Health And Hunger Games.

Mar 27, 2012 21:03

Health Update - I saw the doctor on Friday. We talked about the dizzy spells. She looked in my ears and said everything looked fine. She also said there is a virus going around with the exact symptoms that I have. I asked what I could do about it and she said, "Wait it out." Boo that. Then she suggested that I take a decongestant. But I don't like ( Read more... )

shopping is a vice, sick n tired, dean/cas epic heavenly love, movie blahblahblahing, need your opinion/help - oh great flist, spn episode talk, that's why they call it a workout, real life, books ah books, district 12, rec me shit

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dodger_sister March 30 2012, 20:53:05 UTC
Thanks! The Tilting Virus (that's what I'm calling it) seems to have gotten better. It still happens like once a day and I still feel not-quite-right but it is definitely better.

Johanna/Gale - that's not weird. I am writing a Gale/Finnick story - who am I to judge? Actually, after the war, I coud see Johanna and Gale bonding. They have very similar views of the way the world works and a lot of similar issues to work through. If they ended up living in the same district after the war is over, I could see them kind of graviting towards each other.

Wait...NOW I SHIP JOHANNA/GALE! Good job. ;) Actually for my word count this week I am writing a Johanna/Annie post-series fic.

I've loved seeing how much you like this series, since I was fandom-absent when I read the books back in January, it's nice to see someone experience all the feelings I had.

I wish I had posted more often while I was reading the whole series instead of just the explosion that happened at the end there. I was just too busy reading it to bother posting about it! But I know how much fun it is to watch someone discover a new fandom for the first time.

I know there is lots of domestic Dean/Cas fluff out there, but I am too lazy to go looking. I think what I really need to do is write some fluffy fic just to be like a cathertic release of emotions after the last episode.


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