Health And Hunger Games.

Mar 27, 2012 21:03

Health Update - I saw the doctor on Friday. We talked about the dizzy spells. She looked in my ears and said everything looked fine. She also said there is a virus going around with the exact symptoms that I have. I asked what I could do about it and she said, "Wait it out." Boo that. Then she suggested that I take a decongestant. But I don't like ( Read more... )

shopping is a vice, sick n tired, dean/cas epic heavenly love, movie blahblahblahing, need your opinion/help - oh great flist, spn episode talk, that's why they call it a workout, real life, books ah books, district 12, rec me shit

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vikingprincess March 28 2012, 01:37:50 UTC
I'll go see it in a month or so when the crowds will be MUCH smaller. I am excited to see Harrelson as Haymitch - WH is a very underappreciated character actor.


dodger_sister March 30 2012, 20:26:49 UTC
Well, if you go see Hunger Games with a smaller crowd, there will be less people to hear you sob hysterically. (unless you aren't a pussy like me and you don't actually cry like a little baby).

Woody Harrelson is AMAZING. I mean, he was always cute back in the days of "Cheers" but he has just grown into an awesome character actor. You wait until you see him as Haymitch.


vikingprincess March 31 2012, 01:11:19 UTC
Oh, I cry in movies - but it's the silent, 'my eyes must be broken because they're leaking' tears.

No doubt!


dodger_sister March 31 2012, 02:45:50 UTC
but it's the silent, 'my eyes must be broken because they're leaking' tears.

That was actually how I cried during the movie. Sometimes I sob hysterically but usually when watching in my living room, not so much in the theater. Also, I was pretty 'sobbed-out' by the time I saw the movie, what with having finished Mockingjay two days before.


vikingprincess March 31 2012, 13:15:42 UTC
Makes perfect sense. A good cry can just empty you right out.


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