If Tomorrow Wasn't Such a Long Time... [OPEN]

Oct 07, 2011 14:06

Who: Poland and ???
Where: Out on the mansion grounds
When: 10/7
Rating: Probably PG at most
Summary: Poland's having a bit of trouble dealing with Liet's departure, but at least the revolution has pushed him into accepting it enough to leave the room now and then. Progress?
The Story: ( ...Lonesome would mean nothing to me at all. )

katara, conan edogawa, poland, shannon beiste, terezi pyrope, elaine belloc, zuko

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Comments 186

I MUST HAVE ALL THE CRS. exiled_torch October 8 2011, 02:01:32 UTC
There's only one place where he hasn't totally explored, and that's the stables. Zuko shows up there at the same time Poland goes to bother the horses.

Exploring every inch of this place is mostly pointless, but it makes him feel like he's doing something. Maybe, just maybe some clue about why they're here has gone overlooked. The stables is the last place where one could be.

...no, just horses, which of course, is a species of animal he doesn't recognize at all, but they certainly smell like ostrich-horses. One of them stares at him with vague interest as he passes by the stalls. He looks back at it, wondering if these things are self aware, like the Rabbit.


ALL OF THEM. /hands you pokeballs reckless_eagle October 8 2011, 02:16:30 UTC
Poland knew, deep in his heart, that his horse was gonna be wicked mad at him for disappearing on her. Which was why he came with a satchel full of carrots and apples! When Zuko got there, Poland was at the door to her stall, his nose to her muzzle, petting her mane and whispering apologies that sound like total nonsense words to... you know, everyone who doesn't speak late medieval Polish.

When he hears footsteps, he turns around to see who it is. He doesn't recognize Zuko, so he puts on the brightest smile he can manage. "Hey! What's up?"


HELL YEAH exiled_torch October 8 2011, 02:25:54 UTC
Oh, looks like a stranger is talking to him. Cue..Zuko's ridiculously bad abilities at small talk! He can't help but feel a bit dejected that there isn't anything to help him get home in this entire place. What did he expect to find in here though, really?

"Um, hey."

One of the other horses nearby snorts at him. God does it smell in here.


Zuko pauses and seems to be puzzled by Poland's horse. These are alien animals to him.

"uh..what is that thing?"

stay classy zuko.


/plays epic midi background music so you can run around collecting the CRs in style reckless_eagle October 8 2011, 02:31:50 UTC
"You know, I can like, never believe how many people there are here who don't know about horses."

Seriously. What the Hell is the deal with their worlds? He rode in a car in Kurt's dream once, sure, but... horses!

"Um, that's what they're called, in case you didn't get that." You could never be too sure.


[action forever] usskickass October 8 2011, 02:15:09 UTC
It's hard to ignore the itch to go through the rabbit hole again. Sure, she didn't exactly like going over there, but well...She had to try, right? And maybe speak to the new Queen in person...

So every day she walks a little closer to where the hole was, afraid but curious.

She's on one of these walks when she spots Poland. It's been a while since they've talked, so she gives him a little wave. "Hey. Long time, no see."


[action, baby] reckless_eagle October 8 2011, 02:18:15 UTC
Poland flashes a little smile at the coach. "God, it totally has been, hasn't it? My bad, I guess. How've you been?"


usskickass October 8 2011, 02:25:05 UTC
"Don't worry about it." Beiste is aware what the major reason is for people going all hermit. She isn't going to blame him for grieving.

"I guess I'm okay. These past few weeks have been pretty...you know. What about you, blondie?"


reckless_eagle October 8 2011, 02:33:34 UTC
"Oh, I'm, um... I like, haven't been getting out much." Or at all. "So I guess there's not that much new in my life. It's really starting to feel like fall out here, isn't it?"


demiurgos_girl October 8 2011, 12:41:42 UTC

Elaine's waiting next to his door when he comes through it. And she doesn't try to hide the fact that she'd been waiting since early morning. She greets him with a smile and quickly follows through with a hug to surprise him, forgetting for the moment to remove her iPod's earphones.


reckless_eagle October 8 2011, 20:23:24 UTC
Poland looks startled, even a little bit upset, at being ambushed so unexpectedly. What if he's not ready to talk to people yet?! But, he's been blowing Elaine off for far too long, so he brushes his anxiety aside and hugs her back.

