Night 48: M61-M70 Hallway

Mar 22, 2010 19:05

Kirk looked up as he always did when the intercom came on during dinner, as if it would be that easy to catch a glimpse of the man who presided over their captivity, and did so with such glee. CM-US trials. Without meaning to, he glanced at Admiral ZEX at those words, and away again when "re-trials" were mentioned. What did that mean? It wasn't enough to worry about getting dragged off for the night and cut open, but now you had to worry about it happening twice?

The Head Doctor's message meant that the door would be opening in a few minutes, and Kirk hurried to finish his preparations. Once again, he donned his hospital-issued coat and boots, and (remembering his lack of a sturdy container last night) stripped the case off his pillow. In his coat pockets went the radio, the box cutter, and the medical supplies he'd picked up last night. When Landel's more sinister ramblings started up, Kirk listened with only half an ear as he wrapped the bandages and things for carrying convenience.

By the time he was done, the door had long since unlocked, and there was no sign of nurses knocking on the door to retrieve ZEX... or Kirk, at that. One piece of good news, at least. He hesitated before the door, some part of him wanting to stay and speak with his roommate, but instinct and duty forbid him from dawdling. Night was short here, and his crew was waiting for him.

Simply bidding ZEX good luck, Kirk grabbed his flashlight and "weapon", and hurried down the hallway.

[to here]

ayumu, von karma, kirk, sechs, zex, guy, okita, peter petrelli, the doctor, prowl, hk-47, mori

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