Night 58: Main Hallway 2-West

Sep 08, 2011 22:17

[from here]Snow reached the top of the stairs within moments. This was the part where he was supposed to start raising hell and kicking in doors. If he had still been as infuriated as he had been when first leaving his room, he probably would have done that immediately. Right now, there was a slight delay. Maybe it was just an after effect of... ( Read more... )

zero, byrne, guy, stefan, scott pilgrim, rose (tvd), two-face, terra branford, rapunzel, castiel, gren, hijikata, sesshoumaru, indiana jones, trickster, ippo, claude, woody, daemon, peter parker, claire stanfield, ema skye, snow

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Comments 58

full_score September 14 2011, 18:06:50 UTC
((From here.))

It wasn't very crowded up here, but that was probably for the best. More people might attract more monsters, and Claude knew they couldn't afford to get sidetracked.

Suddenly, though, a thought occurred to him. He looked at Guy with a guilty expression. "You know, if there's a chance Okita's in the morgue, we, um...should have packed a small bag of clothes for him."

Claude still remembered the state Dias and Guy had been in when they'd found them that strange night. Under normal circumstances he might have considered bringing an extra uniform, but so much had been buzzing around his head at the time. Bombarding Guy with all that talk about his powers and strange devices likely hadn't helped matters, either.

Then again, Claude realized he was assuming Guy's roommate was actually alive in the first place. He could only pray that they weren't going to find a cold corpse sitting in there. The thought made his stomach turn.


razing_phoenix September 14 2011, 20:01:32 UTC
[Timeskipping Natalia!]With neither of them having any real answers about what had been done to Claude or why, Guy figured it was best to leave it alone for now. He was definitely going to keep a closer eye on his friend than usual, but beyond that he realized that he needed to focus on finding his roommate (or at least narrowing down the possibilities of where he could be ( ... )


affictitious September 14 2011, 20:09:37 UTC
[From here.]

Once they hit the top of the stairwell, Gabriel immediately scoped out both directions with his light. Earlier he had considered the idea of heading back to the basement to maybe figure out what kind of funky juju was going on down there - and how someone like Aguilar was capable of it - but he also liked being, you know, not harassed by thirteen year old witch-detectives. Gabriel wasn't entirely sure if what Castiel had come down with (being the politically correct phrase for brainwashing, of course) was related to the coliseum or his relation to it as Gabriel's shield. It could be entirely unrelated, but that just seemed too convenient ( ... )


poorexample September 14 2011, 20:50:44 UTC
The basement...? Michael was able to infer from his brother's words that he thought that whatever had gone on in that coliseum (or rather, what hadn't gone on) had actually happened underneath the building somewhere. Which really made no sense, since from what he falsely remembered, it had been rather bright in that arena.

He'd also been on the brink of death at the time and there was no sign of those wounds now, so that was proof enough that it hadn't happened.

The idea that there were prisoners being held up here on the second floor was enough to incite Michael to action for a moment, but then he remembered that Noah was nuts (how could he forget?) and his information couldn't be trusted. Michael could only believe the things he saw with his own eyes, and only if he was lucid at the time. He didn't feel himself slipping, but he had to be constantly aware of it.

As Noah spun around to face him and then pinned him down with a question, Michael had to fight not to roll his eyes. I promise I won't judge you. Yeah right. How many ( ... )


affictitious September 19 2011, 03:55:00 UTC
[Now I'm sorry for the wait uguuuu. ;w;]

Huh. Either the kid could only remember the last night or he was refusing to pony up anything that happened before the arena shindig. So he must have had at least part of Castiel's memories (if he was to go about this as separating brainwashed-bro from Rainman-bro) which probably fueled the condescension train. Good to know. Except he already did know that, meaning he had just wasted five minutes of his life for nothing.

He would never get those minutes back. Tragic.

"Whatever you say, Castiel." He spun on his heel again, pressing on into the darkness. "Sorry. Michael. I'd hate to call you by the wrong holy name." Gabriel shrugged, the flashlight's beam dancing along the walls. Michael would probably have been insulted his name had been passed down in this fashion ( ... )


train_tracer September 14 2011, 20:35:05 UTC
[from here]He came up the last stair and paused, remembering that this was the spot he'd encountered that boy with the flames and the lightning. The kid he was supposed to have met with today, actually! Maybe something happened that prevented him from honoring the meeting, Vino thought. He’d have to ask during the day. He had no time to seek out the boy himself and ask. Maybe he'd leave a note on that bulletin board in the Sun Room tomorrow? He would have to remember to add that to the list. That was important ( ... )


its_the_mileage September 15 2011, 02:55:03 UTC
[from here]

There was more traffic in the main hall, but it all seemed to be patients in the usual twos and threes. None of them were people he needed to talk to--or, for that matter, people he'd even met. He hadn't kept track of the new patients as well as he probably ought to; the turnover was high, and he'd been busy with the others lately. Maybe he should change that, at least once in a while, try to see what information the new prisoners might have picked up that he hadn't.

For now, though, Indy just hurried across the hall toward the stairwell.

[to here]


bastard_sadi September 18 2011, 12:56:17 UTC
[Coming from here.]

"Welcome to the second floor," Daemon whispered softly to Chipp as he stepped out of the stairwell into the upper corridor. "Be careful here. There are often more... things. Sometimes more dangerous as well. The larger rooms in this place tend to hold a larger chance of more, or more dangerous enemies. We'll have to skirt the Sunroom to get to the Chapel," he explained, motioning to where the corridor widened off to their right, opening into empty air.


chippforprez September 18 2011, 22:48:40 UTC
Climbing up the stairs hadn't been difficult, but Chipp couldn't rest his feelings of uneasiness when they ascended the dark stairway. Was it really safe? It looked like just a regular stairway, but Chipp seemed to think that there should have been booby traps or hidden guards or something to impede their progress. It wasn't like he didn't believe Daemon - he did - so when they finally made their way to the second floor, the ninja couldn't help but think that was a bit too easy. Oh well, why was he complaining if this Aguilar guy was giving them a red carpet entrance to the door of asskicking ( ... )


bastard_sadi September 19 2011, 12:04:57 UTC
"We are," Daemon murmured softly, for Chipp's ears alone, just in case. "Come on. This way. I'd hate to get interrupted now."

That said, he turned off to his right, heading for the front of the building where he remembered the Chapel being.

[Going to here.]


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