIES?"

Maybe coming up here was not such a good idea, even if they did have muffins. Still, he had to save Bel from the cooties.

"I can do that," he said, walking over to Bel. "My sisters give me cooties alla time. Meanieheads."


demonbelthazor April 29 2006, 16:38:29 UTC
Bel held out his arm to Lindsey for the cootie shot. "I don't have any sisters," he said. "Just a lot of brothers. No girls allowed!"


wannabelawyer April 29 2006, 16:42:09 UTC
Lindsey looked at Bel's arm and nodded. "Def'nitely cooties."

Looking very serious, he started tracing a circle on Bel's arm. "Circle, circle. Dot, dot. Now you gotta cootie shot! There," he said proudly. "You better gimme one too, so they don't give me any cooties."


demonbelthazor April 29 2006, 16:44:30 UTC
Bel gravely returned the favor, followed with "Circle, circle, square, square, now you have it everywhere," to immunize Lindsey further. Then he glared at the girls. "Now you can't give us girl cooties!"


mycanonhatesme April 29 2006, 16:49:19 UTC
"Oh yeah, well you're still boy-smelly. There's no shot for that," Chloe said, crossing her arms over her chest.


marsheadtilt April 29 2006, 16:50:40 UTC
"Yeah," Veronica agreed, copying Chloe's posture. "And you're making our room all stinky. And you stole a muffin," she pointed at Bel accusingly.


cookinggeek April 29 2006, 16:53:16 UTC
"And you threw fire at the wall!" Piper said, glaring at Bel.


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