Health And Hunger Games.

Mar 27, 2012 21:03

Health Update - I saw the doctor on Friday. We talked about the dizzy spells. She looked in my ears and said everything looked fine. She also said there is a virus going around with the exact symptoms that I have. I asked what I could do about it and she said, "Wait it out." Boo that. Then she suggested that I take a decongestant. But I don't like ( Read more... )

shopping is a vice, sick n tired, dean/cas epic heavenly love, movie blahblahblahing, need your opinion/help - oh great flist, spn episode talk, that's why they call it a workout, real life, books ah books, district 12, rec me shit

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lizibabes March 28 2012, 18:18:57 UTC
I hate the 'times a healer' type illness. I hope it passes quickly for you and I hope it didn't ruin your trip to see the film at all <3

Harrelson was so good as Haymitch (the movie was out here way earlier than I thought it would be)I didn't know he was playing the part till I went to the cinema but he rocked. I think it's one of the best book to movie adaptasions I've seen. Not too much of it was messed with, some stuff added, some taken away, but it was good, I know I'll watch the others if and when they happen.

Peeta was a total cutie in the film....I can't choose either, both, we can pick both right? lol


dodger_sister March 30 2012, 21:06:55 UTC
The Tilting Virus has gotten better. I still get off-center and occasionally tilty, but I feel better than I did a week ago.

When I first heard they cast Woody as Haymitch, I thought, "I can see him pulling it off, but he doesn't look anything like I expected Haymitch to look. I was thinking fat sweaty guy." But I figured it was Woody, so entertaining at the least. Then when I saw him in the movie, He is Haymitch. I can't wait to see him in the next two movies!!

Peeta was a total cutie in the film....I can't choose either, both, we can pick both right? lol

Of course we can! The solution is Threesome. Threesomes FTMFW!!


lizibabes March 30 2012, 21:13:28 UTC
I'm glad it's doing a little better, that tilty feeling sucks.

I didn't know he was doing it till I sat there and saw him, he's my fav part of zombieland, I don't think I've seen him in anything and not liked his performance. I can't wait for the next two movies either, I hope they don't wait ages between them.

hehe you should write a Hunger Games threesome lol because I agree, threesomes are made of win!!!


dodger_sister March 30 2012, 22:59:56 UTC
Thank you.

Zombieland is the best zombie movie ever!! Woody was fan-fricking-tastic in that!! He is so good in everything, even crappy movies like "2012", he turns out to be the bright spot in all of that.

My sister heard an interview with the Hunger Games director the other day and he said they were starting shooting on #2 in September. He told Jennifer she was going back into training the second they were done with the press junket. So...YAY!!

I could write some Hunger Games threesome! First I have to finish my Gale/Finnick fic. Then I have a great Johanna/Annie story I need to get out of my system. Then I have a Gale/Peeta Altered Ending fic. Then maybe some threesome? Yeah, I think it is official...I have a new fandom.


lizibabes March 30 2012, 23:22:16 UTC
I love him in zombie land, his whole attatude is awesome through the whole thing. My mum likes disaster filma and woddy's bit is her fav part.

Yay! I'm glad it shouldn't be long, I want those films so bad.

Looks like you have a lot of fic's planned. I need to resist geting a new fandom, well maybe I could read another? But writing in two fandoms is enough for me lol

But if you write it? So reading it :D


dodger_sister March 31 2012, 02:53:42 UTC
It's weird, because I haven't actually read any Hunger Games fic myself - I haven't even gone looking. It wasn't until I told you how many fics I had lined up to write that I realized how far into The Hunger Games I had gone.

But if you write it? So reading it

Okay, well, starting next month you will have some Hunger Games fic to read from me then!


lizibabes March 31 2012, 18:17:10 UTC
I haven't read any yet either, but if it pops up on my f-list, well I might just have to read it :D


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