Relationship Post // Thread Tracking

Nov 11, 1990 16:11

Forms Used in Luceti
(Please note this refers to full-body shifts, and does not include if she only changes parts of her body to fit a given situation)
• Nina Parker {adult} ( tag) - As noted in the app, appearance and personality wise.
• Nina Parker {teenage} ( tag) - As noted in the app personality wise; appearance was she appears more like sixteen and is more like 5'2 as opposed to 5'7
• Greg Furns ( tag) - Her impersonation/impression of the head of security for the ship which she calls home back in her universe. He's an amicable if gruff middle-aged man who as opposed to showing that he's balding just keeps his head cue-balled. In this form Nina appears is a 5'11 middle aged man with blue eyes and a brown-haired beard. More details about him (including "his" personality) can be seen in the canonmate information page once I finish it
• Conrad Wilkes - An identity that Nina made up mid-conversation with Buffy. The form she came up with is that of a mousy businessman with dark brown hair and dark eyes. She's not really sure why this image of "Conrad Wilkes" popped into her head, but it's probable it's a memory of someone she interacted with in the past. Because Nina claimed this is her real identity, she doesn't act very different.
• Dahlia Edwards* - An alias that Nina used with Raine Sage in their first thread and will continue to use with her until pressed. The name is taken from a comrade of hers who usually prefers to be called "Dee" anyway. She's used this name wit ha few others as well.
* - This refers to an alternate name Nina has used for her normal, adult "Nina" form in Luceti either to make a loose alias or just ftlulz.

#001 (January 18th, action)

chikaidestroyer ( tag)
#001 (November 15th, voice)
#002 (December 28th, action)

#001 [Greg] (November 25th, action)
#002 [Greg] (December 9th, voice)
#003 (January 1st, voice)

#001 [Conrad] (January 22nd, voice)

automoblephilia ( tag)
#001 (January 14th, voice)
#002 [Fergan] (January 27th, voice)

after_march ( tag)
#001 (December 9th, written)

#001 (December 6th, voice)

#001 (November 23rd, voice)
#002 [Greg] (December 13th, voice)

#001 (December 10th, voice)

slaying ( tag)
#001 (November 14th, action [+jack by Bones])
#002 [Greg] (November 21st, voice)
#003 (December 5th, voice->action)
#004 [+Conrad] (December 9th, written->voice)
#005 [Greg] (December 24th, action)
#006 (January 14th, voice)
#007 [+Conrad] (January 22nd, voice [+jack by Sparrow])
#008 [Greg] (January 23rd, action)
#009 [Fergan] (January 26th, action)
#010 (February 9th, voice)

#001 [Conrad] (January 6th, voice)
#002 [Conrad] (January 22nd, written)
#003 [Fergan] (January 27th, voice)

#001 (December 2nd, action)

orchidsandfire ( tag)
#001 (Feburary 6th, voice)

#001 (December 6th, voice)

un_faized ( tag)
#001 (January 14th, voice)

falenandawn ( tag)
#001 (January 22nd, action)
#002 (February 6th, voice)

#001 (November 20th, voice)

one_green_eye ( tag)
#001 (January 14th, voice)
#002 (January 22nd, action)

#001 (December 8th, voice)
#002 (February 6th, voice)

screwthegods ( tag)
#001 [Greg] (January 24th, voice)
#002 (February 6th, voice)

#001 [Greg] (November 23rd, voice)

#001 (November 18th, action)
#002 (December 22nd, voice)
#003 (February 10th, voice)

#001 (December 2nd, action)

originaljackass ( tag)
#001 (January 5th, voice)
#002 (January 18th, voice)
#003 (February 6th, voice)

lists_to_port ( tag)
#001 (January 22nd, voice [jacked from Buffy])
#002 (February 6th, written->action)

#001 (December 6th, voice)

[DROPPED]harveyinmyhead ( tag)
#001 (December 9th, written->voice)

greenlongjohns ( tag)
#001 (January 14th, voice)

neverplaysfair ( tag)
#001 (November 15th, voice)
#002 (January 1st, voice)

merepuppet ( tag)
#001 (November 15th, action)

#001 (November 24th, voice)

cuttingedges ( tag)
#001 (January 22nd, voice)
#002 (February 1st, voice)

#001 (November 15th, action)

#001 (January 20th, voice)

hippocraticly ( tag)
#001 (November 14th, action [joint with Buffy])
#002 (November 19th, voice)
#003 (December 9th, written)
#004 (January 5th, voice)
#005 (February 6th, written)

#001 (December 30th, voice)

cakeblocked ( tag)
#001 [Greg] (December 2nd, voice)
#002 [Greg] (December 24th, action)

antlioncyclone ( tag)
#001 (January 14th, voice/written)
#002 (January 22nd, voice/written->action [jacking by Krizalid])
#003 (February 6th, reaction only)

#001 (November 16th, voice)

plantsactivist ( tag)
#001 (January 14th, voice)

oncebright ( tag)
#001 (January 14th, voice)

[DROPPED]ankoku_fox ( tag)
#001 (January 14th, voice)

[DROPPED]psychebubble ( tag)
#001 (November 15th, voice)

1week_wizard ( tag)
#001 (November 15th, voice)

#001 (November 18th, voice)

wise_maiden ( tag)
#001 (November 15th, voice)
#002 (December 8th, voice)
#003 (December 14th, voice)

redstringed ( tag)
#001 (January 14th, voice)

crisis_rain ( tag)
#001 (January 5th, voice)

#001 [+Conrad] (January 18th, voice)

semper_cogitans ( tag)
#001 (February 6th, written)

roboredom ( tag)
#001 (January 14th, voice)

#001 (December 1st, action)
#002 (December 10th, voice)

perplex_me ( tag)
#001 (January 14th, voice)

#001 [Greg] (December 6th, action)

#001 (December 4th, voice)

#001 [Greg] (December 22nd, action [him as Sen])

purpledemoneyes ( tag)
#001 (January 14th, voice)

#001 (November 15th, written)

#001 (November 22nd, action)
#002 (December 27th, action)
#003 (January 23rd, action)

apocalypsefall ( tag)
#001 (January 5th, voice)

#001 [Greg] (November 28th, voice)

blackenedchaos ( tag)
#001 (January 14th, voice)

once_knighted ( tag)
#001 (November 15th, voice)
#002 (January 3rd, voice)
#003 (January 14th, voice)
#004 (February 1st, action)

*ooc, *thread tracking, *relationships

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