Stuff & Things.

Mar 17, 2016 18:23

I uploaded this icon after our last winter storm, where it was like 3 inches of snow, then an inch of ice, then 3 more inches of snow. But that was almost two weeks ago. Within four days of that, boom, 65 degrees outside. Now it’s ranging from 45-55 and currently we are under a wind advisory, but it’s still totally sunny out, like idek. In the ( Read more... )

weather or not, social issues, sick n tired, sports talk - all about the uniforms, friends 4evah, family circus, real life, politickin, sister oh sister, boy cousin, michigan proud

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dodger_sister March 25 2016, 22:17:29 UTC
Please don't give up on Bernie just yet - vote for him in the primaries at least!

Oh, I already had when I made this post. Michigan primaries happened at the beginning of March and I absentee voted, so I had my vote for Bernie in back in February. He took Michigan too, but not by enough. That's the thing, even when he wins a state, the gap between him and Hilary doesn't lessen enough to make a difference. I'm still hoping, and reblogging voting information on Tumblr and encouraging everyone to get out and vote for him, but I am also preparing myself for his loss.

We're leaving seventy degree weather to arrive in DC in time for snow Sunday night. What the hell are we thinking??

I always forget (maybe on purpose so I don't hate you) that you live in the wonderful land of 'not freezing to death'. It's probably like 80 there now, while we are still lingering in the 40s. Let it be spring already!

MRSA, ugh! Not even going to look, but ugh, it's like body rash herpes, in that it's the gift that keeps on giving. UGH.

Body Rash Herpes! That is a great way to describe it! (Sis says it's not, because using the word 'rash' undermines how fucking disgusting and painful it is, /shrugs/). Unfortunately it's not herpes, because that you can just take a antiviral pill for everyday and it keeps it at bay (mostly). This you can't do anything to stop reoccurrences, you can only treat it once it's come back, not preventively. (and yeah, don't go look it up unless you're one of those people that is like, "Omg, this is so gross, come look at it, eww!" and gets like a weird thrill out of disgusting things. Otherwise it'll just be an image in your head that you can't get rid of!)


vikingprincess March 26 2016, 01:24:23 UTC
Oh, good. :)

As it turned out, no snow in DC - but we had several seventy degree days THERE, and came home tonight (Friday) to temps in the forties, dropping to the thirties overnight. WTF, spring? W T F??

I can see how she would feel that "rash" was inadequate. I hope I never learn it personally!


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