Health And Hunger Games.

Mar 27, 2012 21:03

Health Update - I saw the doctor on Friday. We talked about the dizzy spells. She looked in my ears and said everything looked fine. She also said there is a virus going around with the exact symptoms that I have. I asked what I could do about it and she said, "Wait it out." Boo that. Then she suggested that I take a decongestant. But I don't like ( Read more... )

shopping is a vice, sick n tired, dean/cas epic heavenly love, movie blahblahblahing, need your opinion/help - oh great flist, spn episode talk, that's why they call it a workout, real life, books ah books, district 12, rec me shit

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dodger_sister April 1 2012, 19:52:56 UTC
but it still irritates me that Castiel, their true friend and someone who has fought and died for them, is relegated to being cast off at the end of the episode.

Yeah. I feel like the show-runners/writers don't think that we actually care about Cas and it reflects in the way they treat him or have the Winchesters treat him - idk. Poor Cas.

Before the episode aired, I had heard a few spoilers and so I imagined it would play like this...

It is Cas (either Fallen with healing powers or just Angel-Cas not remembering who he is) and Dean would go get him. (throw in the conversaton between them in the car about Dean's old buddy Castiel because I liked that part). Cas goes to heal Sam, they kill some demons with Meg's help, he does his mojo on Sam. Meg is all, "Aren't you going to tell him what he really is? We could use him against Levithian," and Dean thinks about how normal and almost happy Cas seems with his new life and wife and he thinks about everything Cas had to sacrifice to help them - losing everything he had for them and even though it ended badly, they were friends once. So he says "No, enough is enough. One of us should get our happy ending. It's time to let Cas go," and he drives Emaunel home and thanks him and Emanuel walks inside his house with Dean watching him go and all 'closure face' from Dean and then Dean & drives away to the perfect muic cue (idk what that is) The End of Castiel on SPN and Dean is finally able to let go on that issue.

See, Cas still could have saved Sam but with the added bonus of actually having closure for the character. Which is what a character's final episode should be! - not just to be a plot device. Urgh. Issues with the Show, I have many.


rhymephile April 2 2012, 05:45:37 UTC
I can see all of this happening, ohyes. Y'know, if the writers gave a crap about Cas.

I'll keep the faith that they're going to at least get him out of the sanitarium and give him somewhat of an ending. None of this "he's still drooling" bullshit. UGH.


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