...okay, Mana was right, I'm a liar.

Apr 07, 2010 18:32

Characters: Razer, Marco, Jinx, Azula, Lily, Zeke, Sokka, King, Toph, Karis, Kevas, Alita, Phoenix, [OPEN]
Location: Starting on Deck 9, on to the ENTIRE BOAT.
Date: April 7, directly following this post.
Rating: PG-13? I don't know. It could go anywhere~

This commentlog is gonna be HUGE, guys. )

jinx, toph, phoenix, alita, zeke, kevas, lily, hannibal king, razer, karis needleteeth, sokka, azula, marco, open

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Comments 189

hadalotofsugar April 8 2010, 01:44:12 UTC
[King gives Razer a mockulatory salute - no real venom behind it - and turns to look at the guy he's been paired with.

Another of Razer's species, he guesses, though this guy looks nothing like the ones he's met before.]

Time to go check the flowers, buddy.


sorry for the lateage standardpackage April 8 2010, 03:07:37 UTC
[A round ear. A freaking round ear. Fine, he won't complain out loud.]

Flowers it is.

[And he wouldn't mind if you lead the way.]


not late at all! <3 hadalotofsugar April 8 2010, 03:11:58 UTC
[King thanks you, because then he might have to get snippy. Ugh, voices.

The bearded male starts towards the nearest set of elevators, and presses the button to bring one to their deck. He looks over at Jinx, assessing.]

How long you been on board?


standardpackage April 8 2010, 03:21:26 UTC
[Jinx follows at the man's side. His ears twitch when King looks to him.]

I've been on fer about two months an' I can't say I've enjoyed any of it.

[He shoves his hands into his pockets.]

And you?


teethofneedles April 8 2010, 01:48:50 UTC
Karis takes it all in and then shrugs, glancing at the person she's been paired with. She's not gonna complain about who she ends up with. She's a soldier and it's easy enough for her to go along with the organization. "Let's get started, kiddo."


thenotmagician April 8 2010, 01:55:05 UTC
[Sweet, he got paired up with a zombie chick.

A bald zombie chick, BUT WHO CARES. This is an adventure! That hopefully won't cause a horrible punishment like the mutiny's did. He nods to Karis and grins]

Sure thing. But lemme say, Sergei's is fine. I've been in that place all damn day and didn't notice anything different. ...Also, my name's Zeke.


teethofneedles April 8 2010, 01:57:38 UTC
[Karis grunts noncommittally and keeps walking. And she's not exactly bald. It's more like her scalp has been hideously burned.]

Fine. And Kiddo, Zeke. Same difference.


thenotmagician April 8 2010, 02:02:32 UTC
[Baldness, horrible burns, same difference]

So, where do ya think we should head first, eh? Deck nine or deck twelve?


withanokka April 8 2010, 02:01:47 UTC
[Sokka turns to the man he's been assigned to work with and just stares for a second. Just a second.

If Razer's ears can pick up satellite, those could certainly signal a messenger hawk from a mile away.

He glances back over to Toph, then to Azula. Well, this guy is certainly better than Azula. He forces a smile.]

So, I guess we're hunting down crazy spirit-voices together, then.


ecopiracy April 8 2010, 02:10:19 UTC
[Even as Sokka looks at him, Phoenix is giving him a once-over as well. Lovely. A green youth. Still, Phoenix knows better than to judge the boy by his age alone. At the age he seems to be, Phoenix had already been training in the Air Force Academy. Who knows? Perhaps this boy has some training as well.

He inclines his head.]

Indeed, though a companion of mine may be joining us later on.

My name is Phoenix. And you are?


withanokka April 8 2010, 02:23:24 UTC
[Sokka's grin turns a little cocky, he tilts his head to the side. He jabs a thumb at his chest.]

I'm Sokka!

And that's no problem. Who is he?

[He always assumes it's a guy...]


ecopiracy April 8 2010, 02:39:15 UTC
[Oh yes. There was a definite resemblance between Sokka and the boys Phoenix had trained with back home. The cockiness was definitely right at home.

Let's just hope he has something to back it up.]

His name is Ironhide. He's a mechanical being in nature and a very skilled warrior. He will prove an asset to our cause if he is able to come.

Speaking of which...

[He pulls out his comm, which already has a response from Ironhide waiting for his attention. Converting it to text, he reads it quickly, then types a short message, telling Ironhide which decks Phoenix and Sokka will be on.]

There. He should be arriving shortly. Now then, on which deck will we begin our search?

[Now to see how this Sokka makes decisions.]


rocklikerunaway April 8 2010, 02:07:29 UTC
[Toph folds her arms and leans back against the wall.

Yeah, she doesn't exactly respond to 'You' or pointing, and not just because she likes being difficult.

So she'll just wait here for whomever she's supposed to be working with to get irritated with her. But while she's at it, she may as well make the effort and act irritating.

Toph cracks her knuckles and stretches, apparently in no hurry to get going.]


pimp_hat April 8 2010, 02:16:49 UTC
[Any idea that Razer had any clue as to what he was doing flew out the window when the elf paired him with a kid. Wonderful. Just wonderful.

Kevas sighs and rubs his forehead. Try to stay optimistic Kevas. Maybe she won't be so bad. And maybe he isn't a drunk.]

Alright girliemon let's get dis ovah wid.


rocklikerunaway April 8 2010, 02:33:21 UTC
[Toph's first thought is that he talks funny. Her second thought is that he's tall.]

Where did you come from?

[She snaps her mouth shut. This isn't a meet-and-greet, and she already made fun of that strutting pea-pheasant for wasting time. Better get to it.]

Right, let's get it over with.

[And she starts for the stairs, rapping the wall with her staff every few feet or so.]


pimp_hat April 8 2010, 02:49:23 UTC
From my muddah.

[Kevas watches her for a moment. Hold the phone. Is she...is she blind!?

Okay he can't help himself. Kevas waves his hand in front of her eyes as he walks beside her, waiting for some sort of reaction. If he's wrong then he just looks like an ass. If he's right, then they're stopping by deck eight first.]


you are a horrible and awful person lilyground April 8 2010, 03:05:56 UTC
[Sooo she's wiiith... that black-haired Asian chick with the royal smirk. Another badass to collect!? Lily turns to said badass (the lovely Azula) and smiles with all the sunshine of the sun.]

Hi! I'm Lily.


This is going to be epic. xmaliciouslyx April 8 2010, 03:10:20 UTC
[Ew. I hope you're not expecting a name, Lily.]

Fine. Let's get this over with.

[If she didn't like Razer so much, she'd strangle him.]


hey this can contribute to our plot!!!!! lilyground April 8 2010, 18:16:48 UTC
[... This badass won't be turned lightly. That's okay! Lily's up for the challenge!]

Right! We're gonna go to Deck 4 and 5, right? Deck 4 has the buffet and Carnival [Shit! Keep smiling!] and it has lots of people. But Deck 5's really boring and empty, so it should be easy.


Azula losing and/or chasing Lily in Carni? Y/N? xmaliciouslyx April 8 2010, 19:30:47 UTC
Carnival? What is this "Carnival?"


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