Stuff & Things.

Mar 17, 2016 18:23

I uploaded this icon after our last winter storm, where it was like 3 inches of snow, then an inch of ice, then 3 more inches of snow. But that was almost two weeks ago. Within four days of that, boom, 65 degrees outside. Now it’s ranging from 45-55 and currently we are under a wind advisory, but it’s still totally sunny out, like idek. In the ( Read more... )

weather or not, social issues, sick n tired, sports talk - all about the uniforms, friends 4evah, family circus, real life, politickin, sister oh sister, boy cousin, michigan proud

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Comments 14

wolfrider89 March 21 2016, 13:56:53 UTC
He said like, “if I don’t get the nomination, there will be riots. I can guarantee that. Many, many riots. I won’t be leading it, but there will be riots.
I'm sitting here on the other side of the pond, feeling scared of this man. Trump is... I don't even know what to say. Just. I'm with you on the "anyone but the Republicans" thing so hard!

I have a MRSA infection on my left hip
I heeded your advice and didn't look that up, but man, it sounds like it sucks. :( I hope the antibiotics work, and that you can get some decent sleep soon!


dodger_sister March 26 2016, 19:34:23 UTC
I'm sitting here on the other side of the pond, feeling scared of this man. Trump is... I don't even know what to say. Just. I'm with you on the "anyone but the Republicans" thing so hard!In general, I am not onboard with Republican's policies. I get old school republicans who want less involvement from the government, smaller government management etc - I don't agree with it, but at least it's a ideology I can respect. This new brand of republicans, this tea party sect, scare me. They want to strip me of my disability benefits and take away my right to my own body as a woman in the same breath. But Trump? Trump is a lunatic. We'll be at nuclear war with someone within the first 3 months of him being in office. I mean, he'll get impeached pretty damn fast I think, but still, we'll already be at war with half the world by then. It'll be a police state. I always said I wanted to live long enough to see the apocalypse and this may be it. And Cruz honestly isn't any better - just less theatrics with Cruz, but basically the same ( ... )


wolfrider89 April 3 2016, 20:04:18 UTC
But Trump? Trump is a lunatic.
He really, really is. :( I thought Bush was bad, but Trump? Man. He's so fucking scary. :( I actually had an American come into the bookshop this summer and telling us all that "Trump is the man!" because he was rich and so wouldn't have to take donations for his campaign and therefore wouldn't owe anyone anything when he won. His argument for voting for Trump was that he was rich. Seriously. We have problems with neo-nazis over here, but man, I'll take them any day over Trump. Police state indeed. :S

Like, if you're like my sister who likes to look at gross things and be like,
"Eww, it's so gross, look at it!" then by all means, look up MRSA infections.
Heh, no, not so much. More like "look at gross thing, then faint." So I won't be doing that. :p

Hurts a lot less too so I can finally sleep again!
Excellent! I'm so glad. :)


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