Health And Hunger Games.

Mar 27, 2012 21:03

Health Update - I saw the doctor on Friday. We talked about the dizzy spells. She looked in my ears and said everything looked fine. She also said there is a virus going around with the exact symptoms that I have. I asked what I could do about it and she said, "Wait it out." Boo that. Then she suggested that I take a decongestant. But I don't like ( Read more... )

shopping is a vice, sick n tired, dean/cas epic heavenly love, movie blahblahblahing, need your opinion/help - oh great flist, spn episode talk, that's why they call it a workout, real life, books ah books, district 12, rec me shit

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Comments 48

ranua March 29 2012, 11:02:17 UTC
Good that is sounds like it's only a viral thing. Boo for the give it time to get better part. :)

I just caught up with last weeks Show myself and yes, some happy ending fic would be much appreciated right bout now. *sighs* On the whole though, it was an awesome episode. Emanuel's character was freaking fantastic.


dodger_sister March 30 2012, 21:20:30 UTC
The tilting has gotten less and less often. I am hoping it will have passed completely in another week.

Misha is always amazing. The man blows me away. But I was sorely disappointed in the end of the episode. It would have been better if Cas hadn't remembered who he was and he had just helped Sam somehow and then Meg had been all, "Aren't you going to tell him what he is?" and Dean had been like, "No. He is happy now. It's time to let Cas go," and then he dropped Emuanel off at home and drove off into the sunset - rock music plays - and maybe then Dean coud finally let go of the pain between him and Cas and think back on his friend with better memories someday. (yes, I fanficced the ending of the episode right there).


ranua April 3 2012, 10:58:13 UTC
Mmm, yes, that would have been a really good ending too. Cas deserves a happy ending as much as Dean and Sam do and that would be a good one, he'd get to keep helping people, tho the demons would be a problem.

I read some other journal that was upset bout the treatment of Castiel and how they just left him there and it got me thinking bout why I like the episode and I have to say it's because of the potential it has. We don't know what the boys said or did with Cas before leaving him and I'd like to think it was all sappy and shit. And this way, Castiel is there, available for a come back at a later date.


dodger_sister April 4 2012, 21:15:52 UTC
And this way, Castiel is there, available for a come back at a later date.

I've seen lots of people thinking this as well but I was under the impression he was only coming back for one episode. I remember Misha specifically saying that. But then just now I went and looked and saw some things in a news article that made me think he may be back at the end of the year, which surprised me because it was pretty well put out there that this was to be Cas' last episode. If he is coming back, they have done a good job of keeping it under wraps - though a return at the end of the season explains why they mentioned Cas in the last episode (the one with Garth) rather than just never mentioning him again, like I expected them too.

Now I don't know what to think! Mostly I just want Misha Collins to guest star on Psych. Just because...that'd be fun.

edited because I have lots of typos when I get worked up over Castiel


wolfrider89 April 2 2012, 19:57:25 UTC
Skipping the Hunger Games cut, since I haven't finished the book yet (but I've started and OMG it's awesome and why didn't I know about this book until now?!) but the health update is good/bad, right? Bad since it's gonna take time, but good that it was a virus?

Domestic Dean/Cas fic... Hmm. Hold on a sec. *checks delicious tags* OK, here we have some:

Why Subtlety Never Really Works With Winchesters - has bonus dense!Dean. ;)

A Brief Glimpse - You've probably read this, but just in case you haven't. It's one of my favorites.

Also, you mentioning domestic Dean/Cas made me think of that fic I was gonna finish this year. Hmm. I might have to take a look at that.


dodger_sister April 4 2012, 22:04:50 UTC
Come back and read all my Hunger Games posts when you finish all three books, babe! (my hunger games tag is 'district 12') I kind of exploded over certain events that took place. Exploded with tears and anger. I am becoming quite obsessed with all things Hunger Games related.

Thanks. The weird tilting virus seems better - still happens a few times a day but not as often or as bad.

I knew you would come through for me on the fic recs!! Nobody else had any for me and I was like, "Where is Wolfie?!?!" I've def never read the first one and the second one looks vaguely familiar (I know I read one where Sam takes Cas to a carnival but I'm not sure if this is it or not). So I guess I'll find out when I read it again!!

Also, you mentioning domestic Dean/Cas made me think of that fic I was gonna finish this year. Hmm. I might have to take a look at that.

