Night 48: M61-M70 Hallway

Mar 22, 2010 19:05

Kirk looked up as he always did when the intercom came on during dinner, as if it would be that easy to catch a glimpse of the man who presided over their captivity, and did so with such glee. CM-US trials. Without meaning to, he glanced at Admiral ZEX at those words, and away again when "re-trials" were mentioned. What did that mean? It wasn't ( Read more... )

ayumu, von karma, kirk, sechs, zex, guy, okita, peter petrelli, the doctor, prowl, hk-47, mori

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Outside M63 tostepforward March 24 2010, 02:35:50 UTC
[big skip from here]

Ayumu slowed as she entered the hallway, wondering if Okita would even still be in his room. It would be easier if he wasn't, as then she wouldn't have to explain why she was suddenly leaving her things with him, now that Yuffie already knew or at least strongly suspected much about her. He might not ask, though; if anyone here would understand, he would. Or at the least understand that it wasn't something she wanted to talk about in any great detail.

She paused outside of his door for a moment and decided not to knock -- she did, however, not bother to keep her movements quiet as she opened the door and stepped inside. There was no reason to startle the man if he was there, even if she didn't particularly want to stand around in the hallway waiting for anyone to answer a knock. If she was lucky both he and his roommate would be gone. If not, one or both would hopefully not be too surprised to have a visitor.


Re: Outside M63 notachick March 24 2010, 03:07:17 UTC
For once, he and Guy had a relatively quiet dinner. It may have had to do with the fact that they both had things on their minds, or maybe it was more that Okita just hadn't been feeling like talking for awhile now. The fever had spiked after he'd left the courtyard and then he'd spent the rest of the day in his room. Even now when he felt somewhat better, he could feel the heat pressing against the sides of his skull. His nurse had given him some small white pills before dinner and they seemed to be helping with the heat, but it was still there ( ... )


M63 tostepforward March 24 2010, 05:55:25 UTC
So it appeared that luck wasn't with her. It was to be expected, probably, with the day she'd already had, but Ayumu confined herself to a mental sigh and only smiled slightly, standing relaxed as though she hadn't just been ready to defend herself just in case someone didn't recognize her. (Okita's perception she trusted; his still-a-stranger roommate, however, was another matter.) "Good evening to you, too, Okita-san."

She shifted her free hand away from her waistband and held up the small bundle she was carrying, now allowing the contents to clink and rustle as they were released from the tight hold she'd kept them in on the way over. "I thought I'd leave some things with you, if you don't mind. I'd thought you'd be gone already -- I must have moved faster than expected."


Re: M63 notachick March 25 2010, 22:29:22 UTC
It was an odd sort of surprise to have Ayumu coming to his room, but since Okita knew that the monsters stayed outdoors, he relaxed and lowered his sword. It slid into his belt and he smiled back at his friend. "Yes, good evening."

The bundle she held clinked and Okita could only guess as to what was inside. Her weapons and things she couldn't leave in her room now that Yuffie potentially knew who she really was. That Lelouch was no longer a target didn't matter. Any hold Yuffie might have over the Shinsengumi's kunoichi was enough reason to take precautions. "Or I'm moving very slowly today," he joked, stepping back to open his desk drawer. "You can leave them here if you'd like. Or under the mattress - either should work."


Re: M63 tostepforward March 26 2010, 00:29:54 UTC
"I hope some of that extra time you took involved finishing your dinner," she observed in a mock-stern tone that masked the very real concern behind the comment. He hadn't been eating enough lately, not that she really blamed him for disliking the food choices here, but tonight's dinner had been simple enough that it was edible. Perhaps she should put more priority on the idea of going to the kitchens to make some real, recognizable food -- she was free tonight, was she not?

Ayumu considered the drawer for a moment, then finally shook her head once and moved over toward his bed. "I'll just leave them here, I think," she said, lifting the mattress to hide the bundle underneath. "You said that your roommate is trustworthy, didn't you? Perhaps I should meet him some time."


Re: M63 notachick March 26 2010, 03:09:03 UTC
He'd eaten as much as he could. The fever made it difficult to eat anything at all, but he wasn't about to say that and he certainly wasn't going to make an excuse as to why he hadn't eaten. Instead, he just laughed and went about putting his hair up for the night. "I ate, I promise. I wouldn't want you to scold me after all. You're scary when you're mad."