"Like, what's up, Elaine?" He wonders if there's some reason she's at his door.


demiurgos_girl October 9 2011, 06:15:55 UTC
She tucks her iPod away, and takes a good look at him without being too obvious about it. Although she was excited to see him, she was also careful enough to notice his expression, even if he was quick to hide it.

She backs off a bit, just a bit, and smiles. "You owe me vodka, remember?" What she said makes sense to her just a bit too slowly, and when it does she laughs. "It's too early in the morning, I guess."


reckless_eagle October 9 2011, 07:20:41 UTC
He laughs, but there's something just... a little off about him. Nervous, perhaps. His physical appearance is a little suspect, too--bags under his eyes, his clothes fitting too loosely, less care than usual taken in his appearance.

"It is kinda early for that, babe," he teased. "Unless you like, wanna spend all day sleeping in the kitchen floor~"


tobendthetide October 8 2011, 20:10:25 UTC
The beach was the one place in the mansion where Katara felt most at home. Maybe it was the water that crashed against the sand or maybe it was just that when she was outside, she felt freer and less contained.

In any case, Katara's moving through various stances commonly used by Waterbenders, and occasionally pulling up a stream of water and making it float through the air. It's a nice day out, so Katara has every intention of spending the better part of her day there.


reckless_eagle October 8 2011, 20:42:41 UTC
When he first came to the mansion, Poland remembered being frightened and mistrustful of people who used magic. But, gradually, he'd come to see that most of them hadn't traded their souls to Satan for power, and now it was all just kind of... fascinating. He watched her work from a distance, quiet and curious.


tobendthetide October 11 2011, 05:08:01 UTC
Eventually, Katara lowers her arms, deciding now's a good time to take a break for a moment or two. It's then that she realizes she's being watched by someone standing a little ways away. She waves tentatively in his direction and gives him a friendly smile.


reckless_eagle October 11 2011, 05:45:58 UTC
Poland approachees Katara with a little bit of caution, offering her a hesitant smile in return.

"Like, what was that?"


turn4bout October 8 2011, 23:28:34 UTC
After the end of the revolution, Terezi had been hopeful. She had been plotting for months with Beiste and various others, trying to uncover a way to manipulate the power of Wonderland into decided who stays and goes. There was revolution, change of power, and the opportunity to make things go her way.

But then Karkat's room was empty.

Terezi's in the forest now, up in the trees. She's hanging upside down, dangling her arms, swinging in the branches, and thinking of home (before the game, before the Veil).

"Hey, grubloaf!" Terezi drops a partially eaten apple in his general direction when he passes by.


reckless_eagle October 9 2011, 01:20:30 UTC

Well, there's only one person ever who would call him that, especially considering she doesn't sound like she's particularly trying to insult him or anything. He pastes on a smile as he looks up and sidesteps the apple, because he's not sure he wants to get into explaining strange human rituals like missing your loved ones when you're apart. Hey, for all he knows, that's like, a thing.

"Hey! Ohmigod, how's it going?"


turn4bout October 9 2011, 02:11:01 UTC
"Same as usual. Trapped in another universe, climbing trees and shit." She swings herself up, grabbing onto a branch and flipping herself into a seated position.

"Come up here and join me!"


reckless_eagle October 9 2011, 02:13:45 UTC
Poland nods a little, then scrambles up the tree to about her level, sitting down on a branch with his back to the trunk as he looks at her.

"So like, how about that whole mirror revolution thing, huh? Totally never thought I'd see the day. The last time I insulted the Queen to one of them, they like, just about bit my head off over it!"


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