If Tomorrow Wasn't Such a Long Time... [OPEN]

Oct 07, 2011 14:06

Who: Poland and ???
Where: Out on the mansion grounds
When: 10/7
Rating: Probably PG at most
Summary: Poland's having a bit of trouble dealing with Liet's departure, but at least the revolution has pushed him into accepting it enough to leave the room now and then. Progress?
The Story: ( ...Lonesome would mean nothing to me at all. )

katara, conan edogawa, poland, shannon beiste, terezi pyrope, elaine belloc, zuko

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I MUST HAVE ALL THE CRS. exiled_torch October 8 2011, 02:01:32 UTC
There's only one place where he hasn't totally explored, and that's the stables. Zuko shows up there at the same time Poland goes to bother the horses.

Exploring every inch of this place is mostly pointless, but it makes him feel like he's doing something. Maybe, just maybe some clue about why they're here has gone overlooked. The stables is the last place where one could be.

...no, just horses, which of course, is a species of animal he doesn't recognize at all, but they certainly smell like ostrich-horses. One of them stares at him with vague interest as he passes by the stalls. He looks back at it, wondering if these things are self aware, like the Rabbit.


ALL OF THEM. /hands you pokeballs reckless_eagle October 8 2011, 02:16:30 UTC
Poland knew, deep in his heart, that his horse was gonna be wicked mad at him for disappearing on her. Which was why he came with a satchel full of carrots and apples! When Zuko got there, Poland was at the door to her stall, his nose to her muzzle, petting her mane and whispering apologies that sound like total nonsense words to... you know, everyone who doesn't speak late medieval Polish.

When he hears footsteps, he turns around to see who it is. He doesn't recognize Zuko, so he puts on the brightest smile he can manage. "Hey! What's up?"


HELL YEAH exiled_torch October 8 2011, 02:25:54 UTC
Oh, looks like a stranger is talking to him. Cue..Zuko's ridiculously bad abilities at small talk! He can't help but feel a bit dejected that there isn't anything to help him get home in this entire place. What did he expect to find in here though, really?

"Um, hey."

One of the other horses nearby snorts at him. God does it smell in here.


Zuko pauses and seems to be puzzled by Poland's horse. These are alien animals to him.

"uh..what is that thing?"

stay classy zuko.


/plays epic midi background music so you can run around collecting the CRs in style reckless_eagle October 8 2011, 02:31:50 UTC
"You know, I can like, never believe how many people there are here who don't know about horses."

Seriously. What the Hell is the deal with their worlds? He rode in a car in Kurt's dream once, sure, but... horses!

"Um, that's what they're called, in case you didn't get that." You could never be too sure.


all i need is a bike now sonnnn exiled_torch October 8 2011, 02:39:02 UTC
"..We don't have regular horses, just ostrich-horses."

Yup. He says that flat out seriously, mostly because he did actually have one for a short time. The lunacy of his world's fauna is just..something for the books. He is getting used to "normal" animals from seeing them around here, but..it's still weird.


Can't go on the cycling road without it! reckless_eagle October 8 2011, 02:43:25 UTC
"That's totally not a breed I've ever heard of. Are they fast?"

Breeding horses is serious business, and Poland is always looking for ways to ensure that his cavalry keeps being the best in Europe.


xDD exiled_torch October 8 2011, 02:54:34 UTC
He nods and wonders if one could beat a regular horse.

"Yeah, they're pretty fast."


reckless_eagle October 8 2011, 03:01:08 UTC
"Huh. I wonder if I could like, get one out of the closet, or if I have to actually know what they look like for that to work..." Poland sort of... thinks aloud, a lot of the time. Speaking of which...

"Who are you, anyway?"


exiled_torch October 8 2011, 03:19:49 UTC
He shrugs, "I can get you one if you want." The whole closets giving living things is still strange to him, too, but he knows he can do it and how to do so.

"Oh..I'm Zuko."

He rubs the back of his neck idly.


reckless_eagle October 8 2011, 03:23:35 UTC
"That would be cool! Would it stay here, or would we have to build an addition on to the stable?" Fact: pretty much the first thing Poland did when he got to Wonderland was get a pony out of the closet. To help him batter a door down. He is pretty well over that bit of weirdness!

He smiles a little. "I'm like, the Kingdom of Poland. Just Poland's always cool, though! It's way nice to meet you and junk, Zuko."


exiled_torch October 8 2011, 03:32:50 UTC
"It'd be fine staying here."

Wait, did he just say Kingdom of Poland? Zuko doesn't have a Poland where he's from, but calling yourself a kingdom is a bit off. He quirks a brow. Honestly he's been getting used to how strange the residents were here. He must be just as strange to them.

"Uh..Kingdom? Is that some kind of title?"

He questions and gives a grateful nod to the nice to meet you thing.


reckless_eagle October 8 2011, 03:41:32 UTC
Poland does a little drama-queen sigh. "Ugh, I guess there aren't any other nations around here to explain this stuff anymore, huh? Yeah, it's my title. We can totally leave it at that, if you want."

Or they could go in circles about how a person can't be a country except that he totally is. Whatever. Poland usually just sort of wants to fast-forward through this part of first talks with people here.


exiled_torch October 8 2011, 03:52:56 UTC
How strange. He figures Poland is a king of some sort, and instead of calling people titles, they use geography instead and change names to match their nations.

"I think I understand. You're the leader of a nation named Poland, right?"


reckless_eagle October 8 2011, 03:55:58 UTC
...Oh, what the Hell. He might as well correct him--nothing much better to do, right?

"No, um, not exactly. I'm a nation. My king's the leader, but he's totally not here right now. I'm kinda... Think of it like being, like, the soul of a people."


exiled_torch October 8 2011, 04:07:44 UTC
His eyes widen. The implications of a nation having it's own soul seems to bother him. Of course, Poland could also be nuts. He mutters.

"..just when I thought I've seen everything."

Zuko doesn't press the issue. Poland could be crazy. Still, he doesn't seem crazy, and he's actually seen much stranger things here, like the telepathic bunny-cat that warped onto his bed.


reckless_eagle October 8 2011, 04:11:00 UTC
Poland is definitely a little bit crazy, but he's also definitely a functionally immortal nation-spirit.

"You're like, new here, aren't you?" he teased. After a while, you just sort of learned to stop questioning the weird stuff you found out about from other worlds.


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