Night 48: M61-M70 Hallway

Mar 22, 2010 19:05

Kirk looked up as he always did when the intercom came on during dinner, as if it would be that easy to catch a glimpse of the man who presided over their captivity, and did so with such glee. CM-US trials. Without meaning to, he glanced at Admiral ZEX at those words, and away again when "re-trials" were mentioned. What did that mean? It wasn't ( Read more... )

ayumu, von karma, kirk, sechs, zex, guy, okita, peter petrelli, the doctor, prowl, hk-47, mori

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Comments 49

arc_wrench March 23 2010, 01:13:45 UTC
Finally, he could leave the cell and go kill something! HK had all his weapons gathered up and ready to stick them into something by the time the sneezy meatbag was done giving his... rather-perplexing-but-not-quite-interesting-enough-to-pay-attention-to announcement.

Out into the hallway, and he was immediately scanning for targets. his infrared capabilities unfortunately only revealed empty hallway. Oh well. He would just have to go somewhere else.

He'd been so happy this morning, being a Decepticon. The galaxy had since turned around and tried to grind them into the dirt, but killing something would cheer him up!


stillandstrike March 23 2010, 01:44:46 UTC
Prowl remained behind his door which was open, just the slightest bit. He'd waited there since the doors unlocked, knife in hand. The minute HK walked past, Prowl counted to five and quietly pulled the door open, creeping up behind and reaching out to hold HK's arms with one hand the press the knife to his throat.


arc_wrench March 23 2010, 01:52:34 UTC
HK thought he heard something, but he didn't turn fast enough before he could see the knife going towards his throat. Without thinking, he immediately twisted an arm away from the hand trying to grab his own and to grab the wrist of the hand holding the knife, attempting to stomp down on one of his attacker's feet, deciding he wasn't going to try and stab right now, instead then trying to twist away while keeping a grip on his attacker's wrist.


stillandstrike March 23 2010, 02:41:22 UTC
Prowl managed to twist his free hand away and grab HK's wrist so they each held one of the others. He smiled. "Impressive." He supposed he could see what Lockdown saw in HK. Obviously....not...all of it and he'd never go that far....

"It would seem Lugnut is aware of my presence."


M62 perfectrecord March 23 2010, 17:54:07 UTC
As usual, the evening meals were the most edible of the entire day, and this one was no exception. Having eaten little for lunch, von Karma was hungry enough to tolerate even the garlic seasoning used on the salmon, which was otherwise palatable to him. As he polished off the remains of his dinner (save for the whipped mud offered as a dessert), he peered over at his roommate, who seemed to have already retired for the night. After last night's pasta flinging incident, Mr. Ratchet's apparent stupor was perfectly acceptable to the older man ( ... )


Re: M62 war_wounds April 6 2010, 15:58:57 UTC
Ratchet woke to the sound of the door clicking shut. He really needed to stop dozing off like that, but he was just so tired. In fact, it was very tempting to just go back into recharge. This was his only opportunity to investigate his surroundings, though, and he shouldn't waste it.

With a heavy sigh, he stood and, portable light in hand, set off down the hall.

...Or he would have, if the door had opened. "What the...?" The handle wouldn't turn. Ratchet gave it a tug, muttering curses as he tried to figure out what was wrong with the door. Had it simply gotten stuck? How could such a simple mechanism malfunction like this? Obviously, his cellmate had managed to get the damn thing open because he wasn't here, and-

"Oh, that glitch-headed, slagging Pit-damned fragger!" This was because Ratchet had thrown that organic slop at the man's face yesterday, wasn't it? Well, if that was how the human wanted it, Ratchet would be happy to oblige. Meanwhile, there had to be some way to get the door open. If he'd still had his ( ... )


Re: M62 war_wounds April 12 2010, 16:43:40 UTC
[to here]


razing_phoenix March 23 2010, 23:39:48 UTC
For once, Guy and Okita had had a quiet dinner with no talk of their respective issues. Or of Guy's issues, at least, since Okita barely ever spoke of what was going on with him. Guy knew better than to push at the man, though. Tonight he hadn't wanted to discuss his own concerns about his memory loss, so he'd decided to just focus on eating his dinner.

