Fandom radio, Friday, March 14th

Mar 15, 2008 00:58

Hey Fandom? Look behind you. Unless there's a statue of an angel in front of you. Then have somebody else look behind you. All clear? Okay, then. This is Xander with the news. Willow couldn't be here tonight because she's stucking in nineteen frakkin' twenty-three. But she says hi.

[squeaky noises]

Yeah, you guys too. She mentioned you specifically.

[squeaky sniffly noises]

Aww, man, don't do that. We're gonna get her back. We're gonna get 'em all back. Here, have a kleenex. ...Okay, have like, a tenth of a kleenex. Look, I'm gonna read about how we even hold classes during a state of emergency - you know she'll be all lovably deranged over that when she gets home.

School, where we can neither confirm nor deny that there's a stone angel standing behind you, so you better look.

The office was open and fighting off a Pi-rat invasion with rulers and paperclips. Um, huh? I know your handwriting sucks but you guys usually spell better than that. Willow being gone must really be--


...Ah. Gotcha. Okay, look, my Rat's a little rusty, but could you guys, like, plunder some other time? It's kind of dangerous around here right now and we really don't need the distraction.

[Squeaky noises, some of which are clearly coming from Xander, then the unmistakeable sloshing sound of a bottle of rum being decanted into thimbles.]

Enjoy. Just make sure you have a designated angel-watcher, 'kay?

Right, on to classes. Before they got invaded by Pi-rats too, Art History talked about medieval art, and I hope nobody ended up that far back in time. It's bad enough that Mel and Willow are living in a world where they haven't invented Twinkies yet, but at least they have indoor plumbing. My Country studied diplomacy today; this is the part where Willow would say something about the noble nation of Gremlinistan, like how telling somebody those pants make their ass look big is punishable by a stiff fine and seventy-two hours of community service, only she probably wouldn't say ass, because she's Willow.

The Art of Cool kids paired up to talk about how uncool getting kidnapped is, and if you look across the aisle from you on that train, Professor Tink, the guy in the dashing eyepatch waving at you would be me. Brooke talked her way out of class early, but Ron was around to TA.

In the library today, Liir snuck in to bring Karal lunch, and Evey snuck in to bring him smoochies. Or possibly they were brazen smoochies right out there in the middle of the library; it's all good. Hey, take 'em when you can get 'em. A.J. and Anemone compared notes on strange disappearances, and Anathema, Sokka, G'Kar, Cable and Adah hit the books too.

Dorms, where I hope the ones who haven't left are holing up with pillows, dvds, and a buttload of caffeine.

Seems like most of the people left in the dorms are either leaving or thinking about it. Wyatt left my ex-room and my never-ex-roomie after getting a call this morning, and Savannah did the same thing with Johnny. Sky and Dojima got ready to head off-island on an away mission -- good luck, guys -- and Chad was wearing a rut in the third floor hallway carpet going back and forth trying to decide if he should take off to do something too. John and Jaina complained about not going after the angels, and John suggested maybe we should spraypaint them. With a rocket launcher, maybe? I like rocket launchers. Jen and I met up by the gates and talked about... stuff. Rescuey stuff that didn't quite work out so really, good luck, Away Team people. And Reno woke up to find Rikku working on a bomb -- hopefully for the statues and not for the school, because I really don't want to rebuild that damn thing again.

Johnny and Isabel got worried when Savannah and Wyatt didn't come back - oh, hon, no. PEOPLE, STOP GETTING KIDNAPPED. A.J. checked in to make sure Annette was ok and they made up. I'm guessing they had a fight, but if they stayed up painting each others' toenails, who the hell am I to judge. Whatever keeps you awake and unkidnapped. Like Evey and Karal of library-smoochies fame, whatever they're up to in his room? Go them. Go Reno with your dirty postcard, but you should really get somebody to come look at it with you. For safety. Like Eve and Gwynn are doing except not dirty. I think. But oh, hey, Rikku came by to look at the dirty postcard. Or maybe just to show it to her cat. Also not dirty.

Meanwhile Ron was... sticking his head up the lobby fireplace to call home? Dude, there are better ways. Cell phone, no roaming charges, free candy. Talk to Br--. Nevermind. Namine tried to get a portal to take her to Sora and there goes my other idea, so I guess I don't need to be watching my inbox for a reply from the Willow that doesn't live in 1923, 'cause it didn't work.


In town, the post office was open and more letters from the past came in. Mary's hosting a slumber party at the hotel for anybody who needs a safehouse, and Pizza Planet was open as a safe place to go too. Yitzhak, Jolee and Dr. Troy opened Luke's, Caritas and the clinic, which had free food, cake and Pi-rats, and no patients, thank God for medium-sized favors. Sokka tried using the causeway to get to the people stuck in the past and there goes another option, because no. Treat-scammer doggie wasn't all that impressed by the yelling that followed. G'Kar fell asleep researching, but later he opened Turtle & Canary. Namine came in to ask about Sora, and STOP DISAPPEARING, PEOPLE. Stay away from the freakin' angels!

Speaking of ...

Oh, good, Rikku's bomb was for the freakin' angels. Oh bad, it didn't do anything to them. Also? Stay away from the freakin' angels! Those things move fast. Not as fast as a Slayer, though; Faith got away after she found Dale's tape-recorder.

Andros, Wyatt and Savannah and Mohinder.... weren't so lucky. And now there's less of us and more people in the past and did I mention stay away from the freakin' angels?

Be careful, people. Look out for each other. Me and the squirrels are heading back to MCA - somebody leave a light on for me, okay?


Yeah, you can come too.

In the land of the OOC, the one-eyed man is ...not reading these links.

The Past: Paris 1899 | Cairo 1923 | New York 1930 | Chicago 1933 | London 1936

Away Teams: Alpha: American Museum of Natural History, NYC | Bravo: Crane Asylum, Chicago | Charlie: Westchester | Delta: Timbuktu | Echo: London/Latveria

don't blink, xander harris, big damn event

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