Health And Hunger Games.

Mar 27, 2012 21:03

Health Update - I saw the doctor on Friday. We talked about the dizzy spells. She looked in my ears and said everything looked fine. She also said there is a virus going around with the exact symptoms that I have. I asked what I could do about it and she said, "Wait it out." Boo that. Then she suggested that I take a decongestant. But I don't like ( Read more... )

shopping is a vice, sick n tired, dean/cas epic heavenly love, movie blahblahblahing, need your opinion/help - oh great flist, spn episode talk, that's why they call it a workout, real life, books ah books, district 12, rec me shit

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Comments 48

vikingprincess March 28 2012, 01:37:50 UTC
I'll go see it in a month or so when the crowds will be MUCH smaller. I am excited to see Harrelson as Haymitch - WH is a very underappreciated character actor.


dodger_sister March 30 2012, 20:26:49 UTC
Well, if you go see Hunger Games with a smaller crowd, there will be less people to hear you sob hysterically. (unless you aren't a pussy like me and you don't actually cry like a little baby).

Woody Harrelson is AMAZING. I mean, he was always cute back in the days of "Cheers" but he has just grown into an awesome character actor. You wait until you see him as Haymitch.


vikingprincess March 31 2012, 01:11:19 UTC
Oh, I cry in movies - but it's the silent, 'my eyes must be broken because they're leaking' tears.

No doubt!


dodger_sister March 31 2012, 02:45:50 UTC
but it's the silent, 'my eyes must be broken because they're leaking' tears.

That was actually how I cried during the movie. Sometimes I sob hysterically but usually when watching in my living room, not so much in the theater. Also, I was pretty 'sobbed-out' by the time I saw the movie, what with having finished Mockingjay two days before.


rhymephile March 28 2012, 04:10:39 UTC
Nnngh, last week's Show. Well, I bitched about it mostly over at my LJ, because I have ISSUES with Dean's behavior and blah blah blah and now there's yet another Misha-portrayed character I feel badly for. Poor Emanuel.

However, that being said, I soaked in all the Dean/Cas talky moments, because I've missed them so much. Misha is once again amazing because he was noticeably different from *all* the past incarnations of Cas and Cas-like characters. I mean, Jimmy is completely different than Emanuel, and Emanuel is different from future Cas, and then when Cas came back it was like someone flipped a switch on him or something. *sigh* I still don't understand how people can hate this character. And Misha blows everyone else out of the water on that show.

I'm rambling. But I get you on wanting some good shippy fic. I haven't written *shit* since my big bang (in 2010!) but this episode stirs ~feelings~. If only I could think of something to write about.


dodger_sister March 30 2012, 20:40:44 UTC
now there's yet another Misha-portrayed character I feel badly for.

Ikr? It seems like no matter what he does on that show, Misha can't ever play a guy who gets a happy ending - or even a nice neutral ending (does anyone get a happy ending on SPN?)

However, that being said, I soaked in all the Dean/Cas talky moments, because I've missed them so much.

Me too. But then, I will watch anything Jensen and Misha do together - they could be doing a TV show together about stamp collecting and I would watch it. They have such amazing chemistry together. Also, I played a little game where at the end of all of their conversations, I just imagined a declaration of love and then some kissing. It made the episode much more bearable.

I mean, Jimmy is completely different than Emanuel, and Emanuel is different from future Cas, and then when Cas came back it was like someone flipped a switch on him or something.YES! Misha is so under-appreciated in his acting ability. Cas had such a great character arc and a lot of that was the way Misha ( ... )


rhymephile March 31 2012, 05:41:54 UTC
The whole Cas situation was basically a plot device to fix Sam so he wouldn't be out of commission. I get why they had to do it, but it still irritates me that Castiel, their true friend and someone who has fought and died for them, is relegated to being cast off at the end of the episode. And hell, I think Sam cares more about his well-being than Dean does. *sigh* I think you're right about how this is the way they've chosen to get rid of Cas. Having an all-powerful being on your team is obviously a bad thing.


dodger_sister April 1 2012, 19:52:56 UTC
but it still irritates me that Castiel, their true friend and someone who has fought and died for them, is relegated to being cast off at the end of the episode.Yeah. I feel like the show-runners/writers don't think that we actually care about Cas and it reflects in the way they treat him or have the Winchesters treat him - idk. Poor Cas ( ... )


mandatorily March 28 2012, 04:42:04 UTC
I'm crossing fingers for you, sweetie, that it's just a virus. *crosses fingers* Though waiting it out sort of sucks.

