Traditional Fairy Tales, Class Three

Jan 22, 2007 00:00

Monday, January 22, Second Period

Aziraphale really wished he could have stayed home, preferably hiding someplace very dark where no one would know to look for him. Especially he wasn't looking forward to facing his students on this Monday morning. Which was why there was a huge television screen on one wall, and the furniture was all arranged so that it could be easily seen. There were also handouts and books available for the students to borrow. Aziraphale stood near the screen, and looked mostly at his chair when he spoke.

"Today, er...we're going to be seeing a film. It's called The Royal Fiancee, and it illustrates much of what we've been discussing in class about character archetypes. Particularly, I would like you to pay close attention to the secondary characters -- the ones who might fit the roles of 'helper', 'parent', or 'lover'. In this film, since the two central characters do fit the mould of hero and heroine, I would like you to consider how each could also fill the role of lover. Your handouts will help you with the definitions.

"Also, next week we will be meeting in the Danger Room, and the following week we'll have our first exam. Yes, Miss Stewart, before you say anything, I do know that I said we wouldn't be seeing any films. But I still expect you to do the reading, regardless."

Then he went off and found a dark corner to hide in.

Handouts: Definitions

Assignment: "The Dancing Water, the Singing Apple, and the Speaking Bird" and "Sleeping Beauty"

Extra Credit: Write a brief essay identifying the roles of helper, parent, and lover in "Mr. Fox" and "John the True".

[ooc: Aziraphale is attempting not to die of embarrassment over the weekend's activities. Feel free to hinder his attempts. Kindly wait for OCD is now up.]

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