Which one was this again?


wolfrider89 April 6 2012, 14:37:44 UTC
I will def come back and read your posts when I finish. I will have to squee to someone! Or possibly cry on someone's shoulder, judging by what people say about them. The roommate finished the third book the other day, and there were emotions.

Good. I hope the Tilting Virus (now its official name) buggers off completely soon.

Haha, hope you enjoy them, then! I went on Delicious, and then I realized I don't have an actual "domestic" tag, which is just BAD. I had "future!fic" though, which is always happy futures for me. I should create a "domestic" tag, this just won't do. :P

It's the coda for 5.22 with Dean getting a girl pregnant and deciding to raise the kid on his own since he has no one else and Cas running to Sam's rescue and then all of them ending up as one big, happy family. Or something like that. I've only actually written up until Cas returns Sam to Dean.


dodger_sister April 7 2012, 22:45:40 UTC
I am writing All Hunger Games Fic All The Time now. 8)

The Tilting Virus seems to only be bothering me when I first wake up and when I am going to sleep these days - I think just when I am overly tired. So, that's better. /knock on virtual wood/

It's the coda for 5.22 with Dean getting a girl pregnant and deciding to raise the kid on his own since he has no one else and Cas running to Sam's rescue and then all of them ending up as one big, happy family.

Oh yeah!! I remember talking about that with you. You should finish that!!


wolfrider89 May 21 2012, 12:22:29 UTC
I want to see the movie again now that I've finished all three books. And cry over everyone that's gonna die. Oh God, Prim!

I can't even... I finished the book while on the bus, and I just sat there crying for the rest of the trip. FINNICK!


dodger_sister May 31 2012, 02:25:44 UTC
PRIM!!! I never saw it coming. As a writer, I am in awe of the author's courage to kill off Prim, to make it come full circle with Katniss stepping up to save Prim in the beginning, which sets into motion a string of events that inevitably lead to Prim's death...just, wow.

But as a reader, OMG. Like taking care of Prim, looking out for her, it is ALL the Katniss was when we first met her. And by the end, she is so much MORE than that and yet, she ends up losing Prim. I just...there is that moment where Prim says she wants to be a doctor and Katniss realizes that this is why they are fighting this fight, because being a doctor is something that Prim could never have even dreamed of back in District 12 and that these are the things they are fighting for, for the people they love, for the future. And to give Katniss that realization and then kill Prim...WTF. My heart.

can't even... I finished the book while on the bus, and I just sat there crying for the rest of the trip. FINNICKYou tried to read the end of the book in a public ( ... )


wolfrider89 June 5 2012, 09:28:08 UTC
As a writer, I am in awe of the author's courage to kill off Prim, to make it come full circle with Katniss stepping up to save Prim in the beginning, which sets into motion a string of events that inevitably lead to Prim's death...just, wow.
RIGHT? That is just... woah.

.there is that moment where Prim says she wants to be a doctor and Katniss realizes that this is why they are fighting this fight
Oh God. Yes. Prim is such an important part of everything, and then she DIES. And I would never know how to bring a character back from a blow like that, but she does it, and it's believable, and heartbreaking, and just... God, now I'm crying again. Too many emotions. And the thing is, I never saw it coming. It wasn't like, "oh yeah, Katniss loves her so much, she's gonna die". It wasn't like that at all, which left me in denial when the bombs fell and I was kind of in the same emotional place as Katniss when she woke up. Jesus.

You tried to read the end of the book in a public place?!I had to! I couldn't wait, and then there was so ( ... )


dodger_sister June 8 2012, 01:17:35 UTC
And I would never know how to bring a character back from a blow like that, but she does it, and it's believable, and heartbreaking, and just...

Yes. The end was very bittersweet, imo. Katniss will never fully get over any of it, but it is a better world and if you think about it, if you think about Prim - she was the kind of person who would have willingly made that sacrifice for a better world. Prim was just that kind of person. Maybe Katniss can't see this, but as the reader, I look at that end and think, "Here are all the things Prim would have wanted for Katniss."

OMG, my brain just said..."What do you think my job is, Dean? You sacrifice everything for me, don’t you think I’d do the same thing for you? You’re my big brother. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you."

Now I'm crying again!!

And the thing is, I never saw it coming. It wasn't like, "oh yeah, Katniss loves her so much, she's gonna die".Never even crossed my mind. Never. More of a shock than Finnick. I expected pretty much everyone to die...Peeta, Gale, even ( ... )


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