Nightshift 50 - M1-M10 Hallway

Jul 10, 2010 01:40

Like Dean was supposed to believe the whole beaming down crap was supposed to be all for their benefit. You wanted to help someone, you didn't kidnap them from their homes - or friggen time machines like the Doctor - and then offer them great food and a pat on the head like that made it a-okay.

Whatever it was, this wasn't from the goodness of the Head Doctor's heart.

Dean got dressed. He wasn't expecting to go anywhere tonight and after the insane run around from last night, it was almost a relief. Y'know, he was the last person he considered the stay-at-home kinda guy, but getting told that time travel was real and then dodging death rays for a night, and suddenly plain old research didn't sound that bad. Actually, the death rays hadn't been the worst of it. Dean knew that wasn't it, not really. It was the Doctor casually, without even trying, tossing everything on its head. Dean liked thinking of time normally, going in a line. Stuff was supposed to make sense. There wasn't supposed to be anything like real, honest-to-God evil R2D2s flying around being big dicks.

He'd no idea how much he'd taken stuff making sense for granted. After getting his ass kicked by the Doctor over all this time travel stuff, Dean was looking forward to a nice, relaxing discussing with Sam about hunts. At least that was business as usual.

Dean opened the drawer of the desk as he adjusted his jacket, waiting for Sam to swing by. There was the ring, just like the Head Doctor said. He picked it up, holding it up to the light. The silver band was not as delicate as it looked, the red gem glinting at him. Looked kinda fruity.

[Waiting for Sam in M2]

goku (dragonball), suzaku, japan, nightcrawler, peter petrelli, hanatarou, dean winchester, sora, haseo, sam winchester

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