Stuff & Things.

Mar 17, 2016 18:23

I uploaded this icon after our last winter storm, where it was like 3 inches of snow, then an inch of ice, then 3 more inches of snow. But that was almost two weeks ago. Within four days of that, boom, 65 degrees outside. Now it’s ranging from 45-55 and currently we are under a wind advisory, but it’s still totally sunny out, like idek. In the ( Read more... )

weather or not, social issues, sick n tired, sports talk - all about the uniforms, friends 4evah, family circus, real life, politickin, sister oh sister, boy cousin, michigan proud

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Comments 14

shirebound March 17 2016, 22:41:33 UTC
MRSA is resistant to most antibiotics and I’m allergic to most antibiotics

Augh, how unbelievably frustrating. *gentle hugs*


dodger_sister March 25 2016, 22:09:02 UTC
The doctor did a cut n flush of the MRSA spot and I screamed at the top of my lungs, but it really cleaned it out, so another week of antibiotics and we are hoping it gets cleared up. <3


vikingprincess March 18 2016, 00:54:01 UTC
Please don't give up on Bernie just yet - vote for him in the primaries at least!

We're leaving seventy degree weather to arrive in DC in time for snow Sunday night. What the hell are we thinking??

MRSA, ugh! Not even going to look, but ugh, it's like body rash herpes, in that it's the gift that keeps on giving. UGH.


dodger_sister March 25 2016, 22:17:29 UTC
Please don't give up on Bernie just yet - vote for him in the primaries at least!

Oh, I already had when I made this post. Michigan primaries happened at the beginning of March and I absentee voted, so I had my vote for Bernie in back in February. He took Michigan too, but not by enough. That's the thing, even when he wins a state, the gap between him and Hilary doesn't lessen enough to make a difference. I'm still hoping, and reblogging voting information on Tumblr and encouraging everyone to get out and vote for him, but I am also preparing myself for his loss.

We're leaving seventy degree weather to arrive in DC in time for snow Sunday night. What the hell are we thinking??

I always forget (maybe on purpose so I don't hate you) that you live in the wonderful land of 'not freezing to death'. It's probably like 80 there now, while we are still lingering in the 40s. Let it be spring already!

MRSA, ugh! Not even going to look, but ugh, it's like body rash herpes, in that it's the gift that keeps on giving. UGH.Body Rash ( ... )


vikingprincess March 26 2016, 01:24:23 UTC
Oh, good. :)

As it turned out, no snow in DC - but we had several seventy degree days THERE, and came home tonight (Friday) to temps in the forties, dropping to the thirties overnight. WTF, spring? W T F??

I can see how she would feel that "rash" was inadequate. I hope I never learn it personally!


bugeyedmonster March 18 2016, 04:08:42 UTC
I'm sorry to hear about your MSRA infection. Best wishes on it. I wish there was more I could say.

I'll agree with you on Trump! Or if Cruz gets the nomination, that's also scary as he's a dominionist. At least Bernie and Hilary are secular with their religions.


dodger_sister March 26 2016, 19:53:01 UTC
I'm sorry to hear about your MSRA infection. Best wishes on it. I wish there was more I could say.

Thanks, darling. They drained it earlier this week and I think it might finally be clearing up. /cross fingers/

I'll agree with you on Trump! Or if Cruz gets the nomination, that's also scary as he's a dominionist. At least Bernie and Hilary are secular with their religions.

Trump is gonna get us in a nuclear war if he's president. Cruz is possibly scarier though, because he'll be so quiet and sneaky about stripping away our rights and it'll happen slowly and one day we'll look up and be a police state 3rd world country. My big compliant with Hillary is just that it'll be 8 more years of the same and the same is fine, but I want bigger change than that. I think I would have been happy with Hillary if Bernie hadn't come along and lit a fire under my ass. Now I want more!!


elfscribe5 March 18 2016, 22:26:08 UTC
Weather here is already getting hot -- earlier than normal.
I agree with you about the current political situation. My mother who is 85 says she's never in her life seen it so bad. Frankly, I'm just as scared by Cruz as I am by Trump. Kasich, the so-called moderate, is also anti-choice, anti gay marriage, wants to repeal ACA, and cut taxes, the whole laundry list of Republican stupidities. Erg.
Bernie is in town tonight. I saw him last time he was here and it was really great. I'll see if I want to brave the crowds again.

Sooo sorry to hear about your MRSA. It's really nasty. My oldest daughter is prone to it and it keeps returning. She can take antibiotics and that usually clears it up but it's a real pain. She often gets it on her legs from shaving. So, I appreciate how difficult it is to deal with.


dodger_sister March 26 2016, 19:49:07 UTC
Weather here is already getting hot -- earlier than normal.

We've been at about 40 for the last week or so, but today it is sunny and 50 out, so I'll take that. Hoodie weather is my favorite anyways and I just got a new hoodie that is so comfy!

I agree with you about the current political situation. My mother who is 85 says she's never in her life seen it so bad. Frankly, I'm just as scared by Cruz as I am by Trump. Kasich, the so-called moderate, is also anti-choice, anti gay marriage, wants to repeal ACA, and cut taxes, the whole laundry list of Republican stupidities. Erg.My feelings on the outcome should a republican take office are as follows ( ... )


matchboximpala March 19 2016, 07:38:39 UTC
I'm going to resist looking it up, because it doesn't sound good. I really hope you are doing better soon, darling.


dodger_sister March 25 2016, 22:20:41 UTC
I'm going to resist looking it up, because it doesn't sound good. I really hope you are doing better soon, darling.

Thank you! And no, don't go look it up. Unless you are one of those people that enjoys looking at gross things or are like, "Ew, this tastes gross, try it," or gets excited when you see how much cat hair your vacuum sucked up (yes, my sister does that). But otherwise it's just a gross image that no one needs in their head. (or on their body, damn!)

It does seem to be healing, but it's slow going. Hopefully just one more week of antibiotics will do the trick. /cross fingers/


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