Fandom Radio, Monday, January 22

Jan 23, 2007 20:36

Good Evening Fandom, you're listening to Fandom Radio, Seely "Oh dear god I'm sorry that drunk Irish me was such a complete and utter ass, Door" Booth broadcasting.

*amused chittering*

Shut up you guys, or I'm going to find a way to cut off your acorns. I still have the bruises from last night's broadcast.

Not so funny now is it. Moving on.

Classes, where everything is back to what passes for normal.

Ethics class talk about spreading rumours, and if you guys could spread the rumour that drunk Irish me was a jerk and I'm really sorry to my roomie I'd appreciate it. Valentine is a smart man hides under his desk, while Molly comforts Katara over this weekend. Molly I know a couple of other people in need of comfort, like say, the awesome roomie whom I'm incredibly sorry I was a jerk to.

Fairy Tales watch a film and try very hard to forget this weekend, which again, sorry Door, although Jack and Evie seem to have found something amusing about it. River gets tea for her cold, Professor Aziraphale's TAs are down with the avoiding thing, Nadia compliments the good prof on his mad spying skills, before he apologises to Billy for yelling at him. Karou and Haruhi, Lana and Aziraphale, and Conner, Marie, Lana, and Evie, all pass notes to each other.

Conflict Management have a quiz about, wait for it, resolving conflict. Annette gets scowled at by Bel for smiling, and students evaluate themselves on conflict management styles. I'm guessing Bel's was 'poor'.

Pop Culture do the Earth technology thing, learning about mobile phones, laptops, portable televisions and iPods. One word for you kids, shiny.

Fitness learn about Jujutsu. Cool.

Media Studies look at advertisements in printed media. So, guys, how much for a full page apology these days? They find ads to present to the rest of the the class.

Defence Against Malicious Magics talk about the importantace of riddles, then has the students riddle each other. Hey, I have a riddle, what's the best way to apologise to a roomie who has every right to wish you dead? The lines will be open all night. Chris and Wyatt pass notes, with Tannim getting in on the action. Pheobe tells Wyatt the past weekend was normal for Fandom.


What? You mean I'm going to turn into a drunken Irish lout on a regular basis, now?

Moving on, Principal Washburn has office hours, and is visted by Ellen Harvelle. Also having office hours is Professor I'll-Let-You-Seduce-Me. Professor Lorne sends email, and the office is open.

Dorms, scene of mass attempted suicide.

Up in the Fourth Floor Common Room, John Connor and Billy attempt death by waffle music.

While down on the First Floor, Berthold is sad and sniffly, at least until he makes a new friend. Which according to the squirrels, is absolutely adorable.

Number Six is in the Second Floor Showers trying to wash away anything he might have gotten over the weekend. Joining him are Edward and Valentine. Dirty.

In the Third Floor Common Room, Neil makes popcorn while listening to the radio and doing homework. He and Tori decide to be the soul of magnamity and not tease anyone over this weekend. Angela gets filled in on the weekend by the pair, and tells Alec, who Neil temporarily mistakes for Dean, that she's not married.

Anders goes for the smoking, brooding, emoing hat-trick on the roof, where he's joined by Tori, who find out aobut his wish not to remember this weekend, and I hear you there buddy. Anders and Dick debate the merits of nipple lasers, which, don't ask. Pip smokes, but does not apparently either brood nor emo, which somwhow leads Anders to remember that Zero had a video camera all weekend.


Oh, god.

Annette makes pizza in the Fifth Floor Common Room, where Cally tells her about Xander's happiness inducing return to Fandom, then informs Nadia that she wasn't a fleshing eating demon this weekend. Um, yay? Nadia asks Annette about her weekend and tells her about the evil, concussion giving squirrels. Rikku apologises to Annette, and tries to return some assorted items to their original owners.

