Title: Frozen Fate Pairing: Changmin/Junsu Summary: Junsu is living a carefree, comfortable life in his father’s orchards, planning a big adventure. Everything changes when it is decided that the Prince of Ice will marry a son of one of the southern lords. Junsu learns that sometimes life pushes you in an unexpected direction, and fighting it only
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Title: Frozen Fate Pairing: Changmin/Junsu Summary: Junsu is living a carefree, comfortable life in his father’s orchards, planning a big adventure. Everything changes when it is decided that the Prince of Ice will marry a son of one of the southern lords. Junsu learns that sometimes life pushes you in an unexpected direction, and fighting it only
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Title: Freedom and Control Pairing: Junsu/Yoochun Summary: A famous singer and a coffee shop owner play very different roles in their public, and in their private, married life (birthday fic for BE-DDELUSIONALL) Warnings: BDSM, bondage
Title: Lifeline Pairing: Yoochun/Jaejoong Summary: One fatal accident leads Jaejoong to his soulmate, the next leaves him forty days to say goodbye. Or, in which Jaejoong dies twice and Yoochun saves him the first time.
Title: Lifeline Pairing: Yoochun/Jaejoong Summary: One fatal accident leads Jaejoong to his soulmate, the next leaves him forty days to say goodbye. Or, in which Jaejoong dies twice and Yoochun saves him the first time.
Title: Lifeline Pairing: Yoochun/Jaejoong Summary: One fatal accident leads Jaejoong to his soulmate, the next leaves him forty days to say goodbye. Or, in which Jaejoong dies twice and Yoochun saves him the first time.
Title: Lifeline Pairing: Yoochun/Jaejoong Summary: One fatal accident leads Jaejoong to his soulmate, the next leaves him forty days to say goodbye. Or, in which Jaejoong dies twice and Yoochun saves him the first time.
Title: Lifeline Pairing: Yoochun/Jaejoong Summary: One fatal accident leads Jaejoong to his soulmate, the next leaves him forty days to say goodbye. Or, in which Jaejoong dies twice and Yoochun saves him the first time.
Title: Green Heart Pairing: Jaejoong/Junsu Summary: Junsu needs to control all four elements to graduate as a mage, but the finals are coming up and he still hasn't found his fire. The popular student and fire specialist he's secretly had a crush on for almost a year suddenly approaches him.
Title: Green Heart Pairing: Jaejoong/Junsu Summary: Junsu needs to control all four elements to graduate as a mage, but the finals are coming up and he still hasn’t found his fire. The popular student and fire specialist he’s secretly had a crush on for almost a year suddenly approaches him.