Night 50: Main Hallway, 1-West

Jul 09, 2010 20:42

[from here]It looked like the hallway opened up over here. Guess he couldn't expect to just run around and follow a linear corridor forever, but now he had to figure out which way he wanted to go. Normally, he'd just run down whatever hallway he happened to lay eye on first, but again, he was running a liiittle blind here ( Read more... )

lechuck, shinji, klavier, asuka, anise, aigis, minato, gumshoe, izaya, hanatarou, claire littleton, beelzemon, sora, sam winchester, utena, tk-622, rei, amaterasu, renamon, guybrush, niikura, franziska, elena gilbert, snow, gant, lana skye, mello, brainiac 5, natalia, von karma, albedo, masaomi, minako, kairi, venom, lord recluse, peter petrelli, depth charge, mele, damon, rita, castiel, sync, the scarecrow, matt, trickster, cloud, riku, yomi, rolo, sasuke, aidou, ishida, russia, ema skye, zack, spock, hime

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Comments 314

ai_no_minako July 10 2010, 01:09:40 UTC
[from here]

There was nothing to be scared of. It was just a hallway. It was the same hallway she'd walked through a few times now during the day, so what could be different about it now? Just because it was dark, really. Minako hadn't been scared of the dark since she was a kid, so it was ridiculous to start now.

It would have been a bit more reassuring if the coiled whip she was holding in one hand was the real thing, fairly crackling with energy and ready to be used against a deserving monster. Like it had been last night, when she'd been able to transform again. It had to be something about this place, didn't it? Like when the Dead Moon Circus was in town, that... force field thing Ami had mentioned. And this time she didn't have a helpful Artemis around, either.

Minako glanced around once, warily, then sighed and started to move on. Standing around fretting about it wasn't going to do any good, now was it? She needed to go find something useful to do.


fuzzy_diablo July 11 2010, 02:58:14 UTC
[ From here.]

Sheet held tightly around his shoulders, Kurt made his way through the hallways--standing upright and trying to look as inconspicuous as possible. Which, as both Kon and Peter had pointed out, was next to impossible when a white sheet was involved. He really needed something that camouflaged better.

There was no sign of Logan yet (Kurt would have definitely known if he was there--even Logan's shadow was distinctive), so Kurt positioned himself against the wall of his room block, waiting and gnawing on his bottom lip. This was the first time he'd been out of his room by himself, and it was making him nervous. He hoped Logan would hurry up...


ai_no_minako July 11 2010, 03:45:03 UTC
It really was kind of hard to miss that flutter of white off to one side-- in the dark like this it practically glowed when it caught the edge of her flashlight's beam. The question was, though, was whether it was something dangerous or not. Minako paused for a moment, turning her light to point behind her as she squinted into the darkness toward where she'd seen it, watching and listening and trying to determine just what was there.

She knew what the creatures she'd encountered back at home felt like, but would the supposed monsters that roamed the halls at night here feel like the Dead Moon's minions? Or those nasty daimon creatures? There had been a subtle difference, but the uneasy crawly itch-between-the-shoulders evil feeling they gave her hadn't changed no matter who the enemy was at the moment. And right now... there was none of that. No hint of danger, other than her general jumpiness from being alone in the darkness ( ... )


fuzzy_diablo July 11 2010, 05:09:53 UTC
Kurt jolted towards the voice, surprised that someone who wasn't Logan was talking to him. His mind started racing--what if it was that girl who had attacked him? Worse, what if she was a stranger and once she saw his face, she'd scream and attract attention?

"Uh... yeah!" Kurt called back, turning his back towards the voice and pulling the sheet tighter in front--to cover his legs. "Just waiting for someone, I'm fine!"

Pleasegoaway, pleasegoaway, Kurt thought, shoulders hunched. Logan where are you? He was freaking out so bad, he didn't even realize that he recognized the voice from somewhere that wasn't linked to a negative experience.


kingdomless July 10 2010, 02:25:45 UTC
( ... )

And she had made it to the meeting place first. "Aha," she chirped happily to herself, grinning. She won this round.

Kairi moved towards the staircase and placed her sword against the wall, leaning her back against it as well. Sliding down the wall, she clicked her flashlight off, her eyes getting used to the darkness as she scanned through the black in hopes of catching sight of a certain brunette or silver headed boy.

After a few moments of nothing, she turned her gaze to look towards the Sun Room, her mind wandering. Who - or what - was lurking in there this night? They'd be finding out shortly. Kairi only hoped that whatever it was, it wouldn't cause them too much trouble.


scintillatingly July 12 2010, 06:02:17 UTC
[From here.]As Sora approached the stairs, he was shocked to see that Kairi had beat him there once again. Sure, he'd wasted some time looking for that ring and saying bye to Hanatarou, but he was so used to always making it here first. Then again, that pattern had started while Kairi had been gone. She was almost as used to Landel's as he was, so it made sense that she was able to beat him here sometimes ( ... )


kingdomless July 13 2010, 03:02:23 UTC
At the sound of an all too familiar voice, Kairi instantly jumped up and off of the floor, smiling to Sora when he finally came into view. "Sora! Hi," she responded, nodding her head. So, they had both gotten there before Riku. Hopefully the boys wouldn't squabble over such a trivial detail ( ... )


scintillatingly July 13 2010, 03:25:19 UTC
When Kairi grabbed for his hand, Sora felt his heart start to beat a little faster than normal. This was just... not something that usually happened, though he could understand why Kairi wanted to get a closer look at the piece of jewelry. He couldn't help thinking that it would look much better on his friend's finger, and yet he realized that it would be kind of weird if he gave it to her ( ... )


bodhiandspirit July 10 2010, 09:18:14 UTC
[from here, and meatshields ahoy! /o/]Now what ( ... )


affictitious July 10 2010, 22:10:39 UTC
[From here.]

His entrance here was met with a scream, which wasn't something he was exactly unused to, but this time it wasn't deserved and wasn't directed at him and he wasn't in the form of someone else who was infinitely more threatening looking than his vessel was. But vocal was good. Vocal was how questions got answered.

Slick as oil, he slithered into the conversation with, "What're you screaming about?" then an "oh" followed by the thought of next vessel is definitely going to be more threatening. And taller. Add to mental notes.

And here he thought Sam Winchester was the Sasquatch to out-sasquatch all sasquatches. Have a low whistle of appreciation, kid. It's all for you.


heroesdontshave July 10 2010, 23:12:17 UTC
And all of a sudden, the people who were hiding come out of the woodwork. Of course, Snow had been so distracted trying to peer through the darkness, he hadn't really noticed anyone approaching until a girl yelled right behind him. ...Okay, he could secretly admit that startled the hell out of him. He jerked and whipped around in time to get a bright light right in the face. "Whoa!"

He immediately winced and threw a hand up to try and block out the light. He couldn't get a real good look at them, but it sounded like a young girl and a guy. Neither of them were telling him put his hands up or get down on the ground or anything, so he was gonna take a wild guess and say they weren't soldiers. Actually, it sounded more like he'd been the one to startle them. Or at least the girl. Whoops.

"Sorry. Didn't think anyone else was wandering around." He was trying to sound lighthearted despite the apology. No hard feelings, you know? He was also still squinting, trying to get a good look at them. "You guys okay?"


bodhiandspirit July 11 2010, 02:38:29 UTC
Rita lowered her flashlight with a shrug, deciding that she'd tortured the man's eyes enough. That shrug was also the only acknowledgment his apology received.

"Hmph. I'm just fine, and you better be glad that this is, too," Rita retorted, making a point of slipping the ring safely onto her finger. If he paid any attention to that announcement at the start of the night, he'd understand what it was that they just narrowly avoided.

"What are you doing here, anyway?" The question sounded almost like an accusation, though it was really just Rita's usual tone of voice. She was asking honestly, actually. The big guy looked like he might be useful to have around, so maybe he could accompany her in her escape. "...That goes for both of you."

The mage noticed the other man there as soon as he spoke up, though it wasn't until now that she glanced over her shoulder to get a look at him. Compared to the giant in front of her, he looked like a fairly normal person, though apparently not one who could mind his own business. Who invited him?


nobleobliged July 10 2010, 21:16:55 UTC
[from here!]

Onward, onward! Natalia could see the occasional light ahead, and resisted the impulse to trot over and introduce herself. The isolating darkness of the halls, her righteous anger at the institution and its head; these were never far from her mind, even during her previous flashlight debate. They ought to band together. Natalia resolved at that moment to learn every patient's name, and as much of their history as they were willing to share.

Only her preexisting obligation kept her on track, to the hallways that should connect to the men's block. M60, to the Cake Club. Again she wondered if they would truly be baking. It seemed peculiar, given the greater priorities of the night. Only one way existed to satisfy her curiosity. Onward! Another left.

[to here ]


notthistrain July 10 2010, 23:24:37 UTC
[from here]

There weren't that many people out in the main hall yet, which suited Cloud's purposes just fine. With everyone coming and going, it should be easy enough to spot Zack (with his six plus feet of height) searching for him here.

He stopped to lean against the wall, flashlight on so that others could see he was there and he didn't get easily looked over. The chances of him and his friend actually being able to find Aerith tonight were slim, but not trying wasn't an option. There had to be something they could find out about the girl.


zack_fair July 12 2010, 10:44:35 UTC
[From here.]And bingo! This was the spot where the three of them had met up last night, so Zack supposed it made sense that Cloud would decide to wait here. It was funny, how they'd both figured it out without actually having to write it out to each other. Though it was probably better to make a habit of that, just to be sure. Unless they designated this hallway as their meeting spot from now on, which would work just as well ( ... )


notthistrain July 12 2010, 22:36:44 UTC
Good. That had been easy enough. Cloud smiled back at his friend from under his arm. It had been a while since it had just been the two of them, and though extra hands were always helpful, he couldn't deny being a little thankful that they'd get to have this time again. (Especially now that he was conscious for it ( ... )


zack_fair July 13 2010, 02:34:11 UTC
Cloud's smile didn't really match his own, but it was about as much as Zack could expect from the younger man. He pulled away and leaned himself against the wall soon after, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched the other patients passing by (he was still futilely keeping an eye out for a pink ribbon) and listened to what Cloud had to say ( ... )


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