Stuff & Things.

Mar 17, 2016 18:23

I uploaded this icon after our last winter storm, where it was like 3 inches of snow, then an inch of ice, then 3 more inches of snow. But that was almost two weeks ago. Within four days of that, boom, 65 degrees outside. Now it’s ranging from 45-55 and currently we are under a wind advisory, but it’s still totally sunny out, like idek. In the last month we have had the worst winter storms of the last 6 months and the warmest weather of the last 6 months. Sis said to call Boy Cousin for spring cleanup in the yard, but I’m like, “Let’s wait until Easter break, cuz let’s not tempt like a blizzard by saying we are ready for spring cleanup.”

In US political news, ugh, I am getting discouraged. I feel the Bern, but I don’t think he’s getting the nomination. I know, Obama came back from worse than this, but Bernie’s loss on Tuesday damaged hard. Hillary is just too conservative for my tastes, tbh. I’m gonna vote for her though - It’s like how in baseball I say ‘anyone but the Yankees’, like, ‘anyone but the republicans.’ Especially given that it is almost a guaranteed nomination for Trump. Unless the republicans are just like, “Fuck you, no.” And if he doesn’t, as he stated during a CNN interview, there will be riots. Because he basically instructed his supporters to riot. He said like, “if I don’t get the nomination, there will be riots. I can guarantee that. Many, many riots. I won’t be leading it, but there will be riots.” Which was basically just him telling his supporters to riot. I know it’s not over until July at the conventions, but I see a Hillary vs. Trump showdown coming.

In health news, I have a MRSA infection on my left hip (had to be the side I sleep on, damn). Don’t go look up MRSA, it’s disgusting, you don’t need to see those images. It’s very contagious, mostly in hospitals and nursing home type settings. Sis got it from all the time she spent at medical paces with Mom, probably from Mom herself, who also has it. Sis keeps getting infected spots under her armpit area. Once it’s in your blood stream though, you have it forever, so this will just keep coming back. Mine isn’t terrible, but MRSA is resistant to most antibiotics and I’m allergic to most antibiotics, so my doctor is kinda grasping at straws. We’re starting with one I know I can take and if that isn’t strong enough, we’ll go to something that I’ve never had before (cross your fingers it doesn’t send me into shock). Mostly it itches and it hurts and I can’t sleep because I keep rolling over onto that side in my sleep and then waking up in pain. Ugh.

Owe you all a Mom Update soon, but for now, hope you are all good, my lovelies!

weather or not, social issues, sick n tired, sports talk - all about the uniforms, friends 4evah, family circus, real life, politickin, sister oh sister, boy cousin, michigan proud

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