...okay, Mana was right, I'm a liar.

Apr 07, 2010 18:32

Characters: Razer, Marco, Jinx, Azula, Lily, Zeke, Sokka, King, Toph, Karis, Kevas, Alita, Phoenix, [OPEN]
Location: Starting on Deck 9, on to the ENTIRE BOAT.
Date: April 7, directly following this post.
Rating: PG-13? I don't know. It could go anywhere~

This commentlog is gonna be HUGE, guys. )

jinx, toph, phoenix, alita, zeke, kevas, lily, hannibal king, razer, karis needleteeth, sokka, azula, marco, open

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withanokka April 8 2010, 02:01:47 UTC
[Sokka turns to the man he's been assigned to work with and just stares for a second. Just a second.

If Razer's ears can pick up satellite, those could certainly signal a messenger hawk from a mile away.

He glances back over to Toph, then to Azula. Well, this guy is certainly better than Azula. He forces a smile.]

So, I guess we're hunting down crazy spirit-voices together, then.


ecopiracy April 8 2010, 02:10:19 UTC
[Even as Sokka looks at him, Phoenix is giving him a once-over as well. Lovely. A green youth. Still, Phoenix knows better than to judge the boy by his age alone. At the age he seems to be, Phoenix had already been training in the Air Force Academy. Who knows? Perhaps this boy has some training as well.

He inclines his head.]

Indeed, though a companion of mine may be joining us later on.

My name is Phoenix. And you are?


withanokka April 8 2010, 02:23:24 UTC
[Sokka's grin turns a little cocky, he tilts his head to the side. He jabs a thumb at his chest.]

I'm Sokka!

And that's no problem. Who is he?

[He always assumes it's a guy...]


ecopiracy April 8 2010, 02:39:15 UTC
[Oh yes. There was a definite resemblance between Sokka and the boys Phoenix had trained with back home. The cockiness was definitely right at home.

Let's just hope he has something to back it up.]

His name is Ironhide. He's a mechanical being in nature and a very skilled warrior. He will prove an asset to our cause if he is able to come.

Speaking of which...

[He pulls out his comm, which already has a response from Ironhide waiting for his attention. Converting it to text, he reads it quickly, then types a short message, telling Ironhide which decks Phoenix and Sokka will be on.]

There. He should be arriving shortly. Now then, on which deck will we begin our search?

[Now to see how this Sokka makes decisions.]


withanokka April 8 2010, 02:48:09 UTC
[That name...]

Oh, yeah! The Machininator! I talked to him.

[Sokka puts a hand to his chin for a second.]

If we start with the lower of the two and make our way back up, we won't get cornered or anything, right? Like, if someone-- or something-- were to chase us, we could get out a little easier, right?


ecopiracy April 8 2010, 02:58:13 UTC
Very good. That will save us the time for introductions.

[Hmm. Some promise there at least.]

Perhaps. It does depend, after all, on how those decks are laid out and what exactly is on them.

[Phoenix hasn't really explored any of them much. There have been other decks he's found that held things of much more interest.]

But you are right that having more decks above us gives us more room to fall back, and thus more time to come up with another plan. Deck eighteen it is.

Out of curiosity, have you been to any of these decks?


withanokka April 8 2010, 03:13:10 UTC
[He rubs the back of his neck somewhat self-consciously.]

I only got here maybe... two days? Before the voices started. I haven't seen much other than where my room is. Which is where the fire is.

[Sokka shifts his weight from one foot to the other, somewhat impatiently.]

Oh, and the Sushi bears. Saw the Sushi bears.


Let's pause and wait for Ironhide now~ ecopiracy April 8 2010, 03:21:00 UTC
Ahh. Deck eleven. Yes, I'm quite well acquainted with that fire.

[His room is on that deck as well.]

So, being new, have you been given the standard warnings about violence, consent, and death?

[It might be important for Sokka to know this, depending on how things go.]


buuuuut first Sokka has to say something dumb withanokka April 8 2010, 03:26:35 UTC
Uuuuh. Is someone gonna warn me about my own death or something?

[Hey, it would be nice to get prior notification to getting punched in the face. Just sayin'.]


heavyweaponsbot April 8 2010, 03:29:35 UTC
[Well, hello boys! A rather large golf-kart sized truck is pulling up to your location.

And honks his horn. Speaking of warning about your own death...]

This the place? What are we waiting for?


skipping Phoenix for a turn and Nivi has gone to bed, and I'm going in a minute; we're both sorry ;; withanokka April 8 2010, 03:47:45 UTC

[Sokka can barely keep the scream from reaching ear-shattering decibels. He's never seen a truck before, but he looks similar enough to a tank... still.]

That. Is. So. COOL!


It's okay XD heavyweaponsbot April 8 2010, 04:43:19 UTC
[He growls, shifting on his wheels.]

Phoenix, you failed to tell me we were traveling with a shrieking scraplet.

[To punctuate this statement, panels on the truck proceed to flip up, out, and away. The truck practically unfolds, until Ironhide looms in the hall.]


ecopiracy April 8 2010, 10:47:33 UTC
Agh! That's because I didn't know! I only just met the lad.

[Still wincing from the assault on his ears, Phoenix shoots Sokka an irritated look.]

Kindly refrain from deafening your companions.

[Seriously, those ears are not for show.]


withanokka April 8 2010, 22:03:25 UTC
[Oh, don't worry.

Sokka is now staring at Ironhide, his jaw practically on the floor, eyes wide. His fingers wiggle, palms up, in an attempt to stimulate brain function. It's not working. It gives the look of him attempting to tickle the air.

At least he's not shouting anymore.]


heavyweaponsbot April 9 2010, 00:04:39 UTC
[He growls something indecent, and in Cybertronian. The more he curses, the less he has the urge to pummel the kid.]

Are we doing this? Or not?


ecopiracy April 9 2010, 01:06:56 UTC
[Phoenix makes an exasperated sound in the back of his throat. Sokka had just set Phoenix's opinion of him back by several notches.]

We'd just decided to start our search on deck eighteen before you arrived.

[He reached out to put a hand on Sokka's shoulder. Snap out of it, kid.]

Come along. Best begun is halfway done.


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