Room 234/236: Monday afternoon

Jan 22, 2007 15:05

Parker's whole weekend of weird had culminated Sunday in not only ogling Mr. Phale, having drinks with him, then a dinner with Weiss (Weiss, damnit!) which had shown up Rita's clingy psychotic qualities, but a botched attempt at bank robbery, then getting caught and going to jail.

Don't ask how she got out. Just... don't.

Upon her release, she Read more... )

bankrobberywtf?!, lovely rita the psycho, zero, dvd of shame, flying, jarod, no really kill me, isabel, theinsaneexboyfriendismakingmecrazy, 234/236, cedric, phale, zero is so dead, weiss, links, phone calls

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chasingsnitches January 22 2007, 23:50:01 UTC
After a stop at Jack's room still being played out, Cedric took his broom and went down the hall to Parker's room.

He knocked.


mparkerceo January 22 2007, 23:51:54 UTC
Parker sighed, and trudged to the door. "Who is it? If it's the police, I didn't do it!"


chasingsnitches January 22 2007, 23:54:04 UTC
"It's Cedric," he said. "And there's no police."


mparkerceo January 22 2007, 23:57:01 UTC
Parker opens the door, rueful and guarded. "Hi. Thanks for coming." She nodded at the broom. "You still want to do this? You don't have to, if you're wanting to hide."


chasingsnitches January 23 2007, 00:01:46 UTC
"No, this is fine," he said. "I'm all right. How are you?"


mparkerceo January 23 2007, 00:05:08 UTC
"Hideously embarassed. And looking for distraction." She smiled at him and shook her head. "Give me a minute to grab the camera, then we can head for the roof."

She left the door open as she went looking for the supplies, and retrieved the camera bag and film. "So, I caught the Saturday night podcast...." she said as she locked the door behind her.


chasingsnitches January 23 2007, 00:08:50 UTC
"Oh?" He nodded slowly. "I didn't listen to the radio at all this weekend. Whoever I was thought it was lowly."


mparkerceo January 23 2007, 00:11:43 UTC
"Lowly?" Parker shot him a you're kidding? glance as they headed toward the stairwell. "I can't mock. I did so much worse. But what was the deal with talking in third person all the time?"


chasingsnitches January 23 2007, 00:13:51 UTC
"I honestly don't know," he said. "That wasn't me so I'm not sure who it was."


mparkerceo January 23 2007, 00:18:11 UTC
"Cedric Diggory. Both names, always." Parker shook her head, and pushed open the door to the roof, tilting back her head to look up at the sky. The sun had set about half an hour earlier, so twilight was fading into darkness. "I am seriously considering moving to Tahiti at this point. If my passport doesn't have a restriction on it."


chasingsnitches January 23 2007, 00:24:45 UTC
"Will moving make people forget what happened?" Cedric asked her.


mparkerceo January 23 2007, 00:27:22 UTC
"I can dream," Parker said very seriously. "Or at least I won't hear about it. You want to come with?" She sighed, and started loading her camera. "You know, I've never seen you do this. How far off the ground can that broom get?"


chasingsnitches January 23 2007, 00:29:32 UTC
"As far as you need me to," he said, climbing on the broom but not leaving the ground just yet.


mparkerceo January 23 2007, 00:38:39 UTC
"Hmmm. Let's try about eye-level, then work up from there? Maybe get a good bit higher?" Parker put the camera up to her eye and adjusted the sights. "Ready when you are!"


chasingsnitches January 23 2007, 00:43:24 UTC
He kicked off the ground and adopted a leisurely place, floating about eye level with her camera.

"This all right?"


mparkerceo January 23 2007, 00:48:46 UTC
No matter how bad the day, magic like this was always an improvement. Parker took a shot, checking the light levels. "Great. Wow. Could you get higher? And farther away from the roof, so it's obvious there's no wires?"


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