In other dorm news, Sam is Sam again and talks to Dean about the weekend. Probably asking questions about his brother trying out new bondage techniques on him. Door is the best roomie ever who does not deserve to be stood up by drunk Irish jerky me and I will fully understand if my stuff is in the hallway when I get back, Dick reflects on his weekend, Jack is Jack again and wakes up with Carter whose cookies are not a matter of discussion for anyone. John and Aeryn share exploits, while Bel consdiers never leaving his room again, and Cedric and Isabel apologise to each other. Kawalsky goes for a run. Run, Kawalski, Run! Homework makes Henry emo, Chris joins the grovelling to the roomie train, which I need to catch.

Bel and Phoebe discuss their weekends, Jude and Setsuna wake up together, possibly dirty, and Z knocks on Bridge's door very, very early this morning. Lana wakes up with Jim, who comforts her, as opposed to Katara who wakes up with Zuko, who immediately starts fighting with her, Mel accuses them of having Unresolved Sexual Tension, and I think she might be justified in that accusation. Hermione wants to go back to having warts, okay I guess, and Marie and Jaime and Willow and Marie discuss their weekends. Willow so wanted drunk Irish me.

But, um, that's not as important right as the fact I have an awesome roomie who really puts up with far too much from me.

Moving on, Isabel makes some phone calls, apologises to Greg, and has Jack drops by to fix her doorknob. Nadia and Walter wake up together, Molly sleeps outside Ray's door, Pam is glad there are no whistles and Irulan brings her coffee. Alanna stops Faithful from destroying her radio, Rory wakes up and Luke unties her, Luke you...waitaminute, does that mean Rory wasn't running around calling herself Winnie?


After being untied, Rory hides under her blanket until Bridge makes her come. Out! Makes her come out! Hamlet feels ill, and Miley gets an email that makes her sad, woe. Kaylee is glad she wasn't suicidal enough to threaten Parker, Setsuna apologises to Ranma, Nadia checks on Pippi, Jack cleans his room and is visited by Cedric, Rikku tries to figure out who she stole from, and Teddy is not happy. Ranma hugs him and Cally tries to see if he's him.

Peter and Willow apologise to each other, Parker is out of jail, hey Parker, is it true what those movies say about Women's Prisions? Isabel calls her and they make plans to run off to Tahiti together, to which I say, pretty. Cedric lets her take photos of his broomstick. *sounds of helpless giggling* Sorry, something in my throat, and Jarod gets a thank-you call for bailing her out.

Zero works in the AV lab, and Parker and Jake and his coffee stop in. Mac plays with her laptop, is apologised to, and has the girlfriend stop in to spend the night. Steve makes a phone call, Ranma and the twins do homework, and Dawn takes a long shower.

Town, where I woke up.

Aziraphale goes to the park to think over the weekend before going home to get called a pervet and get snuggled. I fully expect that to happen to me.

The, um, getting called a pervert bit, I have no expectation of snuggling from my mistreated roomie.

Clark has a lot on his mind, and Xander wakes up on an uncomfortable couch.

River is in the junkyard, John Connor waffles it up at Sparky's, Clark teases Lana at the bookstore, Mayor Braca threatens to arrest anyone who is not themselves. Deadpool visits Blood Gulch Arms, before playing Marco Polo with Sister Rosette at the church. Over at Empire Record's Chad is very happy to see that Teddy's himself, before helping Nadia find a record.

Xander gets something called a Harper-gram as well as a slightly used set of apartments, he and Willow share a case of amnesia about the weekend. Here's a clue, one of you choked drunk Irish me, the other hit on drunk Irish me. Cally asked what happened to him, and Rory returns money, the squirrel are tight-lipped about it was for, Ellen gets an apartment.

Jane opens All and Sundry, Rose is woeful at Luke's, there are pictures being taken from roofs, Schrodinger opens the Devil's Nest, and Jo and Steve talk demon possessions at the Perk.

Jarod offers special drinks at Caritas in honour of the weekend, and Teddy waits for Chad in the lounge.

Over at the clinic, the Doctor assures Elliot that he hadn't been in a coma, and Jim Halpert visits in the eveing, right before Alanna checks to discover Buffy's not there anymore.

Buffy was in the clinic? Why does no one tell me these things?

And on that note, that's all the news of the island, this is Seely "Seriously, name anything I can do to make it up to you, Door" Booth, signing off.

seely booth

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