Stuff & Things.

Mar 17, 2016 18:23

I uploaded this icon after our last winter storm, where it was like 3 inches of snow, then an inch of ice, then 3 more inches of snow. But that was almost two weeks ago. Within four days of that, boom, 65 degrees outside. Now it’s ranging from 45-55 and currently we are under a wind advisory, but it’s still totally sunny out, like idek. In the ( Read more... )

weather or not, social issues, sick n tired, sports talk - all about the uniforms, friends 4evah, family circus, real life, politickin, sister oh sister, boy cousin, michigan proud

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dodger_sister March 26 2016, 19:49:07 UTC
Weather here is already getting hot -- earlier than normal.

We've been at about 40 for the last week or so, but today it is sunny and 50 out, so I'll take that. Hoodie weather is my favorite anyways and I just got a new hoodie that is so comfy!

I agree with you about the current political situation. My mother who is 85 says she's never in her life seen it so bad. Frankly, I'm just as scared by Cruz as I am by Trump. Kasich, the so-called moderate, is also anti-choice, anti gay marriage, wants to repeal ACA, and cut taxes, the whole laundry list of Republican stupidities. Erg.

My feelings on the outcome should a republican take office are as follows:

Trump - We'll be in a nuclear war with someone within the first 3 months. He'll get impeached before his first year is out, but we'll be at war with half the world by then, we'll be in civil unrest and America will be a police state.

Cruz - It'll happen slowly. he'll charm too many people, not enough people will notice until it's too late. A slow, quiet stripping of our rights. There'll be movements against him, but he'll find a way to discredit and disarm them. And then one day we'll look up and realize half of the population is homeless and starving and dying without healthcare. Women are no longer in control of their bodies, reduced to baby making machines. The lucky few - the gay community and disabled and POC who have family outside this country, somewhere better - will have left in droves. Muslims communities will be policed, no immigrants will be allowed in, international travel will be all but gone. We will be a 2nd world country at the least, if not a third world country and everyone will say, "Wait, when did this happen?"

Kasich - It'll just be George W Bush all over again. For 8 fucking years. I did that once, I can't do it again.

How close to the mark do you think I am?

Bernie is in town tonight. I saw him last time he was here and it was really great. I'll see if I want to brave the crowds again.

He was here too, East Lansing, about 30 mins from me. I wanted to go but those things are not usually disability friendly, mostly just because of the crowds. If he does, by chance, get the nomination and come back to Michigan for the next round of tours, I'll brave it, I think, and not miss this once in a lifetime chance to See The Bern! (<--lol, see what I did there)

Sooo sorry to hear about your MRSA. It's really nasty. My oldest daughter is prone to it and it keeps returning. She can take antibiotics and that usually clears it up but it's a real pain. She often gets it on her legs from shaving. So, I appreciate how difficult it is to deal with.

It's the 'keeps returning' part that bothers me. Sis' keeps returning too, in the exact same spot over and over, which means it'll keep coming back on my hip, which sucks because it prevents me from sleeping properly. I think mine is finally starting to turn the tide, so that's good. Man, if I were your daughter, I'd just stop shaving, lol!


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