Night 50: Main Hallway, 1-West

Jul 09, 2010 20:42

[from here]It looked like the hallway opened up over here. Guess he couldn't expect to just run around and follow a linear corridor forever, but now he had to figure out which way he wanted to go. Normally, he'd just run down whatever hallway he happened to lay eye on first, but again, he was running a liiittle blind here ( Read more... )

lechuck, shinji, klavier, asuka, anise, aigis, minato, gumshoe, izaya, hanatarou, claire littleton, beelzemon, sora, sam winchester, utena, tk-622, rei, amaterasu, renamon, guybrush, niikura, franziska, elena gilbert, snow, gant, lana skye, mello, brainiac 5, natalia, von karma, albedo, masaomi, minako, kairi, venom, lord recluse, peter petrelli, depth charge, mele, damon, rita, castiel, sync, the scarecrow, matt, trickster, cloud, riku, yomi, rolo, sasuke, aidou, ishida, russia, ema skye, zack, spock, hime

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bodhiandspirit July 10 2010, 09:18:14 UTC
[from here, and meatshields ahoy! /o/]Now what ( ... )


affictitious July 10 2010, 22:10:39 UTC
[From here.]

His entrance here was met with a scream, which wasn't something he was exactly unused to, but this time it wasn't deserved and wasn't directed at him and he wasn't in the form of someone else who was infinitely more threatening looking than his vessel was. But vocal was good. Vocal was how questions got answered.

Slick as oil, he slithered into the conversation with, "What're you screaming about?" then an "oh" followed by the thought of next vessel is definitely going to be more threatening. And taller. Add to mental notes.

And here he thought Sam Winchester was the Sasquatch to out-sasquatch all sasquatches. Have a low whistle of appreciation, kid. It's all for you.


heroesdontshave July 10 2010, 23:12:17 UTC
And all of a sudden, the people who were hiding come out of the woodwork. Of course, Snow had been so distracted trying to peer through the darkness, he hadn't really noticed anyone approaching until a girl yelled right behind him. ...Okay, he could secretly admit that startled the hell out of him. He jerked and whipped around in time to get a bright light right in the face. "Whoa!"

He immediately winced and threw a hand up to try and block out the light. He couldn't get a real good look at them, but it sounded like a young girl and a guy. Neither of them were telling him put his hands up or get down on the ground or anything, so he was gonna take a wild guess and say they weren't soldiers. Actually, it sounded more like he'd been the one to startle them. Or at least the girl. Whoops.

"Sorry. Didn't think anyone else was wandering around." He was trying to sound lighthearted despite the apology. No hard feelings, you know? He was also still squinting, trying to get a good look at them. "You guys okay?"


bodhiandspirit July 11 2010, 02:38:29 UTC
Rita lowered her flashlight with a shrug, deciding that she'd tortured the man's eyes enough. That shrug was also the only acknowledgment his apology received.

"Hmph. I'm just fine, and you better be glad that this is, too," Rita retorted, making a point of slipping the ring safely onto her finger. If he paid any attention to that announcement at the start of the night, he'd understand what it was that they just narrowly avoided.

"What are you doing here, anyway?" The question sounded almost like an accusation, though it was really just Rita's usual tone of voice. She was asking honestly, actually. The big guy looked like he might be useful to have around, so maybe he could accompany her in her escape. "...That goes for both of you."

The mage noticed the other man there as soon as he spoke up, though it wasn't until now that she glanced over her shoulder to get a look at him. Compared to the giant in front of her, he looked like a fairly normal person, though apparently not one who could mind his own business. Who invited him?


affictitious July 11 2010, 06:14:33 UTC
Ohh, bitchy. He liked it.

But aside from that, he recognized the giant's question as... pretty weird. Actually, both were kind of odd, from the sounds of them. Though it was clear he wasn't somewhere interesting like a secret government base or the Batcave, those particular questions suggested that they shouldn't be here. Y'know, permanent no-negotiation deaths aside.

Slipping the stolen glasses onto his nose, he broke a few vertebrae in order to look the guy in the face. "Is there a reason we shouldn't be?" Though if he was on earth - which was a pretty clear bet, seeing as humans - there could be any number of ghosts or zombies or flesh-eating cannibals or wendigos hiding in the wings waiting to pounce. Now that'd be a good spot of fun right there.

Even demons. He could totally go for some demons right now. That'd boost the ol' mojo tenfold.

"I was just, y'know, wondering aimlessly. Seemed like a good idea considering I'm fresh out of maps and a solid sense of direction."


heroesdontshave July 11 2010, 20:45:56 UTC
Snow gave a quick, almost sheepish laugh at the reaction. Yikes. Looked like he already got off on the wrong foot with this kid. Or maybe she was just in a really bad mood tonight. Something about being tossed aside by society and dumped in a building to die probably worked on the nerves a little. He could understand that ( ... )


bodhiandspirit July 11 2010, 22:55:56 UTC
Were these two both newcomers? What were the chances of that? Rita was still new herself, so she hoped they weren't going to expect a big explanation. There was something she did want to share with them, however ( ... )


affictitious July 12 2010, 06:34:47 UTC
Oh, and monsters weren't a big thing for these kids.

Riiight. Running with it. (If he was in a building full of hunters, he might just have to kill himself. Again. Going in knowing he was gonna die was kinda like assisted suicide, right? They didn't seem to have the attitude, though... not that he'd met a lot of hunters face-to-face. Easy to imagine they had a swagger, though. Some of 'em did.)

"Hold on a sec," he said, flinging his hands up in front of him. "Can I get a Cliff Notes, here? Head Doctor? Portal rings?" Oh. That thing he'd heard earlier had... probably been important.

His luck.

From his experiences, head doctors plus institutions didn't exactly equal hospitals. He'd been in his share of hospitals; not for the patients, usually, but there were a lot of nice, corrupted staff in 'em. It had the hospital-y feel and the smell of bleach and the white walls, but usually they didn't have mon -

- okay, they usually did have monsters, but that was beside the point ( ... )


heroesdontshave July 13 2010, 01:45:04 UTC
Oh, definitely got his attention there. Admittedly, Snow hadn't really been listening all that closely to that announcement earlier, outside catching a few keywords. Mostly cause none of it was making any sense in the first place. He recognized the words "portal ring" as something the announcer guy had brought up but... Yeah, again, wasn't really listening. Luckily, it looked like the kid knew what the heck the guy had been talking about and had one of the things handy ( ... )


bodhiandspirit July 13 2010, 07:13:45 UTC
Not surprisingly, the big guy liked to keep things simple. That may have been for the best, though. The more time they spent talking, the less distance they were going to cover before morning came. While Rita couldn't quite identify with the guy's willingness to go along with a plan he didn't fully understand, she could certainly appreciate the convenience of it at the moment.

"That's basically right," Rita confirmed, adding to that bare-bones explanation. "By day, they run this place like a mental hospital - and we're the patients. At night, it's like this. I don't know what they're trying to do with us here, but I don't plan on sticking around long enough to find out."

Did Rita want to know why some bastard abducted her from her home and took her to another planet where people treated her like she was crazy? Damn straight, she did. But the full truth couldn't be found while they were confined within the Head Doctor's walls. They had to get to somewhere beyond his control, and then they could do what they needed to. Gathering ( ... )


affictitious July 14 2010, 03:40:54 UTC
While it was nice and all for Gigantor to get on along fine with knowing a minimal amount of information, this particular pseudo pagan god kind of got off on knowing every minute detail about the situation involving him - and usually ones that didn't. It'd be nice to think that his loving brother had enough gooey feelings in him to send Gabriel to a mental hospital that sucked out his mojo so he could have fun running around in the dark, but he really doubted that sort of feeling was there.

This would've made a good television show.

"Why the hell not?" he said with a shrug; instant gratifying teleportation wasn't a new bone to him, and he was interested to see how a ring was gonna manage to move something like him - plus two other humans. Maybe it didn't discriminate between species or something. "Let's hit it."


heroesdontshave July 14 2010, 04:15:26 UTC
The fact that she didn't know what it was the Sanctum had planned for them wasn't hugely surprising. They liked keeping those pesky, little details to themselves, and no normal person wanted to believe they were being thrown away. So he saw no need in voicing in any more info than she was offering up. Besides, Snow liked this kid's enthusiasm. The guy didn't seem to be all that thrilled about the whole thing, but he was going along with it anyway. So no need to say or do anything that would kill the mood and drag everyone down. Let's keep that energy going!

Like the kid, Snow brought his own fist up in front of him, obviously more than ready to go. "Alright! Sounds like a plan. Let's do this!"

Of course, he... didn't really know what it was they were doing or how they were going to do it or what. But they knew it had to do with the ring, right? So...


bodhiandspirit July 14 2010, 21:01:26 UTC
So everyone was on board. Good.

"Everybody, stay close," Rita told them as she turned to face the nearest wall. She wasn't sure what the range of effect was with the ring, but she didn't want to end up leaving people behind because of an easily avoided mistake.

So it was back to the lake again. This time, Rita was going to be expecting the jarring transition, so it was likely to go much smoother than before. They'd just have to get their bearings and swim to shore. They had a plan. This was going to be easy.

"Get ready to swim," she warned the two men as she pulled back her arm, preparing herself. Her fist lingered there for a few seconds as she took a deep breath...

...then slammed it into the wall, shattering the jeweled ring.

[teleporting to here]


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