Night 48: M11-M20 Hallway

Mar 22, 2010 21:33

Since he had no way of knowing what to expect, Indy geared up for the night as usual, adventuring clothes, dog leash and all. The only thing he didn't bother with was the radio--presumably room M25 already had one. After a quick double-check of everything, he headed out into the empty hallway, leaving the flashlight off for now. He knew the way well enough by now.

As he covered the few steps from his door to the connecting hallway, he wondered again what Ryuuzaki was planning. Was there some reason for not mentioning the meeting place on the bulletin board (even in another one of his overwrought code phrases), or was it just heightened paranoia at work? Indy's curiosity was piqued, that was for sure. He just hoped it'd be worth his time.

[ahead to here]

luke fon fabre, klavier, guybrush, luxord, edgar, xemnas, haseo, roxas, indiana jones

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