If Tomorrow Wasn't Such a Long Time... [OPEN]

Oct 07, 2011 14:06

Who: Poland and ???
Where: Out on the mansion grounds
When: 10/7
Rating: Probably PG at most
Summary: Poland's having a bit of trouble dealing with Liet's departure, but at least the revolution has pushed him into accepting it enough to leave the room now and then. Progress?
The Story: ( ...Lonesome would mean nothing to me at all. )

katara, conan edogawa, poland, shannon beiste, terezi pyrope, elaine belloc, zuko

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[action forever] usskickass October 8 2011, 02:15:09 UTC
It's hard to ignore the itch to go through the rabbit hole again. Sure, she didn't exactly like going over there, but well...She had to try, right? And maybe speak to the new Queen in person...

So every day she walks a little closer to where the hole was, afraid but curious.

She's on one of these walks when she spots Poland. It's been a while since they've talked, so she gives him a little wave. "Hey. Long time, no see."


[action, baby] reckless_eagle October 8 2011, 02:18:15 UTC
Poland flashes a little smile at the coach. "God, it totally has been, hasn't it? My bad, I guess. How've you been?"


usskickass October 8 2011, 02:25:05 UTC
"Don't worry about it." Beiste is aware what the major reason is for people going all hermit. She isn't going to blame him for grieving.

"I guess I'm okay. These past few weeks have been pretty...you know. What about you, blondie?"


reckless_eagle October 8 2011, 02:33:34 UTC
"Oh, I'm, um... I like, haven't been getting out much." Or at all. "So I guess there's not that much new in my life. It's really starting to feel like fall out here, isn't it?"


usskickass October 8 2011, 02:50:36 UTC
"Yeah. It's nice. Football season." Not that that means anything to most people here.

"Were you involved in the rebellion at all?"


reckless_eagle October 8 2011, 02:52:51 UTC
"Once I realized it was going down, yeah. I was like, a little late to the party, though."

In that he didn't really think about taking a look at the rest of the world until he heard the commotion from Miguel ramming that train into the building.


fffffffffff yes success go miguel usskickass October 8 2011, 05:22:36 UTC
"Right. Well, I'm glad you didn't get hurt or anythin'. I'm glad everyone's okay, actually." She remembers the conversation she had with Poland regarding mirrors and tactfully doesn't mention she's including the mirrors too.

After all, it might take a bit for this guy to appreciate the position those guys were in. Maybe now they'll be nicer...

Well, she hopes, anyway.


reckless_eagle October 8 2011, 05:29:43 UTC
Yeah, smart move not mentioning that, Beiste. Poland is unlikely to change his feelings about mirrors, in much the same way that modern!Poland will be unlikely to start trusting Russians all of a sudden.

"Yeah, I'm like, kinda surprised. I mean, not that it's bad or anything, but power struggles like that are usually... I dunno, like, messier. I've had internal discord before, and it's usually a total pain, right?"


usskickass October 8 2011, 05:36:05 UTC
Beiste nods. "But sometimes that pain is what it takes." Shrug! "You know what they say-- no pain for us, all the pain for them."

Or...something like that.


reckless_eagle October 8 2011, 05:41:41 UTC
"Is that like, actually what anybody says?" Poland was pretty sure he'd never heard that, at any rate. Except maybe in ego-boosting pre-battle speeches, when describing one's aims.

"Anyway, it's nice that the Queen's out. I was like, not cool with her."


usskickass October 8 2011, 05:45:05 UTC
Beiste basically shrugs that question off. She was close enough, okay?

"I don't think anybody was cool with her." Beiste looks in the general direction of the rabbit hole, then glances back. "I just hope this new one's better."


reckless_eagle October 8 2011, 05:49:10 UTC
"She like, talks to us before events a lot, right? She's always seemed pretty nice to me."

And whatever anyone says, Poland admires that in a monarch.


usskickass October 8 2011, 05:51:41 UTC
Beiste looks away, uncomfortable. "I just don't like the idea of someone getting given their power like that. You should earn it, you know?"


reckless_eagle October 8 2011, 05:54:58 UTC
Poland shrugs. Being from 1410 and all, he's much more comfy with the thought of benevolent monarchy. "You know... like, one of the best kings I've ever had was a ten year old girl when she was coronated. Just 'cause someone takes a throne young--or 'cause they're a girl--doesn't mean they can't rule well!"

...This is what Poland assumes is the problem, because it's what people in his time would be bitching about.


usskickass October 9 2011, 00:05:40 UTC
She just stares at him for a moment.

"Did I say the problem was because she was a girl? Because I don't think I did. What I meant was we should get to vote on who's in charge."


reckless_eagle October 9 2011, 01:15:27 UTC
Poland gave her an odd look. Why would anyone--oh!

"Oh. My. God. You're like, one of America's, aren't you!"

She might have told him this before or might not have; the point is, he's figuring it out for himself now.

"God, you sound just like him!"


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