It didn't take but a moment for him to tie his hair back in a ponytail and then only a moment or two longer to secure the forehead protector in place, but all the while, he watched where Ayumu moved. She'd been in here before, prying through his journal and thus he'd taken more care in hiding it since then. It was now tucked away inside his Institute uniforms, heavily padded by the sweatpants. "Yes, you should. Although, he has a very peculiar problem with women, so I'd advise not getting too close. It seems that females scare him. His name is Guy, by the way. He's really great once you get to know him and he isn't falling out of his chair to get away from you."


Re: M63 tostepforward March 26 2010, 03:27:07 UTC
Ayumu laughed quietly, taking a moment to make certain that her pillowcase-bundle lay relatively flat before she lowered the mattress onto it once more. "Scary? Me? I'm nothing of the sort." She gave him a sidelong glance and a small grin that didn't match her pretense of innocence. "But if that gets you to actually eat your dinner, well ( ... )


Re: M63 notachick March 27 2010, 06:31:16 UTC
Okita could have brought up a myriad of different examples of just how scary Ayumu could be when she wanted to be - stories he'd heard from Nagakura and Harada and Toudou - but there was something about that glance and the smile on her face that made Okita put both hands up in defeat. He laughed a little nervously and shook his head as he did so, taking one small but very deliberate step back. "I'm eating! I promise ( ... )


Re: M63 tostepforward March 27 2010, 09:46:11 UTC
"All right, then." And it did seem that Ayumu was mollified by that, as she just nodded once and allowed the subject to change. The message had been delivered and he understood it, which was sufficient for her. And the idea of Okita teasing someone enough to make them fall out of a chair was an amusing enough mental picture, and the corner of her mouth quirked a little with amusement to match his own. That was something she could certainly imagine.

His offer of candy, though, earned him a real smile and a small shake of her head. She knew how much he enjoyed his sweets, and it had to be difficult to get them around here. "I'd thought to join the group Honey-kun runs tonight -- I must admit that I miss my kitchen more than I'd expected to. Ah, and speaking of plans for the evening, are there any plans for tomorrow, should last week's events repeat themselves in town?"


Re: M63 notachick March 31 2010, 00:47:48 UTC
Ayumu refused the piece of chocolate and Okita rolled the foil-wrapped confection in his fingers a moment before reaching out and taking her hand, placing the chocolate in her palm. He'd be able to get more tomorrow since it was the Doyleton trip and even if he couldn't, Honey's club was always an option as even Ayumu was now suggesting. He smiled openly at her and pulled his hands back, hiding them behind him so she couldn't try to return his gift. "Joining his group might be a good idea. Honey-kun seems to be lacking participants sometimes and having more people around will certainly improve his spirits ( ... )


Re: M63 tostepforward March 31 2010, 01:34:20 UTC
If she really wanted to be difficult about it, Ayumu could simply have left the bit of candy behind when she left, but it was clear that he wanted her to have it and there wasn't any real reason to argue. She just laughed quietly and tucked it away in her pocket to look at later. "I'm sure it would. And that it would improve my spirits as well to be able to do a little cooking again."

The trip into town was something that the other side of herself would have to deal with, though; the sisterly cook could do little but be protected herself if danger should arise once more, and this time there would be no Robin to drive one of the metal vehicles around the town and get them to relative safety. "I'll keep it in mind, then. Perhaps we'll be lucky and have an uneventful trip this time." There was always that possibility, even if she didn't feel it terribly likely ( ... )


Re: M63 notachick April 8 2010, 11:09:43 UTC
Improve her spirits - that was definitely one thing Okita wished he had the power to do. The sight of her smile was something he'd come to miss so much in the last few weeks. Her voice floating from the kitchen, the laughter she'd brought to the compound, the sound of her moving almost soundlessly through the halls as she went to wake the men for breakfast. He'd come to miss that, like a phantom limb, when she'd been abruptly stolen from them. To see her here now, talking about getting to the kitchen made him smile, a genuine smile that he hoped didn't give too much away. "I'd certainly be happy to see you in there again. Maybe we'd get some decent food for once ( ... )


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