I'm so jealous of everyone who's seen it. I try not to be and then I'm all, "Grrrargh!" Why oh why do they take so damn long to release DVDs? And, yay for the Peeta love! I was pretty much a hands-down Peeta shipper right from the first, just because I'm all about the unrequited-winning-the-other-person-over-sappy-sippy-romance-book kind of love. And I sort of ship Johanna/Gale, for some reason. I'm odd. Anyway, my jealousy doesn't change the fact that I'm so glad you enjoyed the movie! I've loved seeing how much you like this series, since I was fandom-absent when I read the books back in January, it's nice to see someone experience all the feelings I had.

Wish I could help on the Dean/Cas front. A lot of it comes through my flist, but figuring out what's good or not is hard from summaries. I'll keep a look-out, though, for domestic stuff.


dodger_sister March 30 2012, 20:53:05 UTC
Thanks! The Tilting Virus (that's what I'm calling it) seems to have gotten better. It still happens like once a day and I still feel not-quite-right but it is definitely better.

Johanna/Gale - that's not weird. I am writing a Gale/Finnick story - who am I to judge? Actually, after the war, I coud see Johanna and Gale bonding. They have very similar views of the way the world works and a lot of similar issues to work through. If they ended up living in the same district after the war is over, I could see them kind of graviting towards each other.

Wait...NOW I SHIP JOHANNA/GALE! Good job. ;) Actually for my word count this week I am writing a Johanna/Annie post-series fic.

I've loved seeing how much you like this series, since I was fandom-absent when I read the books back in January, it's nice to see someone experience all the feelings I had.

I wish I had posted more often while I was reading the whole series instead of just the explosion that happened at the end there. I was just too busy reading it to bother posting ( ... )


denig37 March 28 2012, 18:12:45 UTC
LOL, "Gale-love", they know you so well :-D

If you plan on going through the cafepress stuff feel free to check :-D
My Moose-kateer is in there! :-D (3 of them to be exact)


dodger_sister March 30 2012, 21:00:38 UTC
I have some serious Gale-Love! But now I have some serious Peeta-Love too! Today I declared to a room full of therapy patients and aides that the obvious solution is Threesome. I wish I'd thought to look at Cute Guy's face when I said it, cuz he always makes the best faces.

Wow - you design at Cafepress! Cool. I really like your hot pink SPN symbol shirt! That's very cool looking. Sadly, all the money I just spent on my sick kitty-cat means I have to par down on what I am buying. All the stuff at Cafepress is out. If I am lucky, I can get a couple of things from amazon (free shipping nakes all the difference) maybe next month. (I am going to remember that you have a Cafepress acoount though and keep it tagged).


denig37 April 4 2012, 21:02:43 UTC
Haha, you love to torture him huh? *winks*

Yeah, poor little guy, I hope he gets better *hugs*


lizibabes March 28 2012, 18:18:57 UTC
I hate the 'times a healer' type illness. I hope it passes quickly for you and I hope it didn't ruin your trip to see the film at all <3

Harrelson was so good as Haymitch (the movie was out here way earlier than I thought it would be)I didn't know he was playing the part till I went to the cinema but he rocked. I think it's one of the best book to movie adaptasions I've seen. Not too much of it was messed with, some stuff added, some taken away, but it was good, I know I'll watch the others if and when they happen.

Peeta was a total cutie in the film....I can't choose either, both, we can pick both right? lol


dodger_sister March 30 2012, 21:06:55 UTC
The Tilting Virus has gotten better. I still get off-center and occasionally tilty, but I feel better than I did a week ago.

When I first heard they cast Woody as Haymitch, I thought, "I can see him pulling it off, but he doesn't look anything like I expected Haymitch to look. I was thinking fat sweaty guy." But I figured it was Woody, so entertaining at the least. Then when I saw him in the movie, He is Haymitch. I can't wait to see him in the next two movies!!

Peeta was a total cutie in the film....I can't choose either, both, we can pick both right? lol

Of course we can! The solution is Threesome. Threesomes FTMFW!!


lizibabes March 30 2012, 21:13:28 UTC
I'm glad it's doing a little better, that tilty feeling sucks.

I didn't know he was doing it till I sat there and saw him, he's my fav part of zombieland, I don't think I've seen him in anything and not liked his performance. I can't wait for the next two movies either, I hope they don't wait ages between them.

hehe you should write a Hunger Games threesome lol because I agree, threesomes are made of win!!!


dodger_sister March 30 2012, 22:59:56 UTC
Thank you.

Zombieland is the best zombie movie ever!! Woody was fan-fricking-tastic in that!! He is so good in everything, even crappy movies like "2012", he turns out to be the bright spot in all of that.

My sister heard an interview with the Hunger Games director the other day and he said they were starting shooting on #2 in September. He told Jennifer she was going back into training the second they were done with the press junket. So...YAY!!

I could write some Hunger Games threesome! First I have to finish my Gale/Finnick fic. Then I have a great Johanna/Annie story I need to get out of my system. Then I have a Gale/Peeta Altered Ending fic. Then maybe some threesome? Yeah, I think it is official...I have a new fandom.


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