Fic Masterlist

Jul 16, 2007 17:29

It was about time I did this, I've been losing track recently. This list is probably by no means complete, it's just a place to remind me where I put stuff I wrote. I still think I lost some stories... Maybe it's better that way, I wrote some awful crap. Please feel free to tell me if I missed something.

The stuff I'm vaguely proud of (at the time I upload it) can also be found on Teaspoon. The rest can be found here on this list or via my fic- or drabble tag. All my fic can now also be found archived on alien_sands.

Fics are in alphabetical order, and divided into fandoms as best as possible. Jack tends to defy any label, though ;) If you like my stories, I would be very happy if you left a comment telling me so, no matter how long or short it is!

Doctor Who fic ( DW fic tag)

10 seconds in the Life of a Time Lord
Ten/Rose, PG. 10 drabbles a 100 words each. No Spoilers.
Everybody needs a piece of infinity.

And Miles to Go (now available with added commentary)
Jack, no rating. Spoilers for Last of the Time Lords. Set somewhen during Before I Sleep
This is Jack's only chance to reconsider.

Before I Sleep
Jack, no rating. Spoilers for Last of the Time Lords.
Time and life blur. Sometimes Jack's grateful, sometimes he's not. But no matter what, he has to live with it.

But for one Day
Ten/Rose, no rating. Spoilers for Parting of the Ways.
Aquatica is a very strange world. Even without a newly regenerated Time Lord and his crashlanded time ship.

Confluence (1/2)
Ten, Jack, Rose, Gwen. AU from Parting of the Ways.
Passing faces, long dead, long mourned and yet still alive in a past or a future as real as the present for a time traveller.

Everything Old Is New Again
Ten/Martha, no rating. Spoilers for The Shakespeare Code.
He hates starting from scratch again, he realizes, and he won't.

First Day
Ten, Martha, no rating. AU for their first meeting.
"You think 'It's my first day here' is a good excuse for blowing up a hospital?">Five Times the Doctor Rescued Jack (and One Time He Didn't)
Jack, Nine, Rose, mild PG. Set after The Doctor Dances.

For Old Times' Sake
Ten/River, no rating. Spoilers for Forest of the Dead.
He won't change a single thing.

Going Under
Jack, Ten, Saxon, Torchwood team, PG13 (for mentions of torture). Set after/during Last of the Time Lords.
Hope dies last, they say, but when it does everything ends

The Doctor, no rating. Spoilers for The Stolen Earth
Deep inside the Citadel, there is a lonely room, forever holding a lonely Time Lord

Memento Mori
Nine/Rose, no rating. Spoilers for End of the World.
How could he not try to remember them all?

Möbius Trip
Jack, Tosh, no rating. Spoilers for Blink.
Maybe it hadn't been a good idea to stand in the middle of that circle of creepy statues, Jack mused

Nine, Rose, Jack, no rating. Set after The Doctor Dances.
Jack has always been better off on his own before he met the Doctor and Rose. Why?

Stumble in my Footsteps
Jack, Rose, Nine, PG. Set after The Doctor Dances
She felt safer when he was around. She had no idea, Jack thought.

The Art of Communication
Ten/Martha, mild PG. Spoilers for Gridlock.
She hears his words, but she doesn't understand.

The Lost Room
Jack/Martha, Ten, no rating. Set after Last of the Time Lords.
Things get funny when a dimensionally transcendent time ship suffers from PTSD.

The Truth (1/4)
Nine, Rose, Jack, PG. Spoilers for The Doctor Dances.
The truth is a three-edged sword; things are never what they seem to be.

The Woman in the Mirror
Donna, no rating. Spoilers for Journey's End
Sometimes, when the day was long and she's exhausted, she dreams.

Through the Looking Glass
Rose, OC, no rating. Set after Doomsday.
She doesn't want to let go of him. Rose Tyler's journey through the dimensions.

Torn Out Memories
John Smith, no rating. Spoilers for Human Nature.
He breathes in deeply, only now perceiving what the ink formed on the paper.

We'll Always Have Paris (now available with added commentary)
Jack, Romana, Four, no rating. Missing scene for City of Death.
Losing your memories is mostly like visiting Paris. You can't just read the guide book, you've got to throw yourself in, use the wrong verbs, get charged double and end up kissing complete strangers.

White Noise (also available as Audio fic here, thanks to jadesfire2808)
Ten, Jack, no rating. Spoilers for Parting of the Ways.
Alone on the Game Station, Jack tries to reach the Doctor and Rose.

Torchwood fic ( TW fic tag)

A Long Time Ago
Jack, Ianto, PG-13. Set after for Cyberwoman.
"One day, I'll have the chance to save you Jack, and I'll watch you suffer and die."

As Time Goes By
Jack, PG. Spoilers for Parting of the Ways. Set in the same universe as We'll Always Have Paris.
Of all the cities in all the worlds, of all time, it had to be here and now? Jack’s view on the 21st century.

Before the Dawn
Jack/Ten, Martha, PG. Set after Last of the Time Lords
Nobody left to be saved, nobody left to save him

Best laid Plans of Mice and Men (also available as Audio fic here, thanks to jadesfire2808)
Jack, implied Jack/Ianto, no rating. Spoilers for Out of Time.
Facing down Daleks with projectile weapons wasn't his best plan ever, Jack thought when he ran out of ammo, his still unscratched enemies closing in.

Conversations with the Dead (1/2) ( Part 2/2)
Jack, Ianto, the Master. PG. Spoilers for Last of the Time Lords and Kiss Kiss, Bang, Bang.
It had taken Jack a while to realise that he'd finally cracked.

Cosmic Joke
Jack, the Doctor. PG. Spoilers for Children of Earth.
Like almost all insane ideas and almost all stories, this tale starts in a pub.

Destiny Can Wait
Jack, the Endless, no rating. Spoilers for End of Days and Gridlock. Crossover with the Sandman Universe.
Seven times Jack met the Endless.

Déjà-Vu (also available as Audio fic here, thanks to jadesfire2808)
Jack, Ianto, no rating. Set before Cyberwoman.
Ianto dreads days like this, days when Jack switches off the monitors and just sits in his office, staring into the darkness.

Effacing herself
Jack/Death, no rating. Spoilers for 'Everything Changes'. Crossover with the Sandman Universe.
The strangest meetings happen while feeding the pigeons.

Even in Death
Jack/ofc, Ianto, no rating. Spoilers for the last scene of 'Something Borrowed'.
Among the hundreds of files in the archive, only two are labelled 'Harkness'.

Five Times Jack Met Another Time Traveller (Who Wasn't the Doctor)
Jack, Dan, no rating. Spoilers for Last of the Time Lords. Crossover with Journeyman.
Exactly what it says on the tin. Now with two time travellers walking into a bar.

Five Times Jack Harkness Met the Wrong End of a Pointy Stick (and One Time He Dind't)
Jack, no rating. 6 drabbles á 100 words. Spoilers for Everything Changes and Utopia (if you squint)
Exactly what it says on the tin...

Five Ways Jack Harkness Died And One He Didn't
Jack, mild PG. 7 drabbles á 100 words. Spoilers for Everything Changes.
The trip back to Earth, 2006, is bumpier than he thought.

Jack, Rose, no rating. Missing scene for End of Days, spoilers for Parting of the Ways.
With his last conscious thought he hopes that this is it, the final end of Captain Jack Harkness

Graveyard Shift
Jack, Ianto, no rating. Vague spoilers for DW 4x12 and TW 2x13.
Ianto loved his job, he really did. However, working for Torchwood still managed to surprise him once in a while.

In the Cold Light of Day
Jack/Ianto, Gwen. PG. Spoilers for season 2.
When Jack got agitated enough to track down something as apparently minor as overdosed drug addicts, Ianto could be sure it wasn't a case to be shoved carelessly towards the local police department

It's the End of the World (as We Know It)
Jack, Ianto, Ten, no rating. TW/DW crossover - spoilers for DW 4x12 and TW 2x13
It's the end of the world, and Ianto Jones is feeling anything but fine

Left Unsaid (1/5)
Jack/Martha, Torchwood team, no rating. Spoilers for Last of the Time Lords
The stories Martha Jones never told the Torchwood team

Midnight Song
Jack, Tosh, no rating. Spoilers for Greeks Bearing Gifts
After everything that happened, Tosh needs to learn an important lesson

Jack, no rating. One vague spoiler from Doomsday.
Behind his eyes, Arcadia burns.

Random Gloves
Jack, Eugene, no rating. AU for Random Shoes.
What if Eugene hadn't owned an alien Eye, but an alien Glove?

Starting from the End
Jack, set after the season 2 finale. PG, but dark
It was night before Jack had the strength to enter the Hub again

Survival Training
The Torchwood team, OC, no rating. Spoilers for The Sound of Drums. Old School Knowledge required.
A goose chase through the Himalaya leads to a strange meeting in even stranger times

The Dead Hour
Jack, Owen, the Tarot Girl. Spoilers Dead Man Walking/A Day in the Death. No rating, but Owen swearing.
"I need to borrow your Knight of Swords," she addressed Owen, "he rushed into danger, and I come to collect the price before the Wheel turns again."

The Glasgow Files
Ianto, Jack, light PG. Spoilers for 1x13 - End of Days.
The official invitation only ran two words after giving the address and the relevant access codes: Come immediately.

The Last Time We Met (Was a Different Time for Each of Us)
Jack/Romana, PG. Spoilers for Parting of the Ways and End of Days. Set in the same universe as We'll Always Have Paris
Six times Jack Harkness met Romanadvoratrelundar and one time he didn't.

The Slow Path
Jack, the Doctor(s), no rating. Vague spoilers for Torchwood and a lot of Old School
Nine times Jack found the Doctor, but not what he hoped for.

The Sum of its Parts - Runner-up of the forbiddenawards
Jack, Ten, John., vaguely PG. Spoilers for DW 4x12 The Stolen Earth and TW 2x13 Exit Wounds
A man is the sum of his memories, a former Time Agent even more so.

The Wolf and the Phoenix (1/3) - Winner of the tw_fandom_award in the category 'Most Original', thanks to all who voted! Now available with added commentary.
Jack/TARDIS, no rating. Spoilers for Utopia and Torchwood season 1.
The beginning of a beautiful friendship...

Time Never Stops
Jack, Ten, no rating. Spoilers for End of Time and Children of Earth
A Time Lord was a very hard thing to ignore on the best of days, which today was not

Drabbles ( Drabble tag)

Butterflies and Hurricanes
Jack, no rating. Set after Children of Earth.

Jack, no rating. Set before Cyberwoman.

Eleventh Hour
Jack, Nine, Rose. Set before Bad Wolf.

History repeating
Jack, Ten, Martha. Spoilers for The Sound of Drums

Spoilers for Children of Earth

Kindred Spirits
John, Jack, no rating. New Amsterdam/Torchwood crossover. No real spoilers.

Life on Mars
Jack, no rating. Spoilers for Turn Left

Ten, Jack, no rating. Spoilers for Utopia

Old soldiers
Ten, Jack, no rating. Spoilers for End of Time pt. 2

On Death and Dying
The Doctor, no rating. Spoilers for Waters of Mars

Ten, Jack, no rating. Spoilers for Utopia

Jack/Martha, Ten, no rating. Spoilers for Last of the Time Lords

Roads not Taken
Jack, the Doctor. Spoilers for Human Nature

Shadow Play
Jack, Gwen, no rating. Happy Halloween.

Shut Your Eyes
Jack, TARDIS, no rating. Set before Last of the Time Lords

The Oncoming Storm
Jack, no rating. No real Spoilers, Old School Knowledge required

You know those moments when you look at your fic and think "How the heck did I ever manage to write that and why can't I do it right again"? Well, I do have it right now...

drabble: dw, fic: tw, fic: commentary, drabble: tw, fic, fic: dw/tw, fic: dw

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