Nightshift 50 - M1-M10 Hallway

Jul 10, 2010 01:40

Like Dean was supposed to believe the whole beaming down crap was supposed to be all for their benefit. You wanted to help someone, you didn't kidnap them from their homes - or friggen time machines like the Doctor - and then offer them great food and a pat on the head like that made it a-okay.

Whatever it was, this wasn't from the goodness of the ( Read more... )

goku (dragonball), suzaku, japan, nightcrawler, peter petrelli, hanatarou, dean winchester, sora, haseo, sam winchester

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Comments 37

M7 mitase July 10 2010, 22:09:45 UTC
The intercom announcement had been unusual and puzzling enough to distract Hanatarou in the process of getting ready for the evening, but even though he rummaged quite thoroughly through his desk drawers he found no sign of anything out of the ordinary. Nothing that had a "jewel" on it, that was for certain. Maybe one of the others in his group had it, then? He'd have to ask Senna or Tsukasa the next time he saw them, though he was pretty sure none of them would want to return to the last place they'd been the night before ( ... )


Re: M7 scintillatingly July 12 2010, 05:17:51 UTC
At first, the intercom announcement that came on had just confused Sora, but the moment he'd heard the words "desk drawer" he'd moved away from the closet where he'd been changing and started to search through every inch of his drawer. It didn't even take that much effort, though, as the ring was nestled rather obviously in there, and he grabbed it up and stared at the red stone with a perplexed look ( ... )


Re: M7 scintillatingly July 12 2010, 05:28:18 UTC
[To here.]


Re: M7 human_sponge July 13 2010, 09:34:48 UTC
[From here.]

As expected, he made it to the boy's room with no delay. Peter tucked Sam's gun around to the side of the band on his sweatpants for good measure, since he didn't need it staring Hanatarou in the face when he opened the door.

Other than that, there wasn't much to worry about. Though it was right as Peter was knocking that he realized he should have grabbed a pillowcase when he was back in his room. If they were going to be looting large amounts of medicine and bandages tonight, that would be a help. Still, hopefully Hanatarou would have one to spare.

Having given two sound knocks on the door, Peter took a half-step back and waited, shovel in one hand and flashlight in the other.


M4 feartehreaper July 10 2010, 22:38:04 UTC
Haseo didn't realize he'd fallen asleep upon laying down on his bed. At the sound of the intercom's warning jingle, he awoke with a start, and thinking it was morning again rolled over in confusion, wondering in slight panic where all his memories had gone. He didn't remember what he'd been doing before he got in bed, which usually consisted of something to do with the night. All there was was... oh. Erin's visit, and after that... being escorted back to his room ( ... )


M01 fuzzy_diablo July 11 2010, 02:39:43 UTC
Kurt lay under his sheets until the door closed and his roommate had gone. He was such a chicken ( ... )


Re: M01 fuzzy_diablo July 11 2010, 02:58:42 UTC
Re: M01 boketa July 11 2010, 17:50:41 UTC
Despite Goku's usual exuberance with food, the young boy couldn't finish his dinner before the lights suddenly flickered out. The woozy stuff they poked him with wasn't making the situation any better. It probably would have helped if Goku had used his knife and fork, but that just wasn't his style. Hands and teeth were all one needed to tackle a steak and long mushy stick things. They weren't as good as the bloody slice of cow that hung half in his mouth and half on his plate ( ... )


Re: M01 boketa July 11 2010, 18:09:56 UTC
[To here]


M2 allroadslead July 14 2010, 00:17:36 UTC
[from here]

As Sam left Ruby's room, he picked up the pace through the hallways. If he'd had a watch, he would've looked at it. He missed his watch. Or a way to tell time, period. It wasn't as though it mattered here-obviously-but he still didn't like not being able to keep track of things that had become so ingrained for him to do so: time, dates, hell, the year. They could be anywhere from the late-90s to the present day. Maybe further?

There was a thought. One that he wasn't so sure he wanted to consider, even if he knew that he had to.

He pushed open the door with only an It's me as warning so that Dean wouldn't think it a stranger. One of the troubles of not being able to lock your doors from the inside ( ... )


Re: M2 theroadsofar July 16 2010, 17:42:48 UTC
Was that a phoneDean wandered over the desk to check it out. He thumbed it on. Waited for it to finish starting up was missing the SIM card or something, 'cause there wasn't any info, no numbers, and he couldn't make call out. No doubt Sam had already tried it. Still, could be good for parts, he guessed, except trying to jury-rig an EMF reader wasn’t exactly real high priority right now. He snorted when Sam tried to be cute with him about the ring. “Eyes on the prize, dude. Let’s skip you getting Top Model on me, okay ( ... )


allroadslead July 16 2010, 20:17:33 UTC
While Dean pulled out a chair, Sam moved to sit on the edge of the bed frame at the foot of the bed, though not before he picked up the ring.

"Yeah, I got one," he said. "Peter has it, though."

He wasn't sure if his roommate would get the chance to give it a whirl tonight, but he supposed it didn't matter. He suspected they had plenty of time to check it out. They sure as hell weren't going anywhere soon, and the way the doctor spoke, it sounded like these rings would be a long-term addition. Whatever power it had, Sam was in no rush to dive headlong into it. He'd had enough reality-bending, time-twisting crap in his life, even before last night's incident.

Picking up his flashlight, he shone it at the piece of jewelry. He squinted. "Looks like blood coral."

From the blood of Medusa, apparently, though he'd be damned if he could put together what that had to do with teleportation. With the way things were going, for all he knew this was a stone from Mars or something. There'd been an Admiral not too long ago who'd named a ( ... )


theroadsofar July 20 2010, 19:20:03 UTC
Dean was not going first. He’d given Sam the brief rundown about last night in the chapel and it wasn’t going to sound any less crazy a few hours later.

“You first,” Dean said. Demons were safe. They weren’t going to sprout damn phasers on him or do anything nuts - their brand of nuts, he got. It was doucheness taken to a new level, but it was still something he could get. Demons just were evil begging for an exorcism. It was just how it was, from before he’d even been born and it’d still be like that when he kicked the bucket. There was something comforting about knowing evil was going to be out there and folks like Sam and him were going to be hunting them. No paradoxes, no aliens, just normal monsters out there that needed ganking. All in all, normalHe missed normal ( ... )


M3 sword_of_zero July 14 2010, 23:33:30 UTC
[From here.]

Even though it was dark out in the hallway, Suzaku held off on turning on his flashlight right away. If he was careful, he was confident that he could navigate his way through the hallway without running into anything or anyone. There was still enough light about to make it possible to maneuver around. His footsteps were slow and careful, he didn't want to attract any attention to himself that was either. As he moved down the hallway, he took note of anything that would help him find his way back.

A hand was raised to the wall, and he lightly ran his fingers along the surface as he walked along. The cool and smooth surface helped him relax a little. All of his nerves were on edge, but his mind was still focused. He had been in much more stressful situations than this, but that didn't mean the situation didn't bother him or have some effect on him. If he wasn't careful, the anxiety that was gnawing on him would start to bubble into his mind.

Eventually, he departed from his current hallway and ventured into others.

[ ( ... )


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