By the School Gates, Friday Morning

Mar 14, 2008 10:45

No, Jen hadn't been able to sleep last night; frustration combined with the anticipation of today's mission did that to her. She'd left a message for Tom letting him know she wouldn't be in to work today, and now, having suited up for the mission, found herself with a little time to kill. Maybe pacing around the school grounds wasn't her best idea, but for some strange reason the rats scampering about her feet having swordfights and threatening to maroon each other for breaking the pi-rat's code made her feel marginally less tense.

This didn't stop her from pacing around, a mirror in each hand so she could keep an eye out behind her.

She could swear the pi-rats were snickering at her, but there was really only so much you could feel stupid about this when you habitually wore white vinyl, okay?

[OOC: For that guy with the eyepatch what is not a pirate. Just got another (ANOTHER WTF) project dumped on me so great SP for great justice until evening. Gnargh.]

grounds, don't blink

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