Pizza Planet, Friday 3/14

Mar 14, 2008 12:10

Tom was trying very hard to not fall asleep at the counter. He'd hardly slept last night, though he was glad for Makoto's company. Today, he was armed with a massive cup of coffee and a fridge full of energy drinks, as he was by himself- Jen had let him know she wasn't going to be in today or tomorrow. He'd also planned on having the restaurant open for a safe place again tonight. Lynette wasn't happy when he called her to tell her this, but she understood.

He was also being harrassed by tiny rats in pirate costumes, of all things. They waved swords at him and squeaked incessantly. They seemed to be sated when he offered them a slice of pizza to split, but he had a feeling more would come later. Tom half wondered if he was hallucinating them, but this, really, was no stranger than people being sent back in time by angel statues, or melting giraffes, or Sky turning into a ball of light-

It was going to be a loooong next couple of days.

The menu board was up.

Today's Special:
There are no specials. Mr. Tom is too tired.

Free pizza to anybody who stops in after dark- order it, make it yourself, or let Mr. Tom teach you (if he's awake)!
Free arcade games!

[Please wait for OCD. It's up. Have fun!]

pizza planet, tom scavo

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