The more he spoke about what was going on with him, the more nervous he'd get. For now, the best thing was just to get a hold of Luke and ask him about it. Anise and Jade would probably also be able to give a hand, but Luke was the one he was seeing tonight, and so that was who he was focusing on.

As for the intercom announcements, they were enough to set Guy on edge even further. If the Head Doctor really meant that there were going to be retrials, then that could make what he'd told Luke earlier in the day a complete lie. The thought of his friend being taken again was enough to make his blood boil, but Guy knew he couldn't get ahead of himself ( ... )


In and out of M65 human_sponge March 24 2010, 00:41:01 UTC
[From here.]M65 meant that Peter had to go about halfway down the hall. He found the door in the same way that he had two nights ago, but this time he didn't bother knocking. Nathan had already made him wait too long. If his brother was okay and just hadn't bothered to let Peter knew that he was fine, then he didn't deserve to be treated without courtesy ( ... )


Outside M63 tostepforward March 24 2010, 02:35:50 UTC
[big skip from here]

Ayumu slowed as she entered the hallway, wondering if Okita would even still be in his room. It would be easier if he wasn't, as then she wouldn't have to explain why she was suddenly leaving her things with him, now that Yuffie already knew or at least strongly suspected much about her. He might not ask, though; if anyone here would understand, he would. Or at the least understand that it wasn't something she wanted to talk about in any great detail.

She paused outside of his door for a moment and decided not to knock -- she did, however, not bother to keep her movements quiet as she opened the door and stepped inside. There was no reason to startle the man if he was there, even if she didn't particularly want to stand around in the hallway waiting for anyone to answer a knock. If she was lucky both he and his roommate would be gone. If not, one or both would hopefully not be too surprised to have a visitor.


Re: Outside M63 notachick March 24 2010, 03:07:17 UTC
For once, he and Guy had a relatively quiet dinner. It may have had to do with the fact that they both had things on their minds, or maybe it was more that Okita just hadn't been feeling like talking for awhile now. The fever had spiked after he'd left the courtyard and then he'd spent the rest of the day in his room. Even now when he felt somewhat better, he could feel the heat pressing against the sides of his skull. His nurse had given him some small white pills before dinner and they seemed to be helping with the heat, but it was still there ( ... )


M63 tostepforward March 24 2010, 05:55:25 UTC
So it appeared that luck wasn't with her. It was to be expected, probably, with the day she'd already had, but Ayumu confined herself to a mental sigh and only smiled slightly, standing relaxed as though she hadn't just been ready to defend herself just in case someone didn't recognize her. (Okita's perception she trusted; his still-a-stranger roommate, however, was another matter.) "Good evening to you, too, Okita-san."

She shifted her free hand away from her waistband and held up the small bundle she was carrying, now allowing the contents to clink and rustle as they were released from the tight hold she'd kept them in on the way over. "I thought I'd leave some things with you, if you don't mind. I'd thought you'd be gone already -- I must have moved faster than expected."


Re: M63 notachick March 25 2010, 22:29:22 UTC
It was an odd sort of surprise to have Ayumu coming to his room, but since Okita knew that the monsters stayed outdoors, he relaxed and lowered his sword. It slid into his belt and he smiled back at his friend. "Yes, good evening."

The bundle she held clinked and Okita could only guess as to what was inside. Her weapons and things she couldn't leave in her room now that Yuffie potentially knew who she really was. That Lelouch was no longer a target didn't matter. Any hold Yuffie might have over the Shinsengumi's kunoichi was enough reason to take precautions. "Or I'm moving very slowly today," he joked, stepping back to open his desk drawer. "You can leave them here if you'd like. Or under the mattress - either